

Raids &Puzzles:RPG Quest Cheats:より多くのレベルをクリアしてより多くのヒーローを獲得するためのヒントとガイド

今日の記事では、Raids &Puzzles:RPG Quest のヒントとチートをカバーし、ゲームで知っておく必要のあるすべてのことをお手伝いします!

ゲームには覚えておくべきことがたくさんあるので、これは RPG であるため、知っておく必要があるすべてのことをカバーし、ゲームの早い段階で何に焦点を当てて安定させるべきかをお知らせします。進捗。


それはさておき、私たちがここに来た目的に焦点を当てましょう - レイド &パズル:RPG クエストのヒントとコツ ゲームについて知っておくべきことと、強くなる方法をすべて学びましょう!


マッチ パズルをプレイしている場合、(このタイプのゲームに慣れていない場合) 知っておく必要があることの 1 つは、マッチするタイルの場所が重要であるということです。


最初に倒したい敵を常に確認し、その敵に影響を与えるブロックを一致させることでそうするようにしてください.常にこれに注意を払い、できるだけ早く敵を倒すために適切なマッチを行うことをお勧めします。そうすれば、受けるダメージが少なくなります (または、敵が攻撃する前に倒すと、まったくダメージを受けなくなります)。


お気づきかもしれませんが(または気付かないかもしれませんが)、中央のヒーローにはマナバーがあり、攻撃ごとに時間の経過とともにいっぱいになります。敵のマナ プールがいっぱいになると、あなたと同じように強力なスキルを使用できるようになります。まあ、敵が強くなるにつれて、後半のゲームではより強力になります.

最初にこの敵に集中することをお勧めします。これは、すべての敵の中で最強になるためですが、一致させることができる 3 列のブロックのおかげで、(通常は) 最も速く倒すこともできます。

ヒント: 可能であれば、敵に攻撃されないように、敵がマナをチャージする前にコンボと大量のマッチを作成するようにしてください。まずは敵の苦手なタイルを狙いましょう。




– 火 (赤) は自然 (緑) に強く、水 (青) からより多くのダメージを受けます。

– 自然 (緑) は水 (青) に強く、火 (赤) からより多くのダメージを受けます。

– 水 (青) は火 (赤) に強く、自然 (緑) からより多くのダメージを受けます。

– 光と闇は互いに対抗するため、どちらもより多くのダメージを与え、より多くのダメージを受けます。

あなたがカウンターする要素で敵を攻撃すると(敵はあなたに対して弱い)、2倍のダメージを与えます。あなたがカウンターしている敵を攻撃している(より多くのダメージを受ける)場合、半分のダメージを与えます。 Try using the elements smart, so that you can deal as much damage as possible.

Create a balanced team

My suggestion would be that you always have all of the elements heroes in your team, because if there will be an enemy which you cannot counter, because you don’t have that hero in your team, then it could be more difficult to pass that stage.

If you attack enemies with the same element as their element, they will not really take any damage, so try to avoid doing that because it will be a waste of moves. You can try attacking with the weaker element, but do your best to avoid attacking with the same element.

ヒント: I always like to have all of the element heroes in my team, because even if the heroes are not as strong as others, having that double damage against the countering element can make up for it and therefore I like to have all 5 elements on the team.

Match more tiles to create bigger boosts

Whenever you make bigger matches, it will let you deal more damage because every single tile matched will count. So try to always make bigger matches and also special tiles, because those will help you quite a bit.

When you are matching 5 tiles that’s one of the best things you could do, because that can possibly attack all of the enemies and very often deal a huge chunk of damage, if not take them out completely with one attack.

Use your heroes’ skills

As you make more matches and attack more, the heroes in your team will charge up their mana. You can use the heroes to attack enemies, and each hero will have their own special attack which you can use by tapping on the hero portrait in the bottom side of the screen.

When a hero has filled their mana, make sure that you use them to attack the enemies, especially if they counter the enemy element. However, there are a couple of things which I would suggest that you consider before attacking:

– Do not use the heroes’ skills if the enemy is almost dead because it will be a waste of skill, which you can use for another enemy.

– If you can, try to save your heroes’ skills for the boss encounter so that you can take it down super quickly.

– If enemies are almost dead, don’t bother using heroes and special tiles to make matches and take them down, and instead try saving them for the next wave of enemies.

Follow the in game quests

You will have a few quests in game, even though you can play without focusing on completing these. When you are out of Stamina you can try focusing on completing the in game quests, which can be found in the bottom side of the screen in your City.

The quests will be useful, and they will give you resources which you can use to upgrade your city, so try completing them from time to time because you’ll get some extra stuff!

Avoid using auto battle later on

There will be an auto battle button available in the game, and you can use it to complete the puzzle stages in your place, but the auto option can be quite unreliable later on since it will automatically use the heroes’ skills as they become available, even if the enemy has 1 HP left.

So even if you are using these early on to help you clear the easy stages, try to avoid using them later on because they might actually help you lose the stages instead if you will face a super strong boss which needs to be taken down fast, and you will need your heroes’ skills.

Claim idle rewards

While you are not actively playing the game (are offline) or while you are waiting for your buildings to upgrade / Stamina to refill, your heroes will be constantly fighting enemies and collecting resources.

You can claim these resources in the Map tab and there you will notice on the bottom half side of the screen a chest. Tap on it and you will be able to claim some rewards which will mostly consist of resources.

Don’t forget to log in to the game every now and them to claim these because they will stack up over time, and at some point the chest will be full and the hero will stop collecting then.

Level up your heroes

When you obtain new heroes, not all of them will be super useful, so for those which are not really useful, you can use them to level up your better heroes!

To do that, simply head on to the Heroes tab and tap on a good hero which you are using, then select the Level Up option to start leveling up that hero. You will be then able to select the heroes which you want to use as hero feed and they will disappear in the process.

I suggest that you level up your best heroes first, because they will be the most powerful ones. After that, you can focus on the lesser ones, but just make sure that the best ones will come first.

How to obtain more heroes

There is a sure way to get more heroes, but since it is pretty much a summoning system you will not always get super lucky and you’ll also need to farm quite a bit for some SSR heroes (especially if you are a f2p player).

Head on to the Summon tab in the bottom side of the screen, and there you will find several options. To summon a hero will cost you 300 Gems per single summon, or 2600 for 10 summons. For summoning a pet it will cost you 200 Gems per single summon, or 1600 for 10 summons.

I definitely suggest that you go for the 10 draws because that will give you 1 SSR item guaranteed (hero or pet). So save up 2600 Gems and do that summon, or 1600 and get a pet. My tip would be to focus on the heroes first, but that’s entirely your choice.

There are also other types of summons, the free ones, which is the simple Summon. That one will give you 1 free pet or hero summon every 24 hours, so make sure that you do this daily. You will also be able to use tickets to summon here, which you will obtain by completing quests.

Claim free Gems for completing Achievements

When you tap on your profile icon in the upper left corner of the screen and start scrolling down, you will notice a list of in game achievements which will give you tons of rewards for completing them.

I suggest that you give them a quick read and try to complete them whenever you can, because those rewards of Gems will add up and eventually you’ll be able to do the 10x summons.

Start upgrading your city buildings

In the city, you will have several buildings which will give you resources and I suggest that you always start upgrading them, or have two buildings upgrading, because it will take time and you really don’t want to use Gems to speed up the process (since you want to save them for heroes).

I suggest that you always have the structures building because it’s going to help you gather more resources, the more you level them up.

Watch an ad for free rewards

Next to the Castle you will notice on the left side an option which offers you a Video Reward. This can be claimed for watching a short advertisement and I definitely suggest that you do it whenever it is available, because it will give you Gems and a box rewards which can contain super useful stuff and heroes!

Craft some potions!

When you are checking out the Alchemy Lab building in your city, you will notice that you can craft either HP potion or Mana potion, so try to craft a few of them and have the ready for the battle just in case. It’s good to have some back up potions in battles because later on you might get surprised at how strong some enemies are.

So just keep them close by at all times, since you never know when they might come in handy!

These would be all of our Raids &Puzzles:RPG Quest tips and tricks that we have for you right now! If you know some more useful game tips and tricks, feel free to share them with us and the rest of the players down in the comments section below!