

私たちは一緒にここにいた – 完全なウォークスルー


第 1 章 – バルブ


私たちの最初の使命は、家の周りのすべてのドアを開くための 5 つのバルブを見つけることです。それでは行きましょう!



3 番目のバルブ



第 1 章 – シグナル

家の上に行くと、信号送信機があります。それは家の中で見つけることができるのと同じです。 1 人は上に留まり、もう 1 人は家の中で降ります。

屋根の上のプレーヤーは、異なる色の線が画面に表示される頻度を選択する必要があります。このためのボタンは 2 つだけです。別のラインがあるウェーブを選択し、下の 2 番目のプレーヤーに、それがどのように見えるか、どの程度変更する必要があるかを伝えます。

下のプレーヤーには 4 つのボタンがあります。 「上」と「下」は波の高さを担当します。そして、その幅の「左」と「右」。これらのボタンを使用して、彼はその波を構築する必要があり、その上にいるプレーヤーは別の色で表示されます.

2 人のプレイヤーが 4 つのウェーブを一致させるだけで済みます。 3はミュージカル、後者は座標を音声で伝えるだけです。その後、両方のプレイヤーは壁に大きな地図がある部屋に行きます。

第 1 章 – 地図

大きな地図の前に立つときは、家の中でずっと聞いているラジオ メッセージについて考えてみてください。

  • チャーリー753
  • ベータ 754

  • デルタ195
  • エコー 469

  • ベータ 481
  • チャーリー447

マップの前に、座標を担当する 2 つのレバーが表示されます。プレーヤーごとに 1 つのレバー。レバーを押したままにすると、マップの左下隅にあるスライダーが動きます。このスライダーを円でマークされた 3 つの場所まで拡張する必要があります (まだマークしていません)。

スライダーが 1 つのマークに達すると、再び先頭に移動します。不要な場所をマークすると、失敗の特徴的な信号が聞こえ、すべてのマークが消えます。
1 人のプレイヤーがカメラをレバーから離すと、スライダーが最初に戻ります。

第 1 章 – スノーモービル


最初のプレーヤーは車の近くのタンクに行き、2 番目のプレーヤーは家の外にある他の 2 つのタンクに走ります (バルブ番号 4 でドアを開けます)。

両方とも、ガレージのマシンで 6 番に到達する必要があります。


  • -8
  • -4
  • -4


  • 8
  • 5
  • 5
  • 8
  • 7
  • 4

通りにいるプレイヤーは、両方の戦車の 7 番のレバーを引く必要があります。そして、車の近くにいるプレーヤーが数字の 8 のレバーを引きます。

第 2 章 – 壁


特別なことは、それらが両側でペアになっていることです。その特徴は、左側の 1 つのエレベーターを持ち上げ、右側のもう 1 つのエレベーターを下げることです。


  • 2 人のプレーヤーが最初に 2 つのエレベーター (菱形のマーク) に近づき、向きを変えます。これらのエレベーターは、プレーヤーにパズルのルールを紹介するために必要です。
  • 次に、右のプレイヤーがダイナマイトマークのエレベーターに乗ります。左側のプレイヤーがダイナマイト エレベーターに横から入り、2 回下に降りて、右側の同じエレベーターを持ち上げます。
  • 右側のプレーヤーは、エレベーターの屋根に沿って進み、このエレベーターに向かって左に曲がり、1 回持ち上げます。彼はそれを離れ、ダイナマイトを持ってエレベーターに戻ります。
  • 左側のプレーヤーがダイナマイトでエレベーターを持ち上げ、右側のプレーヤーを下げます。右のプレイヤーは、マインカーマークのエレベーターに乗り込み、一番上まで上がります。つるはしでエレベーターの屋根に沿って進み、恐竜の頭蓋骨のある次のエレベーターに向かいます。 1回下げます。次に、右側のプレイヤーがつるはしを持ってエレベーターに戻り、1 回下げて、恐竜の頭蓋骨を持ってエレベーターに戻ります。
  • 左側のプレイヤーはマークのあるエレベーターに行き、一番上まで上がり、つるはしを持ってエレベーターの屋根を通って恐竜の頭蓋骨のあるエレベーターに行きます.

両方のプレイヤーが交代で洞窟の通路に上がり、2 つのレバーを見つけます。洞窟へのゲートを開き、次の章に進むには、それらを同時に保持する必要があります。

第 3 章 – 凍った足跡




簡単にするために、両方のプレイヤーを P1 と P2 と呼びましょう

  • P1 は左側の通路に入り、P2 は右側の赤いレバーを引いて通路を閉じます。 P1 は青いレバーに移動します。

  • P1 はレバーを引き、最初のゲートの近くにあるプラットフォームに足を踏み入れます。 P2 はそれ自身と同じことを行います。どちらも一般的に反時計回りに回転します。
  • P1 は廊下を右に下り、青いゲートを通って次のプラットフォームに向かいます (P2 はまだレバーにあり、それを回すことができます)。プラットフォームを反時計回りに回して黄色のレバーに渡し、アクティブにします。

  • P1 は同じ道を戻り、P2 に青いレバーを引くように指示します。
  • P1 は左側の通路に入り、P2 は右側の赤いレバーを引いて通路を閉じます。 P1 は青いレバーに移動します。
  • P1 は左側の通路に入り、P2 は右側の赤いレバーを引いて通路を閉じます。 P1 は青いレバーに移動します。
  • P1 は左側の通路に入り、N2 は右側の赤いレバーを引いて通路を閉じます。 P1 は青いレバーに移動します。

第 4 章 – 霧の谷


見えるのは大きな深淵と橋の始まりだけです。このパズルでは、プレイヤーの 1 人が洞窟のメカニズムに橋を架け、もう 1 人がその上を踏んでいきます。



星 (中心) -> 太陽 -> 月 -> 木星 -> 星 -> 宇宙


星の部分の後、橋は 2 つの部分に分かれていることに注意してください。橋の上のプレイヤーは、宇宙のある部分の左側に行き、洞窟のプレイヤーが橋を再建するまでそこに立っていなければなりません.


宇宙 -> 恒星 -> 彗星 -> 日食 -> 月 -> 太陽



第 5 章 – 2 つの道


プレイヤーの 1 人はボード上にエレメントを含む球体を置き、2 人目はそれらの間に線を引くことができます。



第6章 – 奇妙な出会い


1 人のプレーヤーには、壁に色付きの線でマークされた丸皿と設定があります。 2 番目のプレーヤーには、配線されたポールがあります。真ん中には、2 番目のプレーヤーと同じ色の線の電源とカプセルを供給するレバー付きのテーブルがあります。


柱のあるプレーヤーは、2 番目のプレーヤーと順序が同じになるように、入口から最後までカプセルを配置する必要があります。

青青で始まる .

  • ブルーブルー
  • 赤青
  • イエロー1個
  • 黄緑
  • 青 1 個
  • 赤緑


第 7 章 – 大きくなり過ぎた

まず、両方の部屋について、周りを見回してパイプを 4 つ集めます。特定の色の炎を送信する必要があるため、これらはインストールに必要です。タスクは、どの部屋にも漏れがないようにパイプを配置することです。

It is also necessary to fill three tanks with green, orange and purple flames. While in one of the rooms there is a lever for supplying a red flame, and in the other two levers for yellow and blue .

Begin with what color you like.


To do this, pull the yellow and blue levers and arrange three slots in two rooms of the pipe. Slots can be rotated, and pipes can be changed among themselves. This will be needed in the future.

The symbols below indicate the types of pipes and their location in the slots.

  • Single lever room: ┫┛━
  • Room with two levers: ━ ┓┣


We turn off the blue lever in one room, and turn on the red in the other room. After that, we change the pipes in the slots.

  • Single lever room: ┓x ━ (x =no pipe)
  • A room with two levers: x┏ ━ (x =no pipe)


Turn off the yellow lever and turn on the blue. We change the pipes.

  • Single lever room: ┻ ┛━
  • Room with two levers: ━ ┓┏

Chapter 7 – The Fountain

The player of the two-lever room must go to the empty fountain and go down the stairs to turn the valve, which will launch the puzzle. It is limited in time and should be prepared for it.

If you activate the valve, water flows in and the stairs on the side turn.

Tip: If you can not see well because of the water level, hop! That can help for a short time.

The player in the fountain needs to gradually climb the stairs, which the second player will rotate in parts in his room through a special mechanism (First screen).

Each of the stairs refers to a specific symbol.

These symbols are also indicated on the ceiling above the fountain. This is a symbol of the Comet.

As a result, we have the following arrangement on the mechanism:

  • Top Left → Jupiter
  • Left → Stars
  • Upper Right → Sun
  • Bottom Left → Big Star
  • Right → Moon

It is in this sequence that they will need to be rotated. This is done by laying a line of gears from the center to the desired ladder. If this line touches the red gears, the line will not rotate the ladder.

Listen to the second player, he will talk when it will be necessary to rotate the ladder, and when it will be necessary to stop.

There are fixed tiers between tiers with symbols, they must be reached on the stairs of the marked tier. The last tier will need to be tightened before exiting the reservoir.

Chapter 7 – Poisons

On the right of the room you stand in a old greenhouse. So its time to brew a few potions!

In one room with a reservoir there are three taps with fluids of three colors:green, orange and purple. There is also a small garden where you need to grow fruits, seed bags and scoops are scattered throughout the garden. You must take the necessary seeds and plant them on the bed and watered it with the correct liquid.

Here are the recipes from another player’s room:

In the other room can you find all the equipment. One device with two slots and the other with three. We need a dual-slot. Based on recipes, combine the ingredients here.

The rooms of two players are connected by rails with trolleys. They are needed to transfer resources for potions to each other. One puts objects in a trolley and presses a lever. Another picks up these items and uses them for their intended purpose.

You need to brew the following poisons to create one, deadly poison to defeat the carnivorous plant.

Having received all three potions, they need to be folded into another device with three slots. After receiving the black potion, you need to fill it in the sprayer, which lies on the table next to the recipes in the same room in which you received the potion. The device must be transferred to another player, and he, in turn, must spray them on a huge plant that stores a second stone. The stone must be taken.

Chapter 8 – Hidden Answers

In this chapter, you both find yourself in rooms that are similar to each other, but there are significant differences. The goal is to find 6 books hidden throughout the room. All these books have a big letter on the front, so you can find them maybe a litte bit easier.

The order in which the books must be found does not matter!

Book #1

At first, one player can find 4 objects in his room to collect. These 4 objects are:

  • sand clock
  • globe
  • cube

You can not do anything with these objects except to place them seemingly randomly in the room.

Your partner have also this items in his room. Place all 4 at the same position as in the other room. After that, a box will open on the second floor of both rooms in the corner. Both players must take a book from there.

Book #2

One of you can collect paintings that depict strange animals. The second player must explain where they are located. The first player must place the collected pictures in the indicated places.

One of the paintings does not contain an animal, but a man (the portrait differs from that in the other room). Put it in place to the left of the door.

After completing the task, one picture on the stairs will open. There will be a book.

Book #3

In addition to 6 “strange” animal paintings, there are also 3 paintings with floral ornaments. Each picture is divided into 4 squares, which the second player can rotate. Squares should be set so that the drawings in all three paintings coincide with the image of the same paintings in another room.

After that, the picture to the left of the clock will open. There will be a book.

Book #4

In the middle of the rooms there is a candle holder. Only one player can light candles. The second player should tell what candles they have on.

After that, the box with the book under the candle holder will open.

Book #5

On the pedestal near the stairs there is a spherical purple device, it glows when the first player approaches certain crystals. There are 5 of it in the room and you need to light them all.

If the first player approaches the crystal, and the second ball flashes quickly, it means that it must be activated. If you activate the wrong crystal, then all others will be canceled.

After execution, a box with a book will open under the ball.

Book #6

The first player has divisions to the right of the clock, and the second has switches in the same place. They are responsible for the sound of the clock, the beat frequency and the sound of the cuckoo.

The first player must explain this to the second player, and he must adjusts the parameters of his watch to the clock of the first player, and then clicks on the button below.

After execution, a door with a book will open under the clock.

Now you’ve collect all 6 Books. Go down in the corner to the left of the fireplace. You must set in your book now in the correct order. Remember the picture next to the entrance door.

A player with a picture of a bearded man looking to the left should make up the word ESPIAN.

A player with a picture of a man looking to the right – NEPIAS.

Chapter 9 – The Soulstone

Both players together must create a third stone. One player has a board with a table (screen below), on which you need to create a stone, and entries around which the components are shown and named.

On the table, these components are indicated as abbreviations.

These abbreviations must be decrypted by the second player, since he has a book with decryptions. Also in the room of the second player there are components with images. And three devices.

One combines two components into one, the second disconnects one component into two, and the third is needed to connect the 3 components that are indicated below the stone in the table (OH, OT, PF).

Chapter 10 – The Betrayal

After receiving the alchemical stone, one of the players gets into the cage, and the second goes through a secret passage instead, which is divided into two corridors.

In both hallways knights stand in front of colored curtains.

First you need to release a friend using the lever that is next to the window.

The released player will find a hall in which there are 4 of the same statues of knights infrront of colored curtains. In the middle of the hall there will be a button that will rotate all knights 90 degrees.

The player in the hall can move the curtains behind the knight to highlight it. You can only move one curtain at once.

In one corridor there is a knight whose lever is broken. His curtain is blue. The next knight at the window will be with a yellow curtain. And in the other corridor both levers work. The one closest to the window will be with a red and white curtain. The last knight of that corridor stands in front of a green curtain.

To solve the puzzle you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • The player in the corridors must turn the knight’s lever with the yellow curtain.
  • The player in the hall presses the button once.
  • The player in the corridors turns that yellow lever again.
  • The player in the hall presses the button once again
  • The player in the corridors runs to the other side and turns the knight’s lever with the red curtain.
  • The player in the hall presses the button once.

Chapter 10 – The Betrayal (2)

After the previous knights, the next riddle will be around the other four knights along the royal throne. One player is in the hall, and the second must approach the other knights from the other side through the iron doors.

Each knight holds in his hand a certain weapon and shield with an image of an animal on his back. Weapons and shields must be arranged based on the tips that are written on the tablets. These plates are on each side.

One player places weapons, and the second shields.

The player who placed the weapons do the following.

From left to right if you stand in front of the throne with the king.

Axe → Hammer → Sword → Mace

The player behind the wall do the following with his shields. Again from left to right if you lokk straight to the wall.

Dragon → Deer → Phoenix → Bear

After solving the riddle, a cutscene sets in, in which the player who placed the shields runs out through the throne to another player in the great hall.

Now its time for the final decision! you can choose between:

  • You sacrifice yourself.
  • You kill your friend with the dagger.