

星のドラゴンクエスト ガイド:戦い方とパーティ編成のヒントとコツ

象徴的な JRPG シリーズのドラゴンクエストが、ついに新しいオリジナル ゲーム ドラゴンクエスト オブ ザ スターズでモバイルに登場します! 世界の果てを目指し、試練を乗り越える伝説の冒険家「クエトクラット」として活躍。リアルタイムとターンベースの戦闘を組み合わせた古典的なドラゴンクエストモンスターと戦い、新しい職業に就き、新しい能力と呪文を学びましょう!

星のドラゴンクエストのヒントとコツガイドでは、戦闘の基本、職業の選択方法、キャラクターの構築方法について説明します. 「星のドラゴンクエスト」のヒントとコツを使った戦略ガイドを使って、バトルとパーティ編成を始めましょう!


星のドラゴンクエストでは、バトルは通常のドラゴンクエストゲームとは少し異なります。あなたのパーティ メンバーは、敏捷性に応じて決定された順序で単独で攻撃し、敵もこのように機能します。


戦闘を開始する前に、必ずアイテムと食料を積み込んでください。クエストで食べ物を持ってくると、最大HPの増加や抵抗力の増加など、パーティー全体にバフが付与されます.アイテムは、特にサポート スキルを持っていない場合に、ピンチのときに役立ちます。


冒険で利用できるスキルはたくさんあり、持っているスキルは職業と装備によって決まります。赤いラウンド スキルは攻撃的な武器スキルであり、対応する武器を装備している限り使用できます。



緑と紫のスキルは、パーティのステータスを一時的に上昇させる便利なバフです。パーティ全体を対象とするスキルもあれば、1 人のメンバーのみを対象とするスキルもあります。これらも武器から発生します。


スキル コンボとフィニッシュ

戦闘システムに真に熟達するには、巧みなフィニッシュとコンボについて知る必要があります。ご存知のように、複数のスキルを連続して使用してスキル コンボを開始し、ダメージの乗数を増やすことができます。

コンボ中の 2 番目のスキルのダメージが 120% 増加し、次に 3 番目のスキルが 140% 増加し、最後に最後のスキルが 150% 増加します。そのため、最強のスキルを最後の一撃として使用する必要があります。

巧みなフィニッシュも活かせる。レベルのクラウン要件の約 80% は、巧みなフィニッシュでボスを倒すことなので、とにかくこれらを行う必要があります。素早ければ、モンスターが倒されてもスキルを使用できることを知っておく必要があります。これは、巧みなフィニッシュを忘れた場合に役立ちます。

それとは別に、巧みなフィニッシュは次の戦いの準備に最適です.戦闘で最後の敵にとどめを刺すと、巧みなフィニッシュが得られ、特に強くヒットするとオーバーキル ボーナスが発生します。

オーバーキルの難易度に応じて、スキルの CT (チャージ時間) が 25%、50%、またはなんと 75% 減少し、次の戦闘が始まるとすぐにスキルを使用できるようになります。そのため、ボスが弱体化しているときに、4 人のパーティー メンバー全員のスキルをすばやく連続して解放するようにしてください。


ゲーム内のすべてのモンスターは、特定の家族に属しています。スライムは - ご想像のとおり - スライムの家族に属し、ハンマーフッドはビーストの家族に属します。通常、在庫にあるよりレアな武器には、特定の種類の敵に対するパッシブ ボーナスがあるため、それに応じて装備する必要があります。



If you need to read up on your monster resistances and weaknesses, take a look in your compendium for info on all of the monsters you have encountered thus far.

Choosing a Vocation

Now that you have had some experience with dungeon crawling and fighting monsters, you will eventually make it to chapter 2 where you will reach the Alltrades Abbey. You can change your vocation here, which is essentially your character’s class. You can also change your two other party members’ vocations as well.

As soon as you reach Alltrades Abbey, we recommend switching vocations right away. Your starting vocation, Apprentice Adventurer, caps out at level 20, so you will be missing out on a lot of stats if you stay in it for too long.

But the question is, which vocation should you pick? Will face your foes with mighty blows as the Warrior? Or will you sling powerful spells as the Mage? Do not worry about your decision, as you also have your two party members to choose for and you can switch vocations at any time. Here is a quick rundown of the starting vocations!

  • Warriors use physical skills to deal damage and take a beating. They have higher max HP and resilience.
  • Mages have access to the best attack spells in the game, and can use healing spells in a pinch.
  • Priests can mend the team with their signature healing spells. They can also equip heavy weapons so that while they do not reach the damage levels of a Warrior, they can at least contribute a bit to damage. They are the backbone of any team!
  • Martial Artists deal rapid blows with claws, fans, and staves. They have the highest critical chance of any vocation, which makes them a very deadly character!
  • Sailors are like Warriors in that they mow down their enemies with powerful direct attacks. They are capable of their teammates defense with their sea-faring songs.
  • Dancers are mystical fighters capable of leaving their opponents in a daze. With Fleetfoot, they are able to dodge a lot of attacks while dishing out balanced physical and magical damage.
  • Rangers are able to deal physical damage with their trusty bows. They have access to Healing Wind, which lets them heal a small amount of HP to the party.

To start you off, you can have a melee fighter like a Warrior, Martial Artist, or Sailors. Then, you should always have a Priest in your party. For your final character, you can go with magical damaging Mages, Dancers, or Rangers. Try them all out and see which ones you like!

Level up Super Fast in the Metal Dungeons

Now that you have got your starting vocations and you are ready to take more of the story, you may be wondering of quick way to level up. Well, we have the answer for you! There is a certain kind of slime called the Metal Slime. These guys have very low HP, but their evasion rate is extremely high, meaning they will dodge your attacks most of the time.

However, if you get lucky or if you are using the right equipment, taking down a Metal Slime is worth a TON of experience points. To give you an idea, if you defeated a Metal Slime at a new vocation at level 1, it would instantly jump up to at least level 10! There are also tougher types of Metals that you can find which provide you with even more experience!

So, where do you find these guys? You may have noticed that clearing the stage rewards on certain quests rewarded you with special keys. You can take these keys to the Key Island where special dungeons can be accessed, provided you have the correct keys.

One such dungeon is the Metal and Liquid Metal dungeons. If you have Metal Keys, you can get inside these dungeons where you will fight nothing but Metal Slimes. If you have the right gear, you should aim for Liquid Metals as they give you even more experience.

Once you get inside, the problem is actually fighting these guys. As we mentioned, Metal Slimes have extremely high evasion, so actually hitting them is a big problem. To add onto that, Metal Slimes have a tendency to flee from battle, so you have to take them out very quickly.

To help out with this, there is a banner in the current gacha line-up called the Metal Slime Equipment banner. In this banner, you will be able to pull gear that is specifically designed to help you take down Metal Slimes. You can pull from this banner once every day for free, and you can spend your free tickets on it as well, which we highly recommend you do.

The weapons you get from this banner have weapon skills on them that basically guarantee a hit on a Metal Slime, so they are invaluable to farming Metal Slimes. If you end up not getting one, try picking a guest companion that has a Metal Slime weapon, as that works just as well.

Complete Treasure Maps for Special Rewards

Treasure maps are acquired automatically as you progress through the game and for events. Treasure maps are basically this game’s version of achievements, as each map has a number of objectives that you must be complete, such as use a specific item, clear a dungeon, and so forth.

Clearing an objective will mark its space off the map, and if you clear all objectives you will earn a special prize, like gems or keys for Key Island. You get about 100 gems per cleared map, so it is worth it!

Advanced Weapon Skills and Vocations

At this point, you probably have a good handle on the game now. You know the in’s and out’s of battling, how to level up different vocations, and how to get more goodies from the treasure maps.

Well, let’s say you get a vocation to level 50. You will need to switch to another vocation and start leveling up, but did you know that there are advanced vocations? If you scroll to the bottom of the list you can see them. Each advanced vocation requires two basic vocations at level 50, and you need a special scroll.

For example, the heroic Paladin vocation is available to a character who has mastered both the way of the Priest and the Martial Artist. Paladins are even more tankier than Warriors are, so you may want to start planning ahead for which advanced vocations you want.

In addition to that, you can also start experimenting with upgrading weapon skills. You can use ability orbs to upgrade weapon skills making them stronger, but you can also customize your skills as well.

If your weapon happens to have empty skill slots, you can actually take skills from other weapons and transfer them over to weapons you actually use. This process destroys the weapon in which you extract the skill from, so only do it with weapons you do not intend to use. By taking advantage of this system, you can really make your own weapons!

And with that concludes on guide on Dragon Quest of the Stars.他に共有すべきヒントやコツがあれば、下のコメント欄でお知らせください!