Lords Mobile – 究極のガイド (建物、研究、装備、タレント、クエストなど)
その他のロード モバイル ガイド:
- 初心者向けガイド (ヒントとコツ) と F.A.Q.
- トラブルシューティング / アカウントと支払いの問題
- イベントガイド。
診療所:診療所は負傷した兵士を治療する場所です。防御、収集、占領、または強化中に負傷したすべての部隊と、小競り合いや領土外 (攻撃、結集、驚異の戦争) で負傷した部隊の 60% がここに送られます。
管理棟:城 (固定)、城壁 (固定)、金庫 (固定)、監視塔 (固定)、アカデミー、バトル ホール、大使館、ワークショップ、交易所、刑務所、祭壇
城 (固定): キャッスルは、ターフで最も重要な建物です。アップグレードして新しい建物や機能のロックを解除し、他の建物の最大レベルを上げてください。
(リソース ビルディングは、Lv 2 から 4 の場合にのみ城よりも高いレベルにすることができます)
また、リソースに関する情報と城での軍隊の維持についても表示できます。城をアップグレードすると、アーミー リミット、アーミーで展開できるヒーローの最大数、アーミーの最大サイズ、ギルドメンバーから要求できるギルド ヘルプの最大数も増加します。
城壁 (固定): 城壁は最後の防衛線です。ヒーローを駐屯させ、ここにトラップを構築して、芝生を侵略から守ります。ダメージを受けた壁は時間とともに再生します。アップグレードして、壁の HP、回復率、トラップの最大容量を増やします。
ボールト (固定): リソースを保管庫に保管して、襲撃中にそれらを保護してください!アップグレードして、より多くのリソースを保管してください。
ものみの塔 (固定): ものみの塔は差し迫った攻撃を警告し、偵察されたときに通知し、補給部隊または援軍が到着したときに知らせます。アップグレードして、より詳細なレポートを入手してください。 (Lv 25 Watchtowers は、[Fortify] ボタンのロックを解除します。それをタップして、差し迫った包囲戦の防御をすばやく強化し、敵のパワーを下げます!)
アカデミー: アカデミーで新しいテクノロジーを研究して、ブーストをアンロックしましょう。研究時間を短縮するためにアカデミーをアップグレードしてください。
バトル ホール: バトルホールを建設してラリーを開始または参加しましょう!バトル ホールをアップグレードして、より多くの部隊を集めましょう。 (ラリーに参加する兵士は、テクノロジー、ブースト、ヒーロー スキル、装備、祭壇ブーストなど、連合リーダーの属性を共有します。)
大使館: 大使館があれば、ギルドメンバーはあなたを助けるために軍隊を送ることができます。大使館をアップグレードして、より多くの同盟軍をあなたの縄張りに入れましょう。あなたの縄張りに派遣された同盟軍の維持費は、ギルドメイトによって支払われます。
ワークショップ: 装備を鍛造し、ワークショップで宝石と材料を融合します。ワークショップを Lv 17 にアップグレードしてリーダーの 2 番目のアクセサリー スロットのロックを解除し、Lv 25 にアップグレードして 3 番目のアクセサリー スロットのロックを解除します。
交易所: 交易所でギルドメンバーと資源を交換します。交易所をアップグレードして、より多くのリソースを送信し、支払う供給税を減らします。交易所をレベル 25 にアップグレードして、補給部隊の移動速度を 100% 上げてください。
刑務所: キャッスルレベル10以上でプリズンに敵のリーダーを捕らえることができます。城がLv17以上の場合、囚人を処刑することができます。レベルの高い囚人を処刑するには時間がかかります。プリズンをアップグレードして待ち時間を減らしましょう。 (Lv 25 Prisons は、敵のリーダーが投獄されると、Army ATK Boost を付与します。)
祭壇: 捕らえられたリーダーを処刑すると、祭壇は一時的なアーミー ブーストを与えます。これらのブーストの効果を改善するには、祭壇をアップグレードしてください。 (リーダーを 1 人実行すると、24 時間のブーストが付与されます。さらに多くのリーダーを実行することで、ブーストの持続時間を延長できます。)
特別な建物:ヒーロー ステージ、シェルター、コロシアム、貨物船、宝庫、変換ラボ、ラビリンス、キングダム タイクーン、バザール
ヒーローステージ: 5人のヒーローでチームを組んでステージクリア!ヒーローメダルとトロフィーを獲得できます。 STA はヘルウェロ ステージに入るために使用されます。
シェルター: シェルターはリーダーと部隊を攻撃から守ります。あなたの城が攻撃されても、避難所の軍隊は失われません。 (シェルターにはサイズと時間制限があります。)
コロシアム: ここで他のプレイヤーと戦うために、5人のヒーローのチームを派遣してください!コロシアムの戦闘はすべてオートバトルに設定されています。ランキング上位のプレイヤーを倒すと、そのプレイヤーとランキングが入れ替わります。コロシアムのランキングに応じて、3時間ごとにジェムを獲得できます。毎日 5 回の無料エントリーがありますが、ジェムやファミリア スキルを使用して追加のエントリーを取得できます。コロシアムは、定期的に変化する星座の影響も受けており、要件に応じてヒーローを助けたり傷つけたりする可能性があります.
貨物船: 貨物船には素晴らしいアイテムが揃っています!資源を交換して、欲しいアイテムを手に入れましょう。アイテムの各バッチは 6 時間ショップに残ります。タイマーが切れると、アイテムの新しいバッチが持ち込まれます。アイテムが持ち去られないように、ショップでアイテムをロックすることもできます.
宝の山: 宝庫に宝石を預けて、時間の経過とともにより多くの宝石を獲得しましょう!アップグレードして、最大預金額と利率を上げてください。
変換ラボ: 変換ラボでダーク エッセンス (ダークネストを破壊したときに受け取る) を変換します。変換ラボには、最大 3 つのダーク エッセンスを保管できます。一度に変換できるダーク エッセンスは 1 つだけです。ダーク エッセンスごとに、変換にかかる時間が異なります。変換が完了すると、変換されたアイテムを受け取ることができます。
ラビリンス: 迷宮には大きな宝物が眠っていますが、立ちはだかる邪悪な獣を倒さなければなりません!ホーリー スターの光だけが、迷宮に潜む生き物を傷つけることができます。ラビリンスを旅しているときに、ガーディアンの 1 人に遭遇する可能性があります。 Defeat them to get their hoard of Gems!
Kingdom Tycoon: Grab your Luck Tokens and play Kingdom Tycoon to find hidden treasures!
- Use Luck Tokens to advance on the map. Tap [Start] to roll the die, and [Stop] to stop it. The number indicated on the die will determine the number of steps you can move.
- Map tiles may reward you with items or special effects. You could also bump into a Gemming Gremlin on the way! You will encounter a Gemming Gremlin once you reach the end of the map. Gemming Gremlin encounters will allow you to nab Gems from their stashes. If you’re lucky, you could even win their entire Gem stash!
- The map will be reset once you reach the end.
Note:Unlocked at Castle Lv 21+ after completing [Skirmish 8 – Sacred War].
Bazaar: A mysterious building is said to appear only to those chosen by fate. If you’re lucky, the Bazaar will grace you with its presence and offer you special packs!
- The Bazaar is unlocked after completing [Skirmish 4 – Lush Plains].
- The Bazaar will appear randomly in your Turf within the [Bountiful Plains] region.
- Enter the Bazaar to discover special packs! Offers are available for a limited time only.
Familiar Buildings (Clear Skirmish 8 to unlock):Monsterhold, Mystic Spire, Gym, Spring
Monsterhold: The Monsterhold is where you manage your Familiars. You can summon Familiars with Pacts, enhance them to the next growth stage, or upgrade their skills. You can also shatter Runes here.
Mystic Spire: The Mystic Spire is where you can get Pacts and Skillstones. Pacts can be used to summon Familiars (duplicate Familiars will turn into Runes). Skillstones are used to activate Familiar skills. Upgrade the Mystic Spire to increase the amount of items you can get in each batch.
Gym: Train your Familiars in the Gym! Here, they can gain EXP and level up. Elder Familiars at max level can also gain Skill EXP. (Each Gym built will give 1 additional training slot.)
Spring: Springs affect Anima production rate and storage. Production stops when storage is full. Build more Springs or upgrade them to increase efficiency and merging speed in the Mystic Spire.
Research technology in this research tree to increase Construction Speed, Resource Production, Army Capacity, Gem Gathering Speed, and Resource Gathering Speed.
Research technology in this research tree to increase max Wall HP and unlock traps. You can also upgrade Traps here to keep out intruders.
Research technology in this research tree to increase Training Speed, Army Travel Speed, Troop Attributes, and receive more information when scouting (Intelligence Report). You can also unlock higher tier troops here to make your army stronger.
Monster Hunt
Research technology in this research tree to improve your Monster Hunting capabilities. You can increase Energy limit and regain speed, and reduce Energy required for hunting. You can also increase the number of times you can hunt in a row, hunting Travel Speed, DMG Boost, etc. Research these technologies to unlock the ability to hunt higher level monsters!
Upgrade Defenses
Research technology in this research tree to improve your traps’ attributes, increase Wall repair speed, and Trap-building Speed. You can also unlock the ability to repair traps destroyed in battle and save resources.
Upgrade Military
Research technology in this research tree to unlock Gathering Priority and Rally Priority, functions that help you auto-select troops. You can also increase Infirmary Healing Speed, Training Speed, Army Travel Speed, max Talent sets, max Equipment sets, Army Limit, and reduce the cost of training troops.
Army Leadership
Research technology in this research tree to unlock various Army Lineups, improve resource gathering, increase Training Speed, Infirmary Capacity, and Gold production and capacity. You can also research technology that weakens your enemy army’s ATK, DEF, and max HP.
Military Command
Research technology in this research tree to increase resources obtained from [Extra Supplies], resource storage, and max Stamina. You can also expand your Shelter, increase attributes for attacking Darknests, and more.
Research technology in this research tree to unlock higher level Pacts. You can also increase Anima production and Merging Speed, and reduce Merging Costs… all of which will help you in your quest to summon and train Familiars!
Note:This research tree will only be unlocked after clearing [Skirmish 8 – Sacred War]
Research technology in this research tree to improve various attributes and unlock Sigil slots for each equipment type. This allows you to inlay Sigils in your equipment. Different Sigils will grant different skills.
Note:This research tree will only be unlocked at Academy Lv 24.
Wonder Battles
Research this tree to increase troop attributes and max Coalition Army size in Wonder battles.
Note:This research tree will only be unlocked at Academy Lv 24.
Your Leader can wear Equipment for useful boosts. There are 6 different types:Helmet, Armor, Legs, Main-hand, Off-hand, and Accessory. Gather materials to forge and upgrade Equipment in the Workshop. Boosts will only be active when your Leader is alive and uncaptured.
You can also inlay Jewels and Sigils into equipment to increase its attributes. Equipment sets can easily be changed by using the Quick Swap feature (Tap on your Leader’s portrait on the top left → Swap button in the middle of your equipment to access Quick Swap).
Note:Go to the Workshop to learn more about equipment and materials required for forging equipment.
You’ll get Talent Points each time you level up. These can be used to learn or upgrade Talents. Tap on your Leader’s portrait on the top left corner, and the first blue icon on the left to find your Talents. Here, you can assign Talent Points to Talents for boosts.
You can unlock more Talent Sets by researching [Innate Talent] in the Academy (in the [Upgrade Military] research tree). You can also gain more Talent points by researching [Hidden Talent] in the [Military Command] research tree.
Guilds are an important part of Lords Mobile in this war-torn Kingdom. Joining a guild will grant you access to events like the Guild Fest and Guild Showdown, and features such as Guild Help (where your guildmates can help speed up your construction and research projects) and Monster Hunt. Work together with your allies to raid your enemies, protect each other from attacks, and fight for the Wonders! Share gifts, treasures, and supplies with each other. The Guild Shop will also be available, along with its inventory, which you can purchase with Guild Coins.
You will receive various different messages in this game, e.g. System Messages, Supply Reports, and Battle Reports. These will be sorted into different mail folders. You can also tap on the star to the right of a message to save it. Each mail folder has a limit to how many messages it can hold. Once the limit is reached, old mail will be deleted automatically. Make sure you check your mailbox to ensure that you do not miss out on any important messages.
There are many quests that you can complete in Lords Mobile:[Turf Quests], [Admin Quests], [Guild Quests], and [VIP Quests].
Turf Quests: Turf Quests will guide you through the game. If you are new here, follow the recommended Turf Quests, as they will help you progress through the game and understand its intricacies.
Admin Quests: Admin Quests are completed once the countdown timer ends. There are 5 Quest Grades:Legendary> Epic> Rare>Uncommon> Common. Higher graded Quests yield better rewards, including Equipment Materials and Jewels. Once you have completed a list of quests, it will take 6 hours for a new list to become available. Quests that are completed or in-progress will not reset before the 6 hours are up.
Guild Quests: Guild Quests are only unlocked when you join a Guild. Guild Quests are similar to Admin Quests, as they are also completed once the countdown timer ends. They also have 5 Quest Grades:Legendary> Epic> Rare>Uncommon> Common. Higher graded Quests yield better rewards, including Equipment Materials and Jewels. Once you have completed a list of quests, it will take 6 hours for a new list to become available. Quests that are completed or in-progress will not reset before the 6 hours are up.
VIP Quests: More VIP Quest Chests will be available as you increase your VIP level. You can open 1 VIP Quest Chest each hour to get many amazing items.
Note:You can use [Quest Scroll (Guild)] and [Quest Scroll (Admin)] to refresh the lists of Guild and Admin quests respectively.
You can auto complete Admin Quests at VIP 7, and auto complete Guild Quests at VIP 8. All you need to do is tap the Auto-Complete button to claim your quest rewards.
About Sigils:
- Sigils and Sigil slots look different from Jewels and Jewel slots.
- You can unlock Sigil slots by performing research under the [Sigils] research tree.
- Jewels cannot be inlaid into Sigil slots.
- Sigils cannot be inlaid into Jewel slots.
- The Sigil’s skill will not work if it is inlaid into equipment of a higher grade. For example, a [Legendary] Shadow Sigil will work on Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary Equipment. A [Common] Shadow Sigil will only work on Common Equipment.
About Sigil Skills:Each Sigil has unique skills.例えばthe Wolfpack Sigil increases Rally ATK (only for Wonders:Forts, Base, Royal Wonder, District Wonder) based on the total number of Wolfpack Sigils inlaid into the equipment of the rally participants (does not include Rally Captain)
Get Sigils from:
- Mall packs.
- Various in-game events.
No longer are monsters just wild creatures, to be hunted for the treasures they possess! Now, Athena has extended her blessings, and granted all Lords and Ladies the ability to forge pacts with Monsters and make them Familiars! Train your Familiars to their full potential! Their support skills will improve your turf and their attack skills will destroy your enemies! With these formidable companions by your side, nothing will stand in your way!
All your Familiars can be found in the Monsterhold, a special building found in the leftmost area of your Turf. You can summon Familiars by opening Pacts, which can be made in the Mystic Spire. Duplicate Familiars will be turned into Runes. To make Pacts, you must merge Anima (a resource produced by the Springs) with other items. Runes are required to enhance your Familiar and make them stronger! To upgrade your Familiar, you must also max out their level. You can increase their level by training them in the Gym.
Inviting Friends
Voyage Quests are unlocked at Castle Lv 4. You can start inviting friends to join your Allied Voyage at Castle Lv 7. Complete quests together and you’ll both get rewards!
Voyage Quests
- Last for 14 days.
- Complete the quests to get rewards.
- Finish all quests to get the Completion Reward!
Inviting Friends
- Invited friends that join and link their account will get the [Welcome Gift]
- You will receive an [Invitation Reward] when a friend you invited joins the game.
- You get the [Comrade Reward] when your friend completes a Voyage Quest.