

Lords of the Fallen ボス戦 – アニヒレーター、ガーディアン、インフィルトレーターなどを倒す

Lords of the Fallen のプレイは Dark Souls と似ていますが、ほとんどの人はもう少し寛容であることに同意するでしょう。ただし、Lords of the Fallen のボス戦は、一部の人にとっては非常に困難な場合があります。このLords of the Fallenのボスバトルガイドは、ゲームをクリアするために必要なすべてのヒントを提供するはずです.ロード オブ ザ フォールンが 9 月に PlayStation Plus メンバーに無料で提供されるので、今こそボスを倒す絶好の機会です!


  • ボーナス要件:ダメージを受けないように、すべての攻撃をかわします。

First Wardenとの戦いはかなり簡単です。巨大な剣と盾を使い、2~3回連続で攻撃してきます。クラスの選択と敏捷性に応じて、ウォーデンの背後を動き回って背中を攻撃しながら、これらの小さな攻撃を防ぐことができます。また、転がってウォーデンの攻撃をすべてかわし、一連の攻撃ごとに後ろから反撃することもできます。 Warden のシールドが設置されている間、Warden を正面から攻撃しないでください。そうした場合、Warden が攻撃をブロックする可能性が非常に高くなります。

数セットの攻撃の後、ワーデンは巻き戻して強攻撃を使用します。彼の後ろに移動するか、転がって攻撃を避けます。攻撃を受けたり、シールドでブロックしたりしたくありません。キャラクターに接触すると大ダメージを与える。ただし、攻撃の後、Warden のシールドがダウンしているため、Warden を攻撃する十分な時間があります。

ワーデンの体力が約 50% になると、シールドを捨てて回転攻撃を使用します。これをかわすのは非常に難しく、シールドを使用して攻撃コンボをブロックすることはできますが、それでも少しのダメージを受ける可能性があります.あなたの最善の行動は、後退してスピン攻撃が止まるのを待ってから、すぐに自分の攻撃を数回行うことです.

ウォーデンが別の強力な攻撃を準備するまで、このプロセスを繰り返します。攻撃を回避し、ウォーデンが回復している間に自分のコンボで反撃します。この戦略に従えば、Warden が倒れるまでそう長くはかからないでしょう。

戦いの後、残ったパーシスタンス グレートソードとアンノウン ルーン (ビッグ) を拾う。ポータルに戻って宝箱を開くことを忘れないでください。 First Warden を除くすべての敵は、ポータルを出た後にリスポーンすることに注意してください。


  • ボーナス要件:シールドで攻撃をブロックしないでください。

注:シャード オブ ザ ヒーローズを持っている場合は、アリーナの左側にある像にアクセスして、彼らが持っている武器を入手できます。ボス戦後の任意の時点で彫像にアクセスすると、代わりにキャラクターをリスペックできます。

Commander との戦いは、First Warden との戦いと非常によく似ています。司令官の近くに留まり、彼の周りを一周するようにしてください。彼はあなたと一緒に旋回し、時折盾を使ってあなたをよろめかせます。彼は攻撃をフォローアップしないので、これを気にしないでください。

指揮官が盾を地面に突き刺す準備をするために盾を上げたら、その後の衝撃波を避けるために少し離れてください。回避するのに遠くに行く必要はなく、遠くに行くと落下する弾が当たってしまう可能性があります。攻撃範囲に戻り、指揮官が再びシールドを拾う前に 1 ~ 2 回攻撃する時間を確保できるように、十分な距離まで後退します。シールドが上がったらすぐに後退すれば、衝撃波が発生するまでに十分離れているはずです。

戦闘中、司令官は定期的に魔法の盾に身を包みます。これが発生すると、倒さなければならない敵が出現します。敵を倒すと盾が消えて戦闘が続きます。最初にマローダーが攻撃し、次にローグが攻撃し、3 回目には両方が同時に攻撃します。その攻撃は一般的にローグよりもダメージが大きいため、最初にマローダーに注目してください。


コマンダーを倒すと、コマンダー シールド、アローヘッド フィスト武器、封印されたルーン (大) が手に入ります。イエトカのチェックポイントに戻り、進行状況を保存してから、ボス戦エリアの向こう側に移動し、階段を上って別のカットシーンをトリガーします.


  • ボーナス要件:ミニ ゴーレムを配置して、崇拝者が少なくとも 2 体のゴーレムを倒します。

崇拝者を倒す前に、知っておくべきことがいくつかあります。まず、墓地にある 5 つのアーチの位置を確認します。崇拝者が魔法攻撃を使用するときは、アーチ道の中に立っていると安全です。これは、崇拝者が片膝をついて腕で水平に急降下する動きをするときに特に重要です。これは、墓地全体が魔法の爆発に巻き込まれようとしていることを示しています。これが発生したときにアーチ道のいずれかに立っていないと、即死に至ります。

他の方法でアーチ道を有利に使用することもできます。崇拝者をアーチ道の 1 つに誘い込み、アーチ道を攻撃させることができた場合 (あなたを攻撃しようとして)、アーチ道は崩れますが、崇拝者は長時間気絶します。これが起こる前に、気絶を最大限に活用するために最も壊滅的な攻撃の準備ができていることを確認してください。

崇拝者に対する最善の戦略は、軽鎧に物理ダメージを 100% 吸収するシールドを装備し、彼の近くに留まることです。この範囲では、彼は主に近距離スタンを使用します。彼が武器を空中に持ち上げたら、すぐに横に移動して離れます。軽いアーマーでは回避する必要はありませんが、十分に速く動いていない場合は、回避するか、十分に離れていることを確認するために実行することさえできます.気絶攻撃の範囲内にいる場合、数秒間動けなくなります。これは、Worshiper が 2 ヒットの近接攻撃コンボの最初の攻撃であなたを攻撃するのに十分な長さです。この攻撃は常に近距離スタン攻撃 (接続するかどうかに関係なく) に続きます。

軽いアーマーと素早い武器を使用すると、気絶を回避し、攻撃範囲内に戻り、崇拝者が武器でスイングできるようになる前に、少なくとも 1 回攻撃する時間が必要です。ギアの構成によっては、攻撃の直後に回避する必要がある場合がありますが、1回のヒットでも、この戦闘中に少しずつ役立ちます.崇拝者は多くのヘルスを持っており、ほとんどの場合、すぐにはダウンしません。

後退すると、崇拝者は 2 つの長距離攻撃のいずれかを使用します。 1つ目は魔法の手榴弾の拡散です。崇拝者は、ひざまずいていないことを除いて、インスタントキル攻撃と同様に、腕を一掃する動きで動かします。これに続いて、4 つの手榴弾があなたの方向に投げられます。かなりのダメージを与えますが、動き続ければ比較的簡単に回避できます。

2つ目の遠距離攻撃は、地面から突き上がる魔法の柱の連射。崇拝者が祈るようにひざまずいたとき、あなたは絶えず移動するか、アーチ道に避難しなければなりません.キャラクターの下の地面にいくつかの青いパッチが表示されます (アーチの下にいる場合を除く)。 When the patch appears you will take damage if you’re not moving, then you’ll take additional damage with the spiked pillar rises out of the patch. This generally occurs three times, and will follow you as you move around attempting to avoid the attack.

Finally, the Worshiper will call on mini Golems to assist him in battle. When he triumphantly raises his weapon into the air, this is the signal that the Golems are about to appear. Two egg-like objects appear in the graveyard, then hatch into mini Golems shortly after. You generally have time to get to one of the eggs before it hatches, but they’re usually too far apart to get to both. If you can reach an egg, it only takes a single attack to break it and prevent the Golem from hatching.

If a Golem hatches, it immediately attacks you. However, the Golem stake damage from the Worshiper just like you do. It can be stunned by the Worshipers attacks, and even if the Golem is inside the archway with you when the instant kill attack goes off, it will still die. While the Golems aren’t overly difficult to kill, if you’d rather focus on the Worshiper, it’s relatively easy to get them caught in the Worshiper’s close-range stun attack. With proper positioning, you can even get the Worshiper to attack the Golems in an effort to hit you.

Defeat the Worshiper to find a Clawfinger weapon and a Sealed Rune (Big). Scattered around the graveyard you’ll also find four Human Skull quest items and two audio notes. Collect the items, then head back and speak to Kaslo. Before you continue, head back up the staircase you came down to find the portal open.

Boss Battle:Infiltrator

  • Bonus Requirements:Kill him before the lanterns above the arena light up.

There are two important aspects to note about the battle against the Infiltrator. The first is that you should always stay close to him and in front of him. From a distance, the boss jumps toward you like a spider, which is difficult to evade, especially in heavy armor. He also uses projectile attacks that can stun you, although he rarely follows with an attack.

At close range, the Infiltrator uses a three hit combo attack of two horizontal attacks, followed by a slightly delayed vertical attack. If you’re in light or medium armor (or can move well in heavy armor), get close enough to initiate the combo attack, then back away to avoid the first two horizontal swings. You need to remain just outside of the Infiltrator’s attack range to insure you evade the first two attacks, but remain close enough so that the Infiltrator still attempts the third attack. If you move too far away he stops after the second attack, and if you’re too close you’ll have to block or roll to dodge the attacks.

With proper timing and positioning you can back away from the first two attacks in the combo, then move to the left or right to avoid the final attack. This saves your energy and gives you plenty of time to counter attack while the boss is recovering. Once it gets down to roughly 50 percent health, it will attempt to stab you with its rear leg by using it like a stinger. This is relatively easy to anticipate and even easier to dodge if you have light or medium armor. Even if you have heavy armor, as long as you can anticipate when the attack will come, you have time to move left or right to avoid it.

The stinger attack almost always comes after the combo attack, if you remain directly in front of the Infiltrator. You want to bait the Infiltrator to use this attack so you can evade it and continue attacking. With good timing and evasion you should be able to land three or four attacks (or combos depending on your weapon) following the combo and the stinger attacks.

If you move to either side of the Infiltrator, it uses the closest leg to slam the ground. This inflicts damage if you’re too close, and stuns you even from a moderate distance. This is why you want to remain in front of the Infiltrator to avoid these attacks and bait the boss into using the attacks that are easier to evade and follow with a counter attack.

The second important aspect of this battle is when the Infiltrator throws out a number of larva-like beings. These land on the ground and begin to grow. You can take them out with one or two good hits, but there are four of them with every toss. When they grow to full, they can trap you if you walk over them. More importantly, the Infiltrator will use them to replenish health. If you can’t destroy all of them, use a Fire Rune attached to your Gauntlet to ignite the Infiltrator and cause damage over time. This helps compensate for the health replenishment.

If you can maintain a steady barrage of fire (using the Gauntlet whenever you have enough magic), you can completely counteract the health replenishment. If you can do this, you can virtually ignore the larva. However, make sure you’re constantly inflicting damage and pay close attention to the Infiltrator’s health bar to ensure you’re inflicting more damage than he’s healing.

Finally, stay away from the center of the arena. The light in the middle and the broad area around it depletes your magic reserves. This is visualized by small blue circles floating away from your character. If you see this, move toward the outskirts of the arena. If you don’t use any magic at all, then you do not need to worry about this aspect of the battle.

Defeat the Infiltrator to be awarded the Crystal of the Traveller quest item. Collect the Uras polesword and Sealed Rune (Big) and speak with Yetka and give her the stone tablets (Ancient Plates) you’ve been collecting. In return she will give you a Magic Energy Shard, Poison Resistance Shard, Magic Resistance Shard and Lightning Resistance Shard.

Boss Battle:Champion

  • Bonus Requirement:Don’t allow the boss to enter Rage Mode other than during the phase transitions.

While the Champion boss has a few patterns like most of the other bosses in Lords of the Fallen, there’s one important note about fighting him. The bar beneath his health bar is a Rage Meter. When it’s full the Champion enters Rage Mode and his blades ignite in flames. During Rage Mode the bosses attacks inflict more damage and cause magic damage in addition to physical damage.

If you attack the boss with fire-based attacks, it increases the Rage Meter considerably. In addition, every time you’re hit by the boss, the Rage Meter goes up. When the Champion’s health bar hits one of the marks along the bar, this triggers a phase transition and Rage Mode begins automatically. Your best bet is to equip light or medium armor and stay just outside of the Champion’s melee attack range, only moving in to attack after the boss misses one of his combo attacks.

At close range the boss uses a two-hit combo attack during the first two phases. Occasionally the boss will attack with a single heavy swing. After the two-hit combo or heavy swing, quickly move in an attack the boss. Depending on the weapon you’re using you may get in as many as three or four attacks before the boss attempts his combo again.

If the boss jumps back, be prepared to dodge the charge attack that follows. Depending on how close you are to the boss when he jumps back, you may not have much time to avoid the charge attack. The lighter your armor, the easier it is to avoid this attack at close range. With heavy armor it can be difficult to avoid the charge attack even from a distance.

Attacking the Champion from a distance will cause him to use a projectile-like attack. The Champion slams one fist into the ground causing a shockwave effect to move toward your character. Shortly after it reaches you, the shockwave explodes and inflicts damage. The only way to avoid this damage is by dodging (rolling) shortly after the shockwave reaches you. Once you see the shockwave reach your character, roll at that time and you should avoid the explosion that follows. The timing isn’t difficult to get down if you remember that you’re dodging the explosion, not the shockwave.

When the Champion enters the his final phase, the shockwave changes into rapidly moving blades. As soon as the Champion reaches back to throw the first blade, you need to dodge. If you wait any longer it’s very likely the blade will hit you. The Champion always throws two blades back to back, so be ready to dodge a second time after you see the first blade.

In addition, during the final phase the two-hit combo the Champion uses at close range will sometimes turn into a three-hit combo. There’s a decent amount of wind-up on the third hit, so you can see it coming. However, you must be careful when you choose to attack because if you attack too early the third hit will connect.

Take your time and this isn’t a very difficult fight. However, if you rush, you’re likely to be hit by the charge attack or one of the Champion’s combo attacks. Beat the Champion then pick up the Sting fist weapon and Sealed Rune (Big).

Boss Battle:Beast

  • Bonus Requirement:Don’t get hit by the poison or step in a poison puddle.

The battle against the Beast is one of the more unique boss fights in terms of how you approach the battle strategically. Unlike most other boss fights, the best strategy against the Beast is to keep your distance. Equip light armor so you have maximum movement speed, then use the Gauntlet projectile attack for a bulk of your damage. This works best if you have a decent Faith stat, the Faithful Disciple trinket, and Higher Fire Rune attached to the Gauntlet for solid damage.

The bar under the Beast’s health represents his fatigue. As the Beast takes damage, this bar increases. When the bar is full the Beast slumps over and you can attack at close range for a decent amount of time. At the very least you should have enough time to completely deplete your energy bar.

While attacking from a distance, stay just close enough to trigger the Beast’s two hit combo attack. It swings a club to the left, then to the right. After the second swing, use the Gauntlet projectile. This is the best time to use the Gauntlet because it’s virtually a guaranteed hit. Unfortunately he Gauntlet may have some hit detection issues during this battle, which is why you should focus on using it after the second swing.

Occasionally the Beast will use a single vertical swing. Move to the left or right to avoid the swing and the shockwave that shoots out in a straight line when the club hits the ground. The Beast will also spit three poison puddles onto the ground. The initial spit tracks your character, but if you continuously move you can easily avoid all three puddles. They linger for a bit so be careful not to step on them while they’re visible.

At close range the Beast is difficult to battle. It still uses the two-hit combo from before, as well as the single vertical attack, but it also attacks with a series of stomps. The only way to avoid taking damage from the stomps is to back away from the Beast. If you’re too close the damage is unavoidable unless you have perfect roll timing, and even then you’re likely to run out of energy before the stomps are completed. After a few stomps with one foot, the Beast jumps into the air for a bigger stomp that has a wider attack radius.

While using the Gauntlet from a distance is a slower method of killing the Beast, it’s still the most reliable and the safest way to defeat it. Pay close attention to the stamina bar under the health bar. When it’s nearly full, make sure you’re ready to move within melee range when the Beast slumps over. You want to maximize your damage during this period.

Beat the Beast then collect the Stain hammer and Sealed Rune (Big) as your reward. Speak to the nearby soldier, ask to find out more then tell the soldier you’ll do it. Head back inside the Citadel through the large doors. Head back downstairs and through the door at the bottom.

Boss Battle:Guardian

  • Bonus Requirement:Don’t knock over any of the fire goblets.

There are a few different ways you can approach the battle against the Guardian. You can equip any type of armor and you can fight from any distance. The main strategic points to note are that most of the Guardian’s attacks are fire based. If you have a shield with 100 percent fire block defense, you’ll be in good shape for this battle. The Harmony buckler shield with two Lesser Fire Runes is one way to get a shield with 100 percent fire block defense (and 100 percent physical defense as well).

At the very start of the battle and periodically throughout the fight, the Guardian knees and the fire goblets begin to glow. This is followed by multiple homing fireballs shooting toward you (one from each goblet). When this happens, if you’re equipped with light armor, simply run around the outskirts of the arena. Your speed with light armor is more than enough to evade the fireballs. With medium armor you might still be able to run to avoid them, but it’s best to roll to dodge the first one. With proper timing you’ll dodge the first and the rest will miss while you’re recovering from the roll. Heavy armored characters should definitely roll as running to avoid the fireballs is risky with that much armor weighing you down.

It’s possible to use a running charge (run with your non-Tower shield up) and knock over a goblet to prevent it from shooting a fireball at you. Doing so will prevent you from obtaining the special bonus, but the Guardian will run over to the goblet to ignite it again. When this happens you have a brief moment to attack the Guardian. Be ready to attack as soon as the Guardian runs over because you don’t have much time. After the goblet is ignited again, it explodes and damages your character if you’re too close.

Attacking the Guardian from close range will require a lot of dodging or a shield that can 100 percent physical block defense and fire block defense. The Guardian generally attacks with a two-hit combo that consists of two horizontal swings of his dual greatswords. If you get knocked down by the first attack, it can be difficult to avoid the second attack or a second combo attack, resulting in an instant death. It’s not a guaranteed death, but depending on your armor, it can difficult to avoid this.

When the Guardian plants his swords into the ground, step back to avoid the kick that follows. Immediately after the kick, the Guardian swings around his swords, hitting in all directions. It doesn’t matter where you’re standing, if you’re anywhere near the Guardian when this attack happens, you must block or roll to avoid it.

Fighting the Guardian from a distance with ranged Gauntlet attacks is the easiest and safest way to beat him (although it may take awhile). From a distance the Guardian will attempt his two-hit combo, but with light armor it’s very easy to avoid. Occasionally he will perform a dashing attack that should be dodge as soon as he gets close to you. Even with heavy armor this is fairly easy to dodge. The dash attack also follows every goblet fireball attack series.

With a the Gauntlet equipped, fire a shot at the Guardian after every two-hit combo. Make sure you’re far enough away to attack with the Gauntlet and still have time to back away or roll to evade the Guardian’s next attack (which is usually another two-hit combo). You should also fire a shot at the Guardian after the dashing attack. There are other times you can fit in a shot, but these are the times you can attack with relative safety. Beat the Guardian then pick up the Firewalker shortsword and Sealed Rune (Big) he leaves behind.

Boss Battle:Annihilator

  • Bonus Requirement:Kill the boss with a lightning-based weapon (such as Yetka’s Dagger)

The Annihilator boss battle is one of the easiest in the game so long as you follow a few basic strategies. First and foremost, equip any lightning defense gear you have. Almost every attack the Annihilator uses is lightning based. It’s also highly recommended to equip light armor so you can move around freely. A mixture of the Demon Assassin gear works very well because it’s light, but has solid defensive stats.

Your main objective against the Annihilator is to stay away from him. If you keep your distance he will only use one of two attacks during the first 50 percent of his health bar. For the first attack the Annihilator throws bends down and lunges toward you. This is very telegraphed and fairly easy to dodge, even in heavy armor.

The second attack is the important one. The Annihilator throws his weapon toward you. This attack is also very telegraphed as the Annihilator winds up before throwing the weapon. Dodge to avoid the projectile, then immediately move within attacking range and inflict as much damage as you can before the weapon returns to him (it won’t hit you when it returns, so don’t worry about that). While you can use the Gauntlet to attack the Annihilator from a distance, your barrage of attacks while the Annihilator is without his weapon will be your primary form of attack during this battle.

Once the Annihilator’s health bar hits 50 percent, he will start using an attack that freezes you in place for a moderate amount of time. This is telegraphed by the Annihilator remaining stationary and putting his hands into the air. When you see this, get as far away from the boss as you can. The attack will still stun you, but you’ll recover before the Annihilator can inflict any damage. If you’re too close the Annihilator will follow the stun attack with a lightning projectile attack that inflicts considerable damage. Once you’re far enough away the Annihilator will only attempt to follow the stun with his normal projectile attack, which you’ll recover in time to avoid.

If you wish to live on the wild side, you can attack the Annihilator from close range. Doing so will cause the Annihilator to use a series of horizontal attacks that are very difficult to dodge. His primary chain of close range attacks cover almost a complete 360 degree circle around him, so the best way to avoid it is to simply back away. The attacks come out quickly and cover a lot of range, so you don’t have a lot of time move away. This is why it’s best to fight the Annihilator from a distance. Beat the Annihilator to find a Lightning Hammer and Sealed Rune (Big) left behind.