Foundation – ゲームプレイのヒントとコツ
まず、画面の右上隅にある小さな白いボックスをクリックしてメニューを開きます。テレビまたはコンピューターの画面のように見える 3 番目のアイコンをクリックして、[設定] を開きます。
最初のタブには、スケーリングがあります。先に進んで、すべてを大きくしてください。 2.00 を選択したため、1.80 になりましたが、デフォルトよりもはるかに優れています。
これにより、一部のウィンドウ、特にマーケット ウィンドウで問題が発生し、スクロールバーが表示されても下部が表示されなくなります。ウィンドウの上部からしかドラッグできないため、上にドラッグすることもできません。しかし、まったくプレイできないことに比べれば、ちょっとしたフラストレーションです。
フレームレートに問題がある場合は、[グラフィック] タブで、解像度やその他のさまざまな設定をいじることもできます。
リスト全体が必要なく、特定の 1 つだけで初心者に問題がある場合は、以下の適切なセクションにスキップしてください。
最初は、各キャンプは最大 3 人を雇うことができます。それ以上の人数を確保したい場合は、複数のキャンプを構築できます。スペースを確保するために、リソースの上に家を建てないようにしてください。少し余裕を持たせてください。
モミが広葉樹の境界線上にある場合は、Q と E を使用してカメラを回転させ、境界線でペイントしていることを確認できます。また、ある地域の森林を再生し、家を避けたい場合にも役立ちます。
だから、最初は気づかなかったのですが、市場は、教会や天守閣のような複数の部分からなる建物を建てるようなものです。各ショップは、製材所や石工小屋のように個別の建物ではなく、実際には市場全体の一部です。新しい屋台を追加するたびにビルド メニューに移動するわけではありません。そうすると、誤って複数の市場が作成され、最初の市場以外は使用されません。 Instead, click on an existing stall and select Edit, then add whatever you want!
Now, if you’re like me, you may think “Okay, I’ll just put down a food stall so my people don’t starve, I’m not producing goods yet and resources are slim, so why bother with decoration.” And that is a mistake.
For you see, you cannot unlock new buildings, such as a fishing hut (gives fish) or a manor (increases money cap) without Splendor. And even though they all use the same image, Splendor is separate for Labor, Kingdom, and Clergy. So if you think building a wooden keep will unlock these buildings by adding Splendor, that is not the case. You must make your markets fancy.
I personally started with fences, because they’re nice and help break up different sections visually. If you want your fence pieces to match up, there’s a trick to it. Match up the top circle of the new fence post with the top circle of the old post. If you try to do it another way, such as the green outline, that won’t work. Because a bunch of the fence, like when placing other buildings, is underground and thus you won’t see it at all. Similarly, if you’re placing shop stalls, the bottom of the stall you will see needs to be your guide instead of the green outline.
Quests / Warehouses
Warehouses store goods. You also need to use them if you want to buy things via trade. A warehouse can store up to 50 of one item, with four types of items. You can store all four of the same type if you want. You cannot complete any quests without a warehouse!
If you get a quest to provide, say, berries, and you have like 200 berries, so you think “Eh, I’ll be fine!” No, you will not be fine. You must put the berries in the warehouse. Now, let’s say you set one of the four slots to berries, and then click either Accept or Stock Maximum, but for some reason… Your people aren’t putting anything in there?
Well, if you are only using the warehouse to trade, then yeah, you don’t need to assign a worker there. In fact, you shouldn’t as it’s a bit of a waste. However, if you need to actually get a stock of items in there for, say, a quest, then you gotta assign Transporters.
However, even if you have Transporters and all your settings are correct, you might not be able to save up any stock!どうしてこれなの? Well, various workers may be using up your supplies, or storing them in their camps instead of in the warehouse. You can force them to put stuff in the warehouse by using the Stockpile feature.
First, open the Resource Tab (the white box next to Happiness at the top). Honestly, it’s a good idea to always keep this open in the bottom right corner of your screen, or just the right side as it will eventually get pretty tall. Then, click the Stockpile button next to your berries.
Be Warned however, that for food items this should only be a temporary thing! If you’re Stockpiling, no food is going to the market, so your people will starve. It’s best to use this for the quest, click the green checkbox to turn it in early, and then stop Stockpiling immediately.
Non-food goods which are being stockpiled will also be unavailable for building. So it’s good if you want to save up one resource for a big project, like saving stone for a church, but you have to stop Stockpiling before they can use it for said project.
Splendor / Unlocking Buildings
You may have noticed at the start of your game you do not have many buildings. And if, like me, you started playing without watching a YouTube tutorial or watched one but didn’t pay attention, you may have gotten pretty far wondering why your Novices have not become Serfs or similar such questions.
As it turns out, Foundation has a stat called Splendor– and actually this is three different stats all with the same name. You have Labor Splendor, Kingdom Splendor, and Clergy Splendor. Even though they have the same name and icon, they are in fact different.
You will want to make sure you get at least 2 of each Splendor as early as possible as this unlocks many of the basic buildings that you need to survives. In particular, fishing huts, which give fish allowing you to not be solely reliant on berries in early game (as long as you have a water source) and a manor, which is very useful as it raises the gold cap. I played quite far, and did many military missions, wasting a lot of gold, because I had not unlocked manors yet. Very unfortunate, may you avoid my mistakes.
Labor Splendor:
Gain this by making your markets fancy. Getting 2 Labor Splendor will help you unlock fisher’s huts and manors, which you need to upgrade your peeps from Novices to Serfs. If you don’t have room for the tents, which latch onto your stalls, you can add fences. They don’t take up much space at all, and form a pleasing natural barrier for your market.
If you want your fences to line up, the trick is to align them NOT by the green outline, which extends underground and is generally confusing, but by matching the circular top of the old fence to the circular top of the existing fence. It won’t be exact, but it will look quite nice! Similarly, when placing your stalls, don’t base their position off the green outline, instead the real position will be the non-green posts while the rest will be underground.
Kingdom Splendor:
Early game, I believe you just get this from completing quests to help the king. I kept 10 Bread in my storehouse and 50 Berries, which allowed me to complete most of the quests that popped up. Later on, you can build fancy military installments and train soldiers. This is a great way to make money! And a good use of spare people without jobs. A basic Wooden Keep will hold up to 10 soldiers, and the King usually asks for only 5 at a time. The reward is 1000 gold and 1 free territory! But if you haven’t built a manor, you can only hold 500 gold at once, so the rest is wasted. So get on that!
Clergy Splendor:
Early game, you can only get this from completing quests and choosing to help the church. After you get 2, you can unlock a new building– the Rustic Church. You need this to upgrade your peeps from Serfs to Commoners.