

無限の空 – スマート スタート ガイド

より多くのクレジットを獲得し、できるだけ早く艦隊を増やすために、ゲームの初期段階を通過するためのハイブリッドな方法であり、3 つのスターティング シップすべての戦略です。


ゲーム開始時に提供される 3 隻の船のいずれかでクレジットを獲得するための「正しい」方法に関する決定的なガイド。目次を確認して、選択したい船のセクションにジャンプしてください。


Star Barge は最初は非常に疲れます。長い間、円を描いて交易品を運ぶことになります。この方法は効果的ですが、長くて反復的です。より大きな船でさえ、あなたは同じ通商ルートを走り、円を描いています... 通商男爵としてプレイしたい場合は問題ありませんが、しばらくの間取引を行ってからシャトルの中央に切り替えることをお勧めします。

スパローは基本的に「エクストラグラインド」モードのようなものです。単独で効果を発揮するには弱すぎるため、「戦闘」船にいるにもかかわらず、戦闘を避けたいと思うでしょう。そして、乗客用スペースは 1 つと貨物は 15 個しかないため、貿易品を運用したり、雑用をしたりしても、利益を上げるには永遠に 1 か月かかります。本当に時間が余っている場合は、スパローを選んでください。それ以外の場合は、代わりに他の 2 つのいずれかをお勧めします。これは、スズメが「恐ろしいp」であると言っているわけではありません。 o. s.」 – 艦隊に大量に配置できれば、いくらかのダメージを与えることができますが、1 匹のスパローは、レーザー銃の戦いにプラスチックのバター ナイフを持ってくる男のようなものです。そして、このゲームの開始時、あなたは宇宙で独りぼっちです。



どの船やキャリア パスを選択したとしても、これらのヒントは、銀河をより簡単にナビゲートし、より遠くへ / より速く飛行し、より長く生き残るのに役立ちます。

  • すべてのアウトフィッターで星図を購入します。現在の星系といくつかの近くの星系に関する情報のロックを解除します...ハイパースペース リンクがどこにあるかを示すことも含まれます。安い!
  • 惑星が着陸許可を拒否した場合は、呼びかけて賄賂を支払ってみてください。その後、もう一度声をかけて許可をリクエストしてください。
  • 可能であれば、最初のローンで追加料金を支払う。ただし、信用格付けが低くなることなく 1 週間または 2 週間飛行できるように、1 日の支払い額 (ローンの支払い + 乗務員の給与) の合計額の少なくとも 12 倍を常に維持してください。
  • 最初のローンを完全に支払った後、新しいローンに少額 (400 クレジット程度) でサインアップします。これにより、毎日多額の支払いを行うことをあまり心配することなく、クレジット スコアを獲得し続けることができます。この時点で、余分な支払いをやめて、毎日自動的に数クレジットを支払うだけです。
  • 最初の船、そしておそらく 2 番目の船でも、目標は戦闘を回避して死なないようにすることです。シールド ジェネレーターとすべての武器を売却して装備スペースを解放し、エネルギーと熱の使用量を減らします。これにより、エンジンをアップグレードしてより高速にしたり、貨物/乗客スペースを追加してより多くのお金を稼いだり、より大きな船を征服したりすることができます.
  • ほとんどの船では、レーザー/ビーム兵器が標準装備されているため、エネルギーの使用が最大の問題になる可能性があります。飛行中にエネルギーを生成するには、「アイドル」エネルギーが> -(移動中) である必要があります。そうしないと、船がエネルギーを使い果たしたときに、船はどこにも行かなくなります。バッテリーまたは超伝導体が設置されている場合、この余分なエネルギーの一部を後で使用するために保存できます。
  • 船に武器やシールドがある場合、「アイドル」エネルギー> -(移動 + 射撃 + シールド再生) エ​​ネルギーの場合、バッテリーは必要ありません。ただし、武器と盾の合計エネルギー コストがアイドル状態のエネルギー生産よりも高くなる場合は、バッテリーまたは超伝導体が必要です。
  • あなたの船は「最大」の熱価を持っています。その最大値を超えて表示されるすべての熱消費量の合計が「最大」未満である限り、冷却装置は必要ありません。これに対する例外は、火炎放射器を備えた船と戦うことを恐れているが、それがほとんど起こらない場合です.
  • 「アイドル + 移動 + 発射 + シールド再充電」の合計熱が最大値よりも大きい場合は、クーラーを取り付ける必要があります。クーラーは「アイドル」値にのみ影響することを忘れないでください。十分に大きなクーラー服を使用する場合は、この負の値を設定して他のすべての値を相殺することができます.
  • 締め切りのあるミッションには注意してください。 「今日」から締め切り日までの日数を数え、地図を見て、それを受け入れる価値があるかどうか、またはルートが遅れる可能性があるかどうかを判断します.遅れたら失敗です。
  • 新しい星系にハイパースペース ジャンプしたり、惑星やステーションを出発したりするたびに、時間が 1 日経ちます。ゲーム内で 1 日も経過することなく、実際の数週間は 1 つの星系を飛び回ることができますが、ハイパースペースにジャンプするとすぐに「明日」になります。締め切りミッションのルートを計算するときは、惑星に着陸する必要があるときはいつでも余分な日を数えることを忘れないでください (燃料補給、別のミッションの完了、または買い物に行くため)。
  • あなたの船と装備された衣装は、時間の経過とともに価値を失います (減価償却)。これは、船や衣装を長く使用するほど、売却時に受け取るクレジットが少なくなることを意味します。最初にその惑星を離れずに同じショップで同じアイテムを再購入した場合、販売したのと同じ価格のみを支払うだけです。ただし、惑星を離れて戻ってきた場合は、新しいアイテムの全額を支払う必要があります。
  • 船の「旋回」値に注意してください。最良の結果を得るには、85 ~ 140 の間である必要があります。これは、船がどれだけ機敏で、どれだけ速く旋回できるかを示す指標です。これは、ハイパースペース ジャンプの準備 (正しい方向を向くように回転する) や、戦闘中にターゲットの船を追跡するためにどれだけ簡単に向きを変えることができるか、停止する必要があるとき (つまり、着陸しようとするとき) にどれだけ速く向きを変えることができるかに影響します。惑星上)。スラスト エンジンまたはステアリング エンジンのどちらをアップグレードするかを選択すると、ほとんどの場合、より大きなターン エンジンの方が適しています。ターン値が 70 未満の場合、非常に遅く感じます (特に、武器、シールド、バッテリーを取り外したスパローで飛び回った後)。
  • 違法貨物 – 味方の船が頻繁にあなたをスキャンします。彼らが違法な貨物を見つけた場合、あなたは彼らに賄賂を贈るか (通常は貨物の価値よりも高い)、または彼らと戦わなければなりません。いずれにせよ、その船の政府に対するあなたの評判が損なわれます…あまりにも頻繁に起こると、あなたは彼らの敵になる可能性があります.
  • 搭乗と白兵戦には、攻撃と防御の両方が必要です。 AI は、あなたと同じようにどちらかを選択できます。彼らが攻撃を選択した場合、それに対抗するための追加の防御 H2H 武器が必要です。彼らが防御を選択した場合、防御兵器に対抗するために追加の攻撃 H2H 兵器が必要になります。
  • H2H 攻撃の場合:セントリー ガン <レーザー ライフル <グレネード <神経ガス
  • H2H 防御:神経ガス <グレネード <レーザーライフル <セントリーガン
  • 船に乗り込んだり捕獲したりしている場合、その船を受け取るためにすぐに惑星に戻る必要はありません。ミッションを続行することも、同じ戦闘中に複数の船に乗り込むこともできます。捕獲した後、それを維持するには、誰かに爆破されることなく、最寄りの惑星にたどり着かなければならないことを忘れないでください。
  • 安くしないでください。新しい船を購入する方が、拿捕するよりも簡単な場合があります。
  • 追加の乗組員を雇う場合、あなたの「旗艦」(あなたが操縦している船) だけが追加の乗組員を雇うことができます。また、攻撃目的で他の船に乗船できる唯一の船でもあります。捕獲する船を探しに行く場合は、余分な乗組員を大量に雇ってください。旗艦の乗組員全員が H2H の戦いに参加します。
  • 船に乗り込むとき、攻撃や防御のために軍隊を派遣することなく、貨物を無料で盗むことができます。そのため、乗組員を失うリスクなしに、貨物倉に収まるものなら何でも、荷物や衣装を盗むことができます。完了ボタンを押すだけで、白兵戦をせずに終了できます。
  • 惑星またはステーションを選択すると、そこに着陸するかのように、船と同じように話しかけることができます。彼らのオプションは次のとおりです。最初の敵は彼らと大喧嘩を始め、その後彼らはあなたを憎みますが、あなたは再び賄賂を支払うことなくそこに着陸することができます. 2 つ目は、あなたを嫌う惑星に使用されます。彼らは、あなたをそこに着陸させるために料金を請求します。 3 つ目は、単に着陸の許可を求めるためのものです。彼らがあなたのことを好きなら、彼らは「あなたは着陸できます」と言うでしょうが、あなたが近くで L ボタンを押したときにあなたの船が自動的に着陸しようとする必要はありません.
  • 武器:ビームとレーザー兵器は発射時に大量のエネルギーを消費するため、より大きな発電機とバッテリーが必要になります。ミサイルと固体弾丸銃は装具店で再装填しなければならない弾薬を使用しますが、発砲に使用するエネルギーと熱ははるかに少なくなります。特に小型船では、大型レーザーを使用するだけでなく、それらを実行するために必要な電力と冷却システムを装備するのに十分な装備スペースがないため、ミサイルは通常、トンあたりのダメージの点でより良い選択です.
  • 船の燃料容量を 100 で割ると、船が空になる前にハイパースペース ジャンプを何回行うことができるかがわかります。空になったら、現在のシステムの惑星/ステーションに着陸して燃料を補給するか、友好的な船を選択して話しかけ、「助けを求める」を選択して、もう一度ジャンプするために燃料を補給してもらいます。
  • セカンダリ ウェポン (ミサイル) を装備している場合は、発射する前に W を押してセーフティを切り替える必要があります。画面の右下に弾薬アイコンと残り弾数が表示されます。




造船所 / 装備品の画面では、右側が艦隊 / 船のウィンドウです。

Out in space, the four corners of your screen show important info.

Bottom RIGHT shows secondary weapon icon and ammo remaining. Click the icon or hit W to activate that weapon so you can then press Q to fire it.

Bottom LEFT has your recent messages scrolling by, plus your fleet info.

Top RIGHT shows your ship’s status.

Top LEFT shows your radar and target, hit R to cycle targets in other fleets or SHIFT+R to cycle targets in your fleet and your escorts.

Here we have the menu that pops up when you try to board a disabled ship, or you get boarded.

And the results of boarding…

That ship joins my fleet, but I will need to replace the crew who took over piloting it.

Starting with a Sparrow, aka “Super Grind”

Let’s start with the Sparrow since it is the least effective ship to run in the beginning of the game. We’ll just get it out of the way now and be done with it.

1) Start a new game and choose the interceptor, Sparrow.

2) Before you leave Rutilicus be sure to purchase a star map in the outfitter. Do this for every planet you visit that has an outfitter. It helps a ton! Go into the outfitter shop and SELL your weapons, battery, and shield generator. One Sparrow is not strong enough to kill anything anyway! So your strategy will be to RUN VERY FAST while delivering cargo.

3) Go through the initial dialogue and help the man who starts the conversation. Do all the missions he offers you.

3.5) *This ship is lame. Too weak to function effectively alone but can be annoying to fight against them if you find half a dozen of them in a fleet. As such, even though technically it is meant to be a combat ship the best way to earn money is NOT in combat – not in this ship alone. If you don’t believe me, try to run and gun a little bit now; see how many times you get shot down in ten minutes.

4) Once you are done with all the beginner missions you should end up in a system called Talita. Purchase a star map. You might also consider purchasing a fuel tank so you can do more jumps before needing to refuel, but this is optional.

5) Run cargo transport missions OR trade routes as in the Star Barge guide until you have at least 500,000 credits. You have tiny cargo space so it will take a while.

6) Find any spaceport that sells a Shuttle, Heavy Shuttle, or Star Barge. Sell your Sparrow and buy a better ship, like a Shuttle or Star Barge. (If you have the money already, upgrade to the Heavy Shuttle instead – it has more passenger space and more hyperspace fuel capacity for more jumps between stops).

7) Follow either the Shuttle guide if you intend to make money as a pirate hunter, or the Star Barge guide if you intend to run some trade routes. Fear not, eventually you will have enough money in the bank to ditch those methods and fly your way – perhaps in a bigger warship.

Starting with a Star Barge, aka “Trader”

This one is not too bad, really, and it gives you more of a varied early-game experience. You’ll run some cargo around the galaxy before you start hunting down other ships.

1) Start a new game and choose the light freighter, Star Barge.

2) Before you leave Rutilicus be sure to purchase a star map in the outfitter. Do this for every planet you visit that has an outfitter. It helps a ton! Sell your shield generator while you’re here, you will not need it.

3) Go through the initial dialogue and help the man who starts the conversation. Do all the missions he offers you. AVOID ALL COMBAT. Just run away if you hear that alarm indicating an enemy is in the system.

4) Once you are done with all the beginner missions you should end up in a system called Talita. Purchase a star map and sell your battery, and plasma turn engine. Buy the bigger ion turn engine to still have 40 outfit capacity and purchase 2 cargo expansions. Check your energy usage, you might need to also purchase an upgraded generator or a supercapacitor so that your “idle” energy> “moving + firing + recharging” energy… but maybe not, I don’t remember what my energy numbers were at this point.

5) Depart and start your trade route. The route is:

  • Algorel buy food / sell medical -> Porrima
  • Porimma sell medical / buy food -> Algoral


  • Algorel :Sell Medical, Buy Heavy Metals
  • Alioth :Sell Heavy Metals, Buy Industrial
  • Ruticulus :Sell Industrial, Buy Food. Also refuel.
  • Porimma :Sell Food, Buy Medical, then back to Algorel

The second one is longer but brings in more money. Remember to keep paying those loans. After buying cargo, be sure to pay off extra now and then but always keep 10 times your loan dues + crew salary.

6) Eventually your loan will get paid. You should take out a new loan for a smaller amount (maybe 400 credits or something) so you continue to build credit rating. Then buy a fleet of cargo haulers to run the same route until you’ve earned enough to live like a king. Start with 3 identically equipped Star Barges, build up to 4 Syndicate Freighters with 210 cargo space. Once you have around 5 mil to spend, get a Mule.

7) With a Mule you can run more freight… but you can also choose to board and loot the pirate ships, sell their outfits for more money. Or get the Hai equipment installed and hunt ships with those expensive fusion reactors. See the Shuttle chapter for more tips on capturing ships.

8) With about 30 mil, you can buy the Bactrian. Another 90 mil for 60 Fury ships as escorts. Now you can try hunting the Quarg. They have great batteries and other valuable stuff. Also try to keep some of their ships intact for yourself. See the Shuttle chapter for more tips on hunting ships.

Starting with a Shuttle, aka “Pirate Hunter”

This is the “fastest” way to make money and increase your fleet. It also is the best way to get into combat – not the Interceptor Sparrow surprisingly, but the passenger bus transport Shuttle.

1) Start a new game and choose the transport, Shuttle.

2) Before you leave Rutilicus be sure to purchase a star map in the outfitter. Do this for every planet you visit that has an outfitter. It helps a ton! Also sell your shield generator. You will be hunting ships but you will let others do your fighting… at least for a little while.

3) Go through the initial dialogue and help the man who starts the conversation. Do all the missions he offers you.

4) Once you are done with all the beginner missions you should end up in a system called Talita. Purchase a star map, sell your battery, and consider possibly upgrading your turn engine. Buy an outfit expansion and fill up on bunks (large or small, whichever fits). Also buy laser rifles for as many passenger space as you have. Should be 12-14.

5) Pay off a little extra on your loan whenever you can, but leave yourself with at least 12x your combined loan payment and crew salaries so you can survive a couple of weeks without any income. Once you start getting income regularly, you may reduce that leftover amount to 8x your expenses.

6) Head south to the fringes of Pirate space. You may take a couple of delivery missions headed in that general direction to make a quick buck, but you want to have NO PASSENGERS on board when you arrive. Make sure you’re in a friendly-controlled sector so you don’t immediately die, but it should border a pirate sector. Land and HIRE CREW to fill up your entire ship with people who will use your laser rifles. Now you wait…

7) Eventually pirates should show up to raid the system. The local military should fight them so you don’t have to – you have no weapons and no shields remember, so STAY OUT OF THE FIGHT FOR NOW. Most of the time, the two fleets will fight to the death, but sometimes a ship will get disabled and the other fleet will stop shooting it to focus on other things. You need to be QUICK, get to the disabled ship before it gets destroyed. When they manage to disable a ship (it will stop moving and will be greyed out on your display) hit B to go dock with it. If it is a friendly ship you might get a small reward for helping them restore ship power. If it is a hostile (pirate) ship…

8) The boarding menu is displayed. You may at this point steal some of their cargo or outfits (whatever fits in your hold) without any penalty. But that is not why you are here. Look at the right side, where it says percent of success for attack or defend. If those percentages are over 80% in your favor, hit the ‘Attempt Boarding’ button and ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. You might lose a few crew members, but you should if you are lucky be able to capture the ship. Now it is yours. Fly it to the nearest spaceport to sell it for cash, or else keep it and outfit it with better stuff to add to your fleet. This early in the game you should just sell whatever you find, even a Sparrow will go for around 400,000 credits… unless it is one of the following:Berserker, Quicksilver, Hawk or Headhunter because they all make pretty good escorts to increase your safety margin while flying in enemy territory. If you are very lucky you might even score a Raven or Argosy, but I don’t recommend trying that from a shuttle. For now though your real target to snag should be a Scout if you are lucky enough to come across one. Or keep selling other captured ships until you can afford to buy one.

Alternate Shuttle Start, aka Mining Magnate

By using the method I just described, you can usually capture and sell two small ships each time you have to land and hire more crew. This will get you several hundred thousand credits in each run if you are fortunate… but it may get you dead if you are unlucky.

For the timid, there is another way to use a shuttle to gains some startup cash. It is a bit monotonous and less lucrative than selling stolen ships, but some swear by it anyway.

Take the shuttle. Find a planet that has an outfitter and a good number of asteroids you can mine. At the outfitter, strip your shuttle down!! Sell everything and start fresh by equipping TINY engines (you still want decent turn rate though so slightly bigger steering engine). Then one beam laser. No shields. No hyperdrive. Put on just enough power and cooling to let you move and fire without running out of go-juice. Then put Cargo Expansions on, you should have 40 outfit space available to put 2 cargo expansions. If you find that the asteroid is moving too fast for you to keep up, come back and go to the next bigger engine.

Blast asteroids and collect the minerals from them. The heavy metals. Lead, iron, and silicon are basically worthless, only a few hundred credits per ton. Aluminum, Copper, Silver, Gold, Neodymium, Tungsten, and Uranium have better prices. Platinum is worth 10,000 – or so I’ve been told. Sell them at the outfitter – they will be at the bottom of the list – or use “Sell All” in the trading shop. Rinse and repeat until you have enough money to buy a bigger ship…

Then you can either get something with more Cargo Space to continue asteroid mining for a while, or start running trade routes with a bigger cargo payload, or get something with more bunks and go hunt pirates to capture/sell their ships. Your call.

Some say a good place to go asteroid mining is up at the Aludra system, at the end of a branching path called “THE DEEP” on your map… it is in the northwest corner from your starting location. Just keep going north from the Zosma system. It has a shipyard, an outfitter, and an asteroid field with a lot of copper. The shipyard here and in the nearby systems have good choices, and the outfitters have the nice atomic engines.

Just remember:if you need to leave the system you will need to re-equip your shuttle with the hyperdrive!

One other thing, if you want to be an asteroid miner you should search the guides for “Visable Minable Asteroids” (that’s how the mod developer spelled it) which is a mod that puts a colored box around the asteroids with minerals to drop. I use it, it works just like it says. Different color border for each type of mineral asteroid.

Personally, I like that the asteroid mining is an option in the game, but pirate hunting is more profitable per in-game day. … at least until you can afford a ship with a MUCH larger cargo hold and by then you can afford a decent warship with high number of bunks anyway.

Hunting with a Scout, Raven, or Argosy

Continued from the Shuttle section…

9) Remember to pay extra whenever you can until your current loan is paid off. Then take out a new, smaller loan (like 400 credits or something) to keep improving your credit score without worrying so much about your daily payment amount.

10) Modify this scout basically the same way you did the shuttle. Make sure you have no shields, no weapons, sell your battery and make sure your power generator (might need to upgrade it) puts out enough power so that Idle> -(Moving + Firing + Shield Recharge) in your energy stats on the ship menu. Now put enough Outfit Expanders and Bunks on it to max out your passenger space. Drag this ship to the front of your list in the shipyard so this will now be the ship you control. Then select the Shuttle and either sell it or keep it if you really want the extra passenger space for running missions later.

11) Get back out there and basically do the same process with your Scout like you did with the Shuttle. From here, your next target to keep should be a Raven or Argosy, but an extra Berserker or Quicksilver is always a nice addition for added firepower in your fleet.

12) Rig your new Raven / Argosy the same way, for maximum passengers, and you can then attempt to board anything the size of a Corvette or smaller. Basically, pay close attention to the number of crew on your enemy compare to your crew when you try to board. You may have noticed already but if you lose too many crew your ship is difficult to control and won’t fly right. Another thing you can do, if you have a couple million bucks, is go deeper into pirate space and BRIBE a planet to land there. If they have an outfitter buy their grenades to stay “legal” while gaining an increase in boarding attack power for higher success rate against bigger ships. Or buy nerve gas grenades if you don’t mind paying fines every time a friendly ship scans you, but you want a BIGGER boost to boarding attack power. *Beware:getting fined too many times by friendly militaries will lower your reputation with them until they become your enemy. This could prove deadly for you.

12.5) During this time, you will probably manage to capture a small fleet of warships and interceptors. Keep a bunch of them and you can start venturing deeper into pirate space to attack/disable ships yourself instead of waiting for the military to do your dirty work.

13) Bag and sell smaller ships using your Raven or Argosy until you have enough to buy a Mule for around 5 million credits. That thing… is a great multi-role craft. It can handle some decent weapons for a ship of that size, can use engines that aren’t total crap for a freighter with that much cargo space, and has a ton of bunks for passengers or ship boarding/capture. Once you have a mule, you can refit the Raven or Argosy for combat instead of passenger bunks. The Raven is faster but the Argosy has more weapon mounts.

Mid-Game with the Mule, aka “Your Way”

Continued from either the Shuttle or Star Barge section…

1-Trading) With a Mule you can run freight as before, or taxi passengers. It has a larger cargo hold so this will become the mainstay of your freight empire, should you choose to continue using that as your main source of income. If you sell off some of the smaller ships now, you can equip the larger ones with some fuel tanks to increase jump range so you can feel free to explore worlds farther away and discover new trading opportunities. I highly recommend making your own list of which goods are very low/low or very high/high on each world that you visit and design a trade route that looks interesting to you. Maybe have two so if you get bored of flying around circles in one direction you can try the second route for a while. After enough time passes you will notice larger and angrier ships showing up in your back yard, so consider adding bigger shield generator and some weapons to your Mule, as well as some hand to hand weaponry just in case you get disabled and boarded. Even though you are still primarily avoiding combat, it would be wise to spend some of your profits on a small fleet of warships and interceptors to act as escorts just in case you run into trouble. Buying a second Mule is a good idea, too, for even more cargo space and passenger space so you can earn more money as you fly around.

1-Hunting) With a Mule you can continue boarding and looting the pirate ships, sell their outfits for more money now that you have a bigger cargo hold. Or get the Hai equipment installed and hunt ships with those expensive fusion reactors. Go buy grenades (or nerve gas) for everyone. Possibly also buy some defensive weapons so you don’t lose as many crew while you’re taking over other ships. Continue as before but now you can try tackling things up to the size of a Cruiser. You can even capture or buy another Mule and outfit it for combat to keep the enemies from blowing you up so easily.

2) With about 30 million credits, you can buy the Bactrian. That thing pretty much owns the skies. With a Bactrian flagship, you can choose your path. You can perform equally well as a hunter, a trader, or a taxi. Especially if you kept your mules and you also have a decent fleet of ships flying combat duty alongside your Bactrian. At this point you can try raiding the Quarg to steal their ships or some of their amazing battery outfits. Or do odd transport jobs all over the galaxy. Or start challenging worlds with the “Demand Tribute” option and then try to curb-stomp their defense fleets. For that, you will need several carrier ships and a very large fleet or warships of your own though.

Good luck out there, Captain.

My Recommendation

I would recommend one of two paths, depending on whether you like to blow up asteroids, or blow up ships that can shoot back. In either case, take the Shuttle.

Option 1:for warriors

  • Do those intro missions with your passenger/mentor James to get the feel of things.
  • Do the Pirate Hunting style with the shuttle.
  • Do more ship hunting with the Mule.
  • When you can afford to buy a few warships and some interceptors as escorts, try continuing with the main game.

Option 2:for entrepreneurs

  • Do those intro missions with James as a tutorial.
  • Do the Pirate Hunting style with the shuttle, until you can get into a ship with> 100 cargo space.
  • (examples:Hauler, Freighter, Argosy, Mule)
  • Go mine asteroids and make a small fortune on mineral trading. Remember to convert extra outfit space to cargo using the Cargo Expander outfit.
  • When you start feeling filthy rich, buy some combat-ready escort ships and continue the main game.