失われた偶像の十字軍 – 初心者向けガイド
スターティング ガイド
あなたの目標は、ネイトをレベル 150 にして世界をリセットし、最初のアイドルを獲得することです。この男。
最初は、クリックダメージ用のクルセイダーしかありません。モンスターをクリックして次のエリアのロックを解除し (表示される巨大な金色の矢印をクリックするか、ミニマップの次のエリアをクリックします)、dps クルセイダーのロックを解除するのに十分なゴールドを獲得する必要があります [クリックなし]。
(ほとんどの人はアイドル クリッカー ゲームが何であるかを知っているので冗長ですが、誰かが不思議に思って大騒ぎについて知りたい場合に備えて.)
スターター フォーメーション
フォーメーションの重要なアップグレード、アビリティ、フォーメーション アビリティについて説明します (おそらく間違ったプレイをしている可能性があります。より良いフォーメーションについては、ゲーム内チャットでプロに相談してください)。
アップグレードは、DPS やゴールド ゲインなどをブーストするスキルです。
フォーメーション アビリティ (FA は、私が怠け者なので、これ以降) は、DPS やゴールドゲインなどをブーストするために、フォーメーション内の十字軍に依存するスキルです。
彼の最も重要な FA はシャープン パーティーです。彼の列にいる他の十字軍のDPSをブーストします。
彼女の最も重要な FA はブルワークです。彼女の後ろの列にいるクルセイダーの DP をブーストします。
彼の最も重要な FA は A-Hah! です。彼の列にあるクルセイダーごとに、倒したときにゴールドの敵がドロップする量を増やします。
彼の最も重要な能力は拡大です。スキル バーの他の能力のパワーを高めます。
彼女の最も重要なアップグレードは、最初の 4 つです。点火、チャー、コンフラグレート、焼却。彼女と一緒にフォーメーションにいるすべての十字軍の DP を増加させます。
彼女のすべての能力は重要であり、彼女はあなたのメイン DP になります。できるときに入手して、彼女のレベルを上げ続けてください。
この小さな子猫の最も重要な FA は Roar! です。彼の前の列にいるクルセイダーの DP をブーストします。
彼には重要な FA が 2 つあります。カエルのスープは目の前の列にいるクルセイダーを癒します。コーヒー ポーションは、彼を取り囲む十字軍の DP を増加させます。
彼女には重要な 4 つのアップグレードがあります。スロットよりもいいぞ、ゴールド!マイン!、もっとゴールド!マイン!、聖コイン勲章。敵が落としたゴールドをすべて増やします。
彼の最重要能力はストームライダー。世界をリセットするまで、DPS が増加します。
最大限の効果を得るには、ストーム ライダーを使用する前に拡大を使用してください。
ネイト ドラゴン
彼はあなたのセカンダリ DP であるべきです。彼が現在のランを終了しないと次のランを開始できないため、各ランで彼をレベルアップすることが重要です。
彼の最も重要なアップグレードは、The End of the World です。購入できたら、世界をリセットして最初のアイドルを獲得できます。
アイドルとギアの話をする前に、ユーザー インターフェースについて説明します。
これはキャンペーンの目的リストです。 2 つのモードがあります。読みやすく、フォローしやすい。そしてマイクロサックブロックメニュー。お気に入りを選択してください。
Click the green See All Objectives. Choose a new objective and start.
Accept your losses (yeet your collected idols and rubies that could be earned this run into a pit of no return) and admit defeat. There is a cool down between abandons so make sure you are sure when choosing an objective.
This is the boosts/buffs bar.
This is the skill bar.
This is where you can save your formation for faster setup later, or swapping between formations.
This golden arrow is how you will progress. Be sure to click on it when it pops up. After your first run there will also be this autoprogress button. If activated it will continue until your crusaders are defeated.
Each crusader has their own EP and XP. Both boost dps. EP is permanent. XP resets when you reset the world.
EP is earned from missions (further in the guide)
XP is earned after time from the crusader being in the field.
The Taskmaster tab, these helpful critters can keep autoprogress active, level crusaders, activate skills, if you have them on the field they will click monsters for you, three of them they will pick up items, four and they will click the yellow arrow for you. There is one in the challenge shop and three in the ruby shop. The rest will have to be earned through special events like anniversary or bought in DLC.
The sword tab, lists all of your crusaders. You can scroll through the list of them fairly quickly using the mouse scroll wheel.
The bag tab, has five smaller tabs inside. Also shows items that aren’t specifically tied to each crusader but help all of them. With DPS, Click Damage, increased gold drop and skill cooldown time.
Skill cooldown reduction time caps at 50% from these items alone. Some can be boosted through the idol skill tree and equipment bonuses.
One for chests which may drop after defeating a boss. Chests come in two flavors Silver and Jeweled. Silver gives gold, items, item boosts, equipment up to the rarity of rare. Jeweled has a chance to drop skins, epic gear/items/boosts, warps. Save silver chests for when its hard to level up from lack of gold, jeweled chests open them as soon as you want. Gear you already have or lower rarities will be turned into materials. The rarity of the duplicate item determines which material you get.
One for the chest shop, here you can see the bundles for jeweled chests, the Golden Epic (I’ll explain in the gear tab) you will get from buying a bundle. There is also a redeem code tab in here. This will be important to remember where its at.
One for the Idol skill tree. It is sectioned off in tiers. Reach the specified area to unlock the next tier in the tree. You can spend idols freely this isn’t clicker heroes, they won’t stop giving a boost to dps and gold dropped just because they are spent. So go nuts, buy all the things. Focus on the dps improvements first. Once you get to the later tiers you’ll probably need to focus on the idol boosting skills and maximum crusader level skills. You should try to save your free respecs if you want to redo your skills after reaching another tier. Like choosing to unlock the next tier of campaign objectives and leveling up the better skills. I don’t do it. I’ll level up everything eventually anyway. Be smarter than me.
One for the ruby shop. Rubies can be earned from Missions, Daily Quests, and from completing campaign objectives. I bought the taskmasters first, but you can buy whatever you want. More jeweled chests or skins (maybe save skins for when you have everything else).
One to craft items. The starting crusaders have some recipes, the rest will have to be earned. Use materials to craft higher quality equipment here.To upgrade from epic to legendary you will need Legendary Catalysts. The cost of catalysts increase for each legendary made. From 1, 2, 3, 5… etc. The cost will decrease after a week a little. I never go past 3 so it always resets to a cost of 1.
Legendaries come with a second stat. Legendaries can be leveled up more for improved secondary stat. Or disenchanted down to Epic if you’re not happy with it. You get the materials back and a nifty item for a free legendary upgrade. So don’t worry about messing up and upgrading something you don’t want or need.
Golden Epics have a higher primary stat. Every little bit helps, it may not seem useful now but there are objectives and challenges where you can’t use your favorite formation. I’d focus on getting them from the challenge shop.
The rest of everything else… I didn’t know there was a limit…
The mission tab. Here you can see your daily quests to earn a few extra rubies.
Then you can send the crusaders you aren’t using on missions for EP. Extra gold. Other crusaders. Boosts. Equipment. Idols. Recipes. Crafting materials. Be sure not to send your mains crusaders, you run the risk of having to wait or abandoning a run and having them disabled for a period of time if they fail a mission. Better equipment and more ep can increase the odds of success depending on the mission.
The Ribbon Tab.
Achievements. They provide a small permanent boost for each one completed. For either Gold dropped, DPS or Click damage.
統計学。 Here be nerds. The numbers! The probably mean something.
Challenges. These occur once a week. They will appear on the top of the campaign objective list as yellow. Depending on how lucky or unlucky you are you may earn a few tokens or not. Tokens are earned from reaching a certain area. So try to get as far as you can.
Once you have tokens or challenge coins. You can spend them on. Time limited buffs/boosts. Recipes. A taskmaster. Crafting materials. Legendary catalyst. Jeweled chests. Event chests. Finally Golden Epics (or Golden Legendaries if you already have the legendary).
These are big deal. They happen once a month around the 22nd. Once it starts you will receive special currency that is used to start the events campaign objective or to buy the event chests from the chest shop.
The event objectives appear at the top of the campaign objective menu as blue.
These objectives give you a chance to earn more crusaders. Which is awesome. Better crusaders =more progress. More crusaders =more missions for stuff =more progress. Also a crapton of bonus idols in the events free play mode once everyone builds up the bonus here. Which means EVEN MORE PROGRESS HOMIE! I’m 30… I shouldn’t say that…
Lastly the option menu.
Here you can sign up for a newsletter and get free codes on the weekend for a chest and other cool stuff to your email.
Turn on the chat for helpful tips from other players, maybe some casual ♥ing, and to watch everyone else get the epic you wanted. Or off if you are a monster.
Turn off animations, music, sound effects, pausing when in the other menus, notifications. And lower the quality if your potato can only potat.よう。私はこれで終わりです。 Its a lot to take in, I know. But if you made it this far you probably scrolled to the end to see how long this was.幸運を! Noob.