私たちはレン・ラーセン刑事として、「マーダーハウス」を調査しました。 ゴーストケースのビデオゲームで。これで、手がかりと舞台裏の真実を見つける次の場所であるリアンの家を探索する準備が整いました。 Murder House では、助けを求める 2 人の犠牲者の魂と対話しました。警察署で手がかりを分析した後、リアンの家に到着します。 Ghost Case はスリル満点のアドベンチャーとアイテム探しビデオ ゲームで、アイテム探しだけに頼るのではなく、パズルを解くことに重点が置かれています。
ゴースト ケース リアンの家の攻略へようこそ 何を見つけるべきか、トリッキーなパズルを解く方法を紹介します。スリル満点のサウンドトラックが追加されているので、何時間でも楽しめます。ゲームは探偵のレン ラーセンから始まります。彼は地図のようなアイテムを持ち、430 番の家に到着します。 そして手紙 . Ghost Case Walkthrough Murder House を読むには 、指定されたリンクをクリックしてください。
ゴースト ケースの完全なゲーム チュートリアル – リアンの家
以前と同様に、探偵スキルを使用して謎を解決することになっています。環境、部屋、アイテムを操作してパズルを発見し、解決策を見つけてください。リアンの家に到着したら、ゴースト ケース ガイドに記載されている手順に従ってください .
- ドアをタップしてベルを鳴らし、ドアに来る男性と話します。男は議論を終わらせずにドアを閉めた。次のステップでは、インベントリから手紙を選択し、ドアの下から投げます。
- すぐに、男性はローマ数字が書かれた 4 つの穴が開いた紙を差し出します。
- 話し合いの中で、物語の結末を決定するいくつかの選択をしなければなりません。したがって、少し混乱しているケース関連の質問をする必要があります。
穴の開いたカードを入手したら、マップをタップしてマーダー ハウスを選択します。 デジタル ロッカーのあるドアに向かいます .
- ボタンを覚えておいて、カードを抜いた後に同じボタンを押してドアを開けてください。
- ドアをくぐると、隠されたオブジェクトを見つけるためにあなたの探偵スキルを披露しなければならない新しい部屋につながります.
- 布台に向かい、すべてのコートを左側に持ってくると、綿が現れます。そこから紙を見つけることができます.
- 戸棚の引き出しを開けてペンチを集め、インベントリに追加してください。
- On the left side, a sword has been framed on the wall. Bring the sword out of its cover to discover a clue.
- Above the cupboard, a few bottles are there. Arrange them from lower to the filled bottle to open a secret area that reveals a briefcase.
Ghost Case Briefcase Puzzle
Tap on the briefcase and try to open it by merely setting the pattern on the buttons. The puzzle won’t solve until you see a paper available in the inventory. Therefore, see the paper from the inventory and discover the arrangement of bottles, then head to the briefcase and set the shapes accordingly.
- Set the images on the briefcase after watching the paper from the inventory and the bottles available on the shelf.
- Open the briefcase to collect a wire and keep it in the inventory.
- Now head to the inventory, tap a pair of pliers and a wire to get a bent wire that you can use to get a key from the vent .
- Use a key to open the cupboard’s top drawer and collect a torchlight and a notebook そこから。
- Open the notebook to discover a page with four diagrams, such as Skull , Vent , Sword , and Shoes .
Note:To find dots, you have to investigate the things mentioned above. Firstly, you should head to the pirate poster glued behind the coats and keep the direction of the pirate’s hand and the red needle of the compass in mind. After that, open the sword to find another clue. Use the torchlight to highlight the other hint from inside the vent. The last clue is hidden within the shoes, so investigate the shoes to find clues.
Set the dots as shown in the image to open the vault and collect the following items:A Half of a broken medallion and a floppy disk .
Police Station
After collecting the following objects, you should move back to the Police Station for further investigation.
- Select the floppy disk from the inventory and insert it into the PC.
- Run the PC and check all data stored into the Floppy Disk. After conducting an investigation, you will discover another location “Anna’s House .」
Ghost Case Anna’s House Walkthrough
Open your map and tap on Anna’s House to go there. The house number is 1014 and you just ring the bell to call someone out.
- Ring the bell and talk to the person who appears at the door.
- Surely, the person will leave you before your interrogation ends; therefore, you should ring the bell once again and show her half of a broken medallion.
- The next scene takes place at a dining table where you interrogate a lady and your first question would be about Medallion .
- After answering all of your questions, she offers you an image drew by Mia.
- Open your map and tap on the newly appeared location (Graveyard).
Visit the Graveyard to find some clues and you can skip the intro. Soon, you will find yourself standing ahead of a grave where lots of ancient objects are kept on the shelf behind the grave.
- Firstly, your goal is to collect a lantern and a matchbox from the area. Merge both objects in the inventory to get a lit lantern.
- Now, keep the lit lantern on the grave to light up the room and start collecting further hidden objects.
- As you keep the lantern above the grave, some shadows will appear behind the objects that you must set in their proper position as shown in the image given below.
- Setting up the shadows will unravel another clue on the sidewall of the grave. Collect a ring with a strange insignia 在庫に追加してください。
Police Station
In the next scene, you see how the detective reaches the Police Station to collect more information regarding the newly found ring with strange insignia . After finding information, a new location appears on the map (Store).
Open your map and visit the store to find some information about the ring and the bottle you found behind Anna. Soon, the shopkeeper displays you a book and a doll.
- Collect the doll and add it to your inventory.
- After reading the newspaper, a new location appears on the map, known as Mental Hospital. You have to go to the hospital to investigate a mad security guard.
- Soon, the nurse will take you to the room where you can talk to the mad man.
- There are some clues on the wall that you need to unlock a secret passageway below the grave; therefore, you should keep shapes and the hints the security guard gives you keep in mind.
Here are the clues:
- The wind blew strong at the start – Wind (1)
- Then the sun came out – sun (2)
- The first and the last are the same – wind at the last (4)
- One, two, three, the frog sings – frog comes at third on the grave (3 )
Other hints are the following:
- In the end, there will be fire – Fire
- But first, you will see the sea – see
- The moon will light up first – the moon
- And then the hurricane will come – tornado