

ゾンビ アイドル ディフェンスのヒント:チートとすべてのゾンビを簡単に倒すためのガイド

それは実際にはアイドル ゲームではないという事実にもかかわらず (少なくとも最初からではありません)、ゾンビ アイドル ディフェンスは楽しくて魅力的です。以下の完全なガイドをご覧ください。

ここでは物事は非常に単純であると考えられますが、少し戦略を語っても問題はありません。これがまさに私たちが行っていることです。今日の Zombie Idle Defense のガイドでは、基本的に、より良いゲームをプレイする方法、すべてのヒーローのロックを解除し、さらに楽しむ方法を学びます.


適切なタイミングでヒーロー スキルを使用する

ゲーム内のヒーローはそれぞれ異なるスキルを持っており、戦闘の流れを大きく変え、2 つ星と 3 つ星の勝利を分けることができます。もちろん、スキルを最大限に活用するには、適切なタイミングで使用する必要があります。




そのため、ヒーローの各スキルを適切なタイミングで使用するようにしてください。最も多くのゾンビ (理想的には、通常の武器で倒すのが最も困難なゾンビ) に対して可能な限り多くのダメージを与えることができます。

ヒーローをアップグレード (戦闘中も!)


アップグレードのためのお金があるだけでなく、下部にあるヒーロー アイコンをタップしてレベルアップするだけです。もちろん、メイン メニューからアップグレードをレベルアップすることで、もう少し計画を立てて、各アップグレードの効果を確認することもできます。

それらをレベルアップするときは、1 人のヒーローを獣に変えて他のヒーローを無視することに集中するのではなく、常にすべてのヒーローを同じレベルにアップグレードするようにしてください。



まず、各ヒーローには特定の種類のお気に入りの武器があります。ピストルを好む人もいれば、SMG を好む人もいます。これは考慮に入れる必要があり、ヒーローにお気に入りのタイプの武器を常に装備させる必要があります。これにより、特定の武器に非常に優れた便利なボーナスが与えられるからです。

ヒーローのお気に入りの武器 (理想的には、その特定のカテゴリでも最高の武器) を利用できることが確実な場合にのみ、アップグレードに多額の投資を開始し、スクラップを使用してレベルアップする必要があります。

唯一の例外は、私の意見では、ショットガンを好むビッグ ダディです。ショットガンはほとんどの場合、射程が非常に短いためほとんど役に立ちません。

さらに良いことに、すぐに武器を融合して品質を向上させ、ステータスを大幅に向上させることができます.ゲーム内のほとんどの武器は C ランクで入手できますが、数回アップグレードできます。

武器を合成するには、同じランクの同一の武器が 3 つ必要です。幸い、武器のレベルは関係ないので、重複してレベルアップする必要はありません。

しかし、融合するのに適切な量のアイテムを集めるまで、たくさん融合し、さらに待つ必要があるかもしれません:それらを融合して A ランクにするには B ランクの武器が 3 つ必要で、A ランクの武器が 2 つ必要です。さらに融合します。


新しい武器を入手するのは信じられないほど簡単ではありませんが、通常はスター レベルの報酬として、またはショップで購入できるさまざまな木箱から、ゲームを進める報酬としていくつかの無料武器を受け取ります。


We don’t recommend constantly buying weapons this way, but it helps a lot if you need a particular one, so check out the store constantly!

Use the power-ups when you really need them

There are five different power-ups that you can use in Zombie Idle Defense to increase your chances of keeping the hordes of zombies away. These are:

  • First aid kit (restores 25% of a character’s health instantly)
  • Radio (calls a massive bomb that destroys all zombies on the screen)
  • Gas tank (deals damage and burns zombies in a given area)
  • Ape-S (All heroes get double Critical chance for 30 seconds)
  • Barrier (Creates a barrier that has 20% of characters’ health, blocking zombies)

These power-ups are difficult to get but, as you can see from their descriptions, they are really useful. However, we would recommend to only use them when you need to get 3 stars in a very difficult stage (like a zombie boss stage or a mini-boss one).

Because they are so difficult to get, it makes no real sense to use them in regular stages:these can be easily defeated if you simply upgrade your Heroes’ levels and weapons and use their skills smartly.

How to unlock more heroes in Zombie Idle Defense?

Unlocking new heroes in the game is not the easiest, nor the fastest thing you can do, even though you unlock 4 slots in your team relatively fast.

Basically, you will unlock new heroes by being active and playing the game constantly. The first one you unlock is Squirrel, which joins you at stage 10 in New York. You will get Captain Redeyes after playing the game for 7 days, Big Daddy after beating the New York stage and so on.

You can also get heroes by purchasing various packs with real life money in the game – including crates that reward you Hero cards randomly.

Get that Cannon ASAP (vs Perks)

As soon as you unlock the Research function in the game, make sure to unlock the Turret – it basically acts as a brand new Hero, choosing constantly at zombies and helping you a lot.

The turret itself starts out with some pretty poor stats, but it can be upgraded as you get more research points and will become a real beast later on, having an important contribution in defeating the incoming zombie waves.

The biggest problem with the cannon is that is shares the same currency needed to but Perk cards, which are also useful, giving you massive boosts to various weapon types.

However, because of the randomness coming from Perk cards (you don’t really know what you’re getting next), I would recommend focusing early on on the Cannon and only when you have a nice amount of research points, move to investing in Perks as well.

Tap the mailbird flying around

Every now and then, you will see a bird dressed in a mailman’s uniform flying across the screen:make sure to tap it when it’s there because it will reward you with some free goodies. Not a lot, but every little bit counts!

On some rarer occasions, you will also get a flying drone. That is also a must tap item, which will reward you with much better loot, including power-ups, but the downside here is that you have to watch an ad to get it. Tottally worth it, though.

Watch ads to increase your income (but be selective)

Speaking of ads, you should know that after each successful mission, you are given the option to watch one and increase the amount of a specific reward:either the regular coins or the scraps and even the premium currency.

Keep an eye on this offer and don’t hesitate to take it if you need one type of resource and you need it fast. Also remember that the rewards are better the more advanced a stage is, so to max out your gains, grind on the latest stage you can easily beat.

Replay stages if things get tough (or to master them)

Zombie Idle Defense is a game that requires a certain amount of grinding:you will reach a point where zombies will be very difficult to beat. This usually happens soon after clearing New York City.

This is when you should get back and replay stages that you have already completed. Play them over and over again in order to grab some nice rewards and have enough resources to upgrade your characters or weapons.

If the overall power of your team has increased drastically, you can also try to approach levels that you haven’t managed to master (get 3 stars) in the past. This is really helpful as it will eventually increase the amount of resources you get in the idle mode.

Collect your star rewards

Don’t forget that, as you collect more and more stars from completing various stages in the game, you can collect various rewards. Tap the top left icon under your player profile and collect them all!

Master each stage for better daily rewards

The game does become idle eventually, after completing the first 30 stages in New York City.

This is when you can start collecting City Tax (resources that accumulate even when you’r enot actively playing) and also the daily reward each day.

The amount of resources you earn is influenced by the amount of stars you have managed to get in all of the stages:if you have at least 2 stars in all stages, you will earn 120% more rewards, while 3 stars in all stages will earn you 150% more rewards.

Zombie Idle Defense:Endless Mode

Once you beat stage 35 in the game, you will unlock what is actually the idle mode of the game and practically a brand new game, with a few rules of its own:

There is a new type of currency that comes into play and has to be used to upgrade your soldiers (their level in the main game don’t matter here)

You can auto battle constantly, leaving your troops to fight waves of zombies, triggering auto skills and collecting resources. Your heroes can be defeated, but they will keep going, with the game resetting to the previous stage.

There is also a prestige type here, resetting your progress and starting over with extra research points to make your heroes better. A nice addition to the main game, offering even more variety!

These would be our Zombie Idle Defense tips and tricks for today. If you have some extra advice for fellow players, don’t hesitate to let us all know by commenting below.