

Apex Legends:壊れた月の最高の着陸スポット

第 15 シーズン、Apex Legends は荒廃したクレオの月を旅し、プレイヤーは着陸地点を選択して、約 1 年ぶりのゲーム初の新しいバトル ロワイヤル マップであるブロークン ムーンで戦うように設定されています。広大で危険な Broken Moon には、プレイヤーが探索できる多くのユニークな場所があり、その多くは非常に広大です。 Apex Legends にドロップするプレイヤー 5 番目のマップでは、対戦相手だけでなく、プレーヤーのトラバーサル、チームワーク、および純粋な戦闘スキルが新たに試される、非常に複雑で無秩序に広がる興味のあるポイントに対処する必要があります。 Apex Legends で改良され再構築されたキングス キャニオンに戻った後 昨シーズン、Apex Games ははるかに見知らぬアリーナに移動しました.

Broken Moon プロジェクトは、壊滅的な隕石の衝突の直後にクレオに設立され、月を居住可能な環境にテラフォーミングしました。しかし、資金が枯渇し始めたとき、クレオの政府はシンジケートと契約を結び、Apex ゲームをブロークン ムーンに持ち込みました。その結果、Broken Moon の地形は、緑豊かな野原と、テラフォーミング プロセスを制御および維持することを目的とする巨大な構造物を中心とする大規模な産業スプロールの間で大きく異なります。 シーズン 15:Eclipse 中 、プレイヤーはゲームの最新のレジェンドカタリストのロックを解除し、壊れた月で試合をすることができます.ただし、すべてのバトル ロイヤル ゲームと同様に、適切な着陸地点を選択することが重要な最初のステップです。

ブレーカー ワーフ:静かなドロップのために

Apex Legends のソロ キュー チームワークと異なるレジェンド間の調整に焦点を当てたゲームであるにもかかわらず、Apex Games のソロに飛び込むことを選択するプレイヤーはまだ多くいます。 Broken Moon の広大なロケーションは、ソロ プレイヤーにとって特に挑戦的な環境です。ただし、これらのプレーヤーや、アクションから離れた静かなドロップを好むプレーヤーには、ブレーカー ワーフ マップの北西部が理想的です。

この場所は、橋と今シーズンの新しいジップレールの1つが交差する割れ目がある2つの大きな高層ビルによって支配されています.ブレイカー ワーフは垂直性が高く、プレイヤーが Apex Legends などの機動力の高いレジェンドを使用できるエキサイティングな戦闘スペースを意図していたことを示唆しています。 対戦相手の防御を回避するためのアッシュ。ただし、実際には、ブレーカー ワーフは通常、ほとんどのプレイヤーがそこに上陸することを検討するにはあまりにも人里離れた場所にあります。

そのため、ここに着陸することを選択したプレイヤーは、略奪する多くの装備を見つけるでしょう.高品質の装備でいっぱいの 2 つの巨大な建造物で、最も目の肥えた分隊でも完全なキットを手に入れることができます。これをすべて締めくくるために、プレーヤーはエリアの多くのジップラインを利用して、他の場所にすばやく移動できます.


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The Terraformer sits at the center of the map and is currently one of the most popular landing spots in the game. Squads battle for control over the main terraformer building, with players using their weapons, equipment, and even their fists to control this location’s central zone. Defensive Legends such as Apex Legends ' Newcastle can set up formidable defenses, but these can be bypassed by squads who make clever use of various Legend abilities.

Aside from featuring a defensible central point that serves as the main focus for multiple squads, the Terraformer also has lots of supply crates filled with guns, and a wide variety of ground loot, encouraging chaotic firefights in the early game. For players who like to go big or go home, there’s arguably no better landing spot on Broken Moon.

Perpetual Core:For Lots Of Loot And A Good Fight

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The Perpetual Core is located in the northern part of Broken Moon. The size of the Perpetual Core makes it ideal for players who like to start their matches by looting and shooting but without having to join in the chaos at the most popular landing spots. Recon Legends such as Apex Legends ' Seer do well here, as they can use their abilities to track down nearby enemies.

Perpetual Core does have lots of ground loot and supply crates, but the sheer size of this location means that squads are typically more spread out when they land. This gives players breathing room to pick up some equipment before battling their opponents. As such, this location is a solid option for players who want to grab lots of loot but still want to deal damage and eliminate a few of their opponents to start upgrading their shields.

Cultivation:For Sneaking And Stealth

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On the surface, Cultivation appears to be a fairly standard area, consisting of several greenhouses containing a solid selection of starting loot. As it’s relatively remote, players usually won’t encounter the kind of firefights that make Apex Legends the most stressful FPS out there.

However, north of Cultivation itself, players can find a cavernous tunnel that leads toward the center of the Broken Moon map. This area can be tricky to navigate, making it an ideal location for players to lure enemy squads into ambushes and ensnare their opponents in traps. Zip Rails run through this tunnel, allowing players to quickly change positions and even attack enemies from the air.

As such, Cultivation is an important landing spot, as players can quickly grab whatever weapons are available there before disappearing into the caverns. Players can attack their opponents with some of Apex Legends' most impressive trick shots from a new position or lose them entirely. Of course, it’s rare to find a location that lends itself well to one particular strategy, but for players who like to outsmart their opponents, Cultivation is a landing spot well worth considering.

The Divide:For A Test Of Agility And Skill

Aside from being particularly scenic, The Divide also provides players with a true test of agility and skill. As its name suggests, The Divide sits on both sides of a gorge, with several buildings linked together by Zip Rails. These Zip Rails allow players using Legends such as Mad Maggie, who lack the mobility of fast-moving characters such as Octane, to quickly move from building to building to grab the loot. It’s worth noting that the amount of loot found here means that players can expect other squads to land here, triggering a firefight. As mentioned above, Zip Rails can be useful in combat too, allowing players to move out of range and launch surprise attacks from unexpected directions.

It's important that players remember that Broken Moon represents a substantial change from previous maps. Where maps such as King’s Canyon and World’s Edge featured a mix of small and large locations, most of Broken Moon’s points of interest are large, sprawling areas. Solo players will likely have trouble, and even squads that understand the importance of teamwork in Apex Legends must adapt their tactics and strategies. As always, choosing a good landing spot doesn’t guarantee success; good teamwork and coordination are key in Apex Legends and likely always will be.