

Hide Or Die – 遊び方

このガイドでは、Hide or Die について知っておく必要があるすべてのことと、生き残る方法、または他の人が生き残るのを防ぐ方法について説明します。


こんにちは。このガイドをご覧いただきありがとうございます。このガイドでは、Hide or Die (HOD) でエスケープ モードとラスト マン スタンディング モードの両方をプレイする方法について知っておく必要があるすべてのことを説明します。このガイドでは、サバイバーになる方法、使用する特典、拾う武器、ハンターに対して生き残る方法についてのチュートリアルがあります.ハンターになる方法、使用する特典、使用するハンター、および生存者をうまく追い詰める方法に関するチュートリアルもあります。


このガイドがうまく機能するには、ゲーム内チュートリアルを完了して、すべてのキーバインドとゲームの一般的な操作方法を理解する必要があります。もう 1 つの提案は、ゲームの雰囲気をつかむために 1 回か 2 回ゲームをプレイすることです。これが、このガイドのすべての要件です。ゲームを所有する必要はありませんが、ガイドから学び、ゲーム内で使用できるようにすることをお勧めします。

Hide or Die モードについて

Hide or Die には、現在ゲームで 2 つのプレイ可能なモードがあります。このセクションでは、ハンターおよびサバイバーとしてモードをプレイする方法について説明します。


エスケープ モードは、WHOLE Hide or Die マップでプレイされます。 24 人のプレーヤーと、実行するための多くのスペースがあります。 Escape の目的は、闇を集めてサバイバーとして脱出するか、キラーとして全員を殺すことです。脱出モードで開始すると、ハッチから出て、解放されて探索に出かけます。 Last Man Standingとは異なり、武器はゲームの最初から利用可能です。闇を集めるには、Extractors をアクティブにするか、Darkness Creatures を倒します。エクストラクターを発動すると、エクストラクターのレアリティに応じて闇のクリーチャーに襲われます。暗闇が 100 に達すると、腐敗メーターがいっぱいになり始めます。メーターが 100% まで満たされると、変換サイトでハンターに変換できます。エスケープモードでは、人々が腐敗メーターを上げ始めると、2〜3人のキラーがいます.サバイバーは武器を使って殺人者を殺し、闇の一部を奪うことができます。彼らは多くを失うと、ハンターの能力を失います。 15分間闇を集めた後、最も闇が多い上位3人が最後のキラーとして選ばれ、脱出バンカーを守ります。

キラーが守らなければならない 3 つの脱出バンカーがあります。生存者として、彼らはバンカーにたどり着き、闇から逃れなければなりません。生存者がいずれかの時点で死亡した場合、暗闇の 75% を失い、25% を残して去ります。逃げれば100%取れる。エスケープモードでは、ストアで化粧品を購入するために使用されるクレジットも見つけることができます。あなたが死んでも、見つかったすべてのクレジットを保持します。

これが、Hide or Die でのエスケープ モードの仕組みです。


ラスト マン スタンディング モードは、Hide or Die マップのセクションでプレイされます。 16 人のプレーヤーとたくさんの隠れ場所があります。 Last Man Standing での目標は、ハンターまたはサバイバーとして最後に立っている男になることです。このゲームでは、スタンガン、スモーク グレネード、モーション センサーなどの防御アイテムのみを見つけることができます (すべてのアイテムについては、アイテム セクションを確認してください)。ゲームの開始時に、闇のオーブがランダムな場所に表示され、そこに到達した最初のプレイヤーがハンターになります。ハンターの汚職バーは最初は 100% で、ハンターであるにつれて悪化し始めます。生存者はヒューズ ボックスを完成させてライトをアクティブにし、腐敗メーターを 25% 下げることができますが、ヒューズ ボックスを完成させている人を見ることができます。試合が進むにつれ、暗闇が迫り始めるため、ゲームプレイ エリアが狭くなります。暗闇の中で立ち往生すると、死ぬまで健康を失い始めます。ゲームは残り2人になるまで続きます。現在のハンターは腐敗メーターが 100% になり、腐敗を失うことはありません。最後の生存者は、ハンターを殺すための武器を見つけることができます。最後まで生き残った人が試合に勝利し、大量の XP を獲得します。

Hide or Die で Last Man Standing Mode が機能する方法は次のとおりです

Hide or Die アイテムについて

サバイバーにとって天の恵みとなるものについてのセクションへようこそ:アイテム。これらはインベントリに独自のスロットがあり、通常、サバイバーが詐欺師から逃れるために使用できる非攻撃的なツールです。初期設定ではアイテムを1つしか保持できませんが、レベル2で獲得したUtility Belt perkを使用すると、アイテムを2つ保持できます。これらのアイテムはすべて LMS (Last Man Standing) では一般的ですが、Escape では独自の希少性があることに注意してください。始めましょう:




缶に書いてある通りです。それを投げると、濃い煙がまともなサイズの半径でうなり声を上げます. I recommend you use this if you think the killer has seen you to make an escape, and not if he is already 2 inches away from making you a darkness point smoothie, as if he gets too close to you in the smoke, your an easy target. Another use for it is to throw it away from your location to distract the killer, then move away while he tries to find the survivor hiding in the smoke. Outstanding move!

Bredda (Rare)

A nifty little taser. Hit the killer with this bad boy, and he will be stunned for around 3-4 seconds. Use this time to either escape, or pop a can of whoop ♥♥♥ on him. Keep in mind, its best to use the taser from a distance, the moment he sees you, as it has quite a range on it, and sometimes if he is too close, escape is impossible. Also, stitches will be your worse nightmare should you find this taser to be your last resort.

Crate Key (Rare)

It’s a key that opens crates, the yellow and black military crates you can find around the world. They only make an appearance in escape, as these crates contain a guaranteed Legendary weapon or item. Worth it, if you feel like lugging the key around until you find one, but you’ll be vulnerable in the mean time.

Demoleculizer (Very Rare)

Quite a step up on a technological scale, this thing make look like a powerful grenade from some Sci-Fi series, but it is in fact, a portable invisibility device. Throw it at your feet to turn yourself and any other survivor in its radius invisible (well, sort of, its not perfect invisibility, but its pretty damn good) for a short time, around 10 seconds. Can be incredibly useful in dimly lit areas such as forests, as you can blend in much better, however, in brighter places such as the carnival, you can be easily seen if lit up a certain way, and the killer will enjoy making you his personal darkness dispenser.

Darkness Warp (Legendary)

While this thing only makes an appearance in escape, and is very rare and hard to find, this thing is a thing of beauty. This device will create a warp on the ground, and should you go through it, it will take you to a random portal on the map. The best part:If the killer tries to follow you through it, he will end up at a different random portal! Thats right, get in in time and this thing is a guaranteed escape! But watch out, when its gone, its gone, and if your unlucky, you may find yourself in a trickier spot then before…

Medical Pack (Perk Item)

Should you get the survivor perk Health Boost at level 3, not only can you enjoy a bonus 25 percent hp, but you will also receive a medical pack upon loading in to a game. This nifty syringe will heal right up to full hp! This will let you take a huge beating from hunters and ai, and even the zone in LMS! A very useful item, but worth a perk slot?あなた次第です。

And that is all on items! These things can really help you out in a scrape, especially in LMS, so be sure to stock up! You’ll never know when you need them!

About the Hide or Die Hunters

This section will tell you about the Hunters ability and their weapons

The Scientist

Ability(s):Radar and Dome

Radar:The Radar will show little blips that are nearby players on the radar screen.

Dome:The dome will trap survivors inside of a blue dome. Only the hunter can leave the dome.

Weapon:Electrical Bat

The Fisherman

Ability(s):Harpoon Gun and Sonar

Harpoon Gun:A Gun that will shoot a harpoon. Can be explosive or electrical if the hunter is at the specified level.

Sonar:Will make the nearby land turn green and a survivor near will be highlighted in green for a couple of seconds.

Weapon:Non Throwable Spear.


Ability(s):Jackboxes and True Sight (Perk)

Jackboxes:Boxes that can be thrown onto the ground and when a survivor gets near it, Stitches gets a notification.

True Sight (Perk) :Highlight Nearby Survivors for 2 seconds (This ability is a perk and can be upgraded).


How to Play as a Survivor in Escape Mode

Playing survivor in Escape mode is not actually that difficult:

At the start of the match, you may want to look for Weapons and Items. To help yourself, Press M to display the Map, you will see Symbols indicating buildings, Players, Exits, etc.

Once you done with arming yourself, look for Extractors, which are dooted around the map. In Those, you must activate them and complete the objectives, which can vary between
completing fuze boxes to fueling up a generator with Gasoline Cans.

Extractors give a certain amount of darkness, depending on the rarity of it, being common the lowest and very rare the highest for extractors.

Once a certain amount of time passes, you will hear a siren indicating that the exits are about to open.

In case of luck, if your one of the top 3 players with most darkness, you will transform into a hunter, with the objective of defending one of the exits.

Otherwise, you’ll have to escape thought them, but be careful! once you get near an exit, which are shown on screen their location, watchout for nearby hunters!

How to Play as a Hunter in Escape Mode

Being a hunter in escape can be a very rewarding experience. Murdering people and stealing alllll that hard earned darkness is something to relish. But first, you got to find them, and then you gotta kill em. Here’s how:

First off, the moment you convert, you are going to want to use your dark sight, bound to the F key. This makes you go much faster and will highlight the rough locations of survivors across the map. Look for the blotches of color on your screen. The more red and loud they are, the more darkness that person has. Move towards them until the blot of color covers the ground. That area is where the survivor is. Now its time to track them down. Use the tracking tools your hunter has, cover large ground, check dark sight to make sure they haven’t run. If they keep running, move into dark sight and try to listen for their footprints as they run, then come out and give em a nasty surprise. If they are staying in the same spot, and not coming up on your radar, check the hidables in the area.

Of course, in escape, survivors may not go down without a fight. If the survivors are in groups, or have good enough weapons, they may choose to try and fight you. A foolish notion, here is how to deal with such pesky survivors:

If the survivors bring your hp down to zero, you are forced into dark sight for around 10 seconds. If this happens, don’t attack right away. Stay in dark sight and heal, while trying to stay near the survivors by listening for their footprints. Once you are full, try to single out a single survivor, and take them down, then go into dark sight and recover your hp and suck up the darkness they dropped.すすいで繰り返します。 In addition, make sure to use your offensive equipment, such as your dome, your harpoon gun or your mobility to cause problems for the survivors. The fisherman in particular can cause major problems for survivors, as he can out range them and out damage them.

And finally, do keep in mind, not every hunt will end in success! But that’s ok! Simply bide your time until your corruption once again reaches 100 percent, and strike. Oh, and try not to die in the mean time!

How to Play as Survivor in Last Man Standing

Playing as survivor in Last Man Standing can be very challeging:

The Objective here is, as the name says, be the last one alive. All survivors spawn in one point.

After you spawn, starting running in any direction and be on the watch for the corrupted orb, which will spawn randomly. If your not lucky and do not be the one to pick the orb, fear not!

You will want to look for items and look for fuse boxes that get highlighted a bit after someone gets corrupted. In this boxes, you have to click the right numbers to pass to the next stage.

Once you complete the three stages, you will complete the fuse box, which will drain 25% of the Hunter corruption rate.

If you manage to be on the Top 2 as a survivor, you will 1v1 the Hunter. At this point, Weapons will spawn. Grab one, quickly!

Now all you gotta do is Fight! Be the winner so you can win LMS!

How to Play as a Hunter in Last Man Standing

おめでとう! At long last, you have found the coveted O R B in last man standing! Now you can finally wreak some havoc upon the heads of the infidels. Here are some tips and tricks to maximizing your murder spree!

Firstly, and this is the big one, defend your fuse boxes! If survivors do these, your time as killer will be reduced significantly! Make sure to keep an eye on them, make use of your domes/sonar/jack boxes to keep survivors away! Also, you are informed when a fuse is being worked on, so make sure to strike fast!

Secondly, don’t forgot to check hidables! It takes only a second to seach em, but these little buggers make survivors immune to your tracking abilities, so clever survivors will make use of them. Make sure to drag them out and beat em down!

Third off, watch out for tasers! If you see a survivor has one, try to zig zag and move in an unpredictable fashion in order to throw them off and make them miss! And when they do, give em a good shellacking!

Here are some hunter specific tips!

Scientist: Use your dome to force people to be stuck in the zone! If you place it right, people can be stuck inside the zone within your dome, and will die a slow and painful death! You can also use the dome to block off fuses and exits to buildings!

Fisherman: Place your sonars in between fuses that are close to maximize their effectiveness. Place as many as you can, and don’t forgot to charge your harpoon up by holding RMB, otherwise it will do no damage!

Stitches: Place your jack boxes by the fuses to put survivors off doing them! Or, alternitavely, place them in known hiding spots so you can track pesky and un-creative survivors down! Finally, use your mobility to reach vantage points to get a birds eye view on survivors!

That’s all for LMS hunters! Good luck and happy hunting!