


遠い未来、謎の現象「サブスタンスH」が人類を滅ぼす。希望に満ちた一人の少年、レンは、世界を変えることができる古代のゴブレットに出くわします。彼は世界が戻ってくることを願っており、それは翌日に戻ってきますが、何かが少し異なります – 彼は今や彼女です!

魔女の武器 はアニメ ファンタジー アクション RPG であり、現在は少女であり、強力な武器と魔法を使用できる超強力な少女である「魔女」を指揮する能力を持つレンを操作します。



Witch Weapon では、バーチャル アナログ スティックで自分をコントロールします。敵に近づくと自動的に敵を攻撃するため、MP の管理という 1 つの仕事が残されます。

ウィッチは最大4体まで連れて出撃できる。現在装備しているウィッチの MP は、右下隅に表示されます。同じウィッチと戦い、アクティブスキルを使うと徐々にMPが減っていきます。

魔女のMPが完全になくなると、アクティブスキルを使用できなくなります。 4 人のウィッチすべてを循環させて、どのウィッチも MP が低下しすぎないようにすることをお勧めします。

ウィッチのアクティブ スキルの効果は、ウィッチの残り MP によっても決まります。ウィッチと戦い、アクティブスキルを使用し、別のウィッチに切り替えるという流れを理解することが勝利の鍵です。





電報の邪魔に間に合わない?また、敵の気絶を試みることもできます。これにより、敵はアクションを実行できなくなり、敵が行っていた可能性のあるチャージ スキルが中断されます。

ウィッチのスキルが情報パネルで「中断」と表示されている場合、それを使用して敵のスペル キャストとスキルを停止できることを意味します。敵の体力の大部分を回復するためだけに、敵をほぼダウン状態にするのは非常に面倒ではありませんか?



ウィッチウェポンのダメージは、物理と魔法の 2 種類に分けられます。ウィッチは 1 種類のダメージに特化している傾向がありますが、より高いステータスを持っているものを確認するには、ステータスを確認する必要があります。


You can also check enemy resistances while you are already in a level as well. Simply pause the game by tapping the timer at the top, and any enemies in proximity will show up, and you can get the info there.

Collect Sephira to augment your witches!

Sephira are special enchanted items that drop throughout the various levels. You can find specific Sephira on certain levels; if you are looking for a specific Sephira, you can head into the Sephira menu, then tap on the one you are looking for, then tap on Sources to see which levels it drops in.

If you can manage to equip a witch with all six of her Sephira, she will be eligible for augmentation. Augmentation permanently consumes the Sephira, and grants the witch a massive stat boost.

Augmenting a witch also increases their general rank, and this allows them to unlock their passive skill once they are high enough rank.

Enemies proving to be too strong for you? It might be time to go back to earlier levels and hunt down the Sephira you need for your witches. You need higher BR before you can head back into the fray!

Craft new weapons to utilize new skills!

Each witch has two weapons that they can wield in battle. You start off with one, which is the one you can from the prayer summon. Before you can unlock their second weapon, you must collect special figurines and cores. They can be found as level drops just like Sephira.

Higher rarity weapons not only have better stats, but they also new skills on them as well. Some of these skills unlock a witch’s full potential, so weapon upgrades are a good way to boost BR.

Collect Catalysts to star up your witches!

Once you have augmented a couple times and unlocked some new skills, you are ready to go to the next step of evolution:increasing star levels! To perform star up, you need a witch’s specific Catalysts.

Catalysts are found in the level just like the other materials you need, and as always you can check exactly which levels they drop in by using the Sources button. Once you have the required amount of Catalysts, a star up is possible.

When a witch gains a new star, their stats receive a boost, but their stat growth also receives a significant boost. This means that every time that witch levels up, they will earn more stats than usual. The earlier you can perform a star up, the better!

Complete the tutorial and regular missions!

We recommend following and completing the tutorial missions as they come up. They will lead you through the basics of improving your witches, but the most important part is that they reward you with precious materials like Tarot Cards (used for summoning) and gems, the premium currency of the game.

You can also access the Quests to see a full list of missions. You have daily and main quests, plus your achievements. Each of these has special goodies to collect, but they are also important for…

Level up CAPH for bonuses!

The CAPH Rating is a special bonus that you must activate before you can take advantage of. The CAPH has five levels to it, and you need to earn CAPH experience to level up.

  • Lv1 grants an additional free Gold Pray attempt.
  • Lv2 grants a free CAPH Pack I every day, which contains a Fruit Brownie plus gold, gems, and Tarot Cards.
  • Lv3 grants an additional Tarot Card Pray attempt on weekends. All currencies you earn in Special Ops are increased by 50%.
  • Lv4 grants you two Maze Supply Crates.
  • Lv5 grants you a free CAPH Pack II every day, which contains a Macaron, 10,000 gold, plus gems and Tarot Cards.

To earn CAPH experience and tokens, you must complete your daily quests. This earns “free” CAPH experience, which temporarily levels you up. Free CAPH experience expires after 15 days, so if you want to keep your benefits you need to keep up with the daily quests.

Try out different witches!

The key thing to remember in Witch Weapon is that every single Witch is viable in some form or another. If you are taking advantage of the free Tarot summons, you will build up a team of witches in no time.

If you are having trouble with a part of the story, why not try out some new witches? A different composition may be just the thing you are looking for.

And with that ends our guide on building the ultimate team in Witch Weapon.他に共有すべきヒントやコツがあれば、下のコメント欄でお知らせください!