

バミューダの獣 – パラサウロロフスのガイド (遊び方と生き残り方)

2,000 時間以上の小さな群れとソロ パラのプレーヤーとして、自分だけでなく、群れのためにも、効果的なパラ プレーヤーになるためのヒントを提供するのに適した人物だと感じています。 、そのサイズに関係なく。



パラサウロロフスとして、自由に使える基本的な武器と戦略を知ることは不可欠です。危険な肉食動物を避けるために移動に依存する大型の草食動物として、たとえあなたがパラサウロロフスにとって脅威であるティラノサウルスやアクロカントサウルスなどの大型肉食動物を引き寄せるため、1 つの場所に長くとどまらないように注意する必要があります。


パラサウルスとして、あなたは 4 つの強力でややユニークな能力を自由に使うことができます。1 つ目はアラーム コールで、アビリティ キー (通常はデフォルトで Z または Q) によって起動されます。カーソルを合わせて、群れの仲間に危険が迫っていることを知らせます。私はこの能力をスパムすることはお勧めしませんが、それはあなたをターゲットにするので、すでにアクティブな戦闘中よりも群れの注意を引くためにこれを 1 回か 2 回使用するのが最も賢明です。 2 番目の能力、ストンプ。

ストンプはパラサウロロフスの最も強力な攻撃ですが、ストンプ中にターンにポイントが配置されていない間、移動が停止します。パワータレントがなくても、ストンプは肉食動物の体にヒットすると、妥当な量のダメージと負傷を与えます。ただし、アビリティ プールのかなりの部分を占めるため、アビリティ プールが残っていない状態で放置されたり、肉食動物が顔を噛んだりする状況を避けるために、ヒットを確実に当てることができる場合に使用する必要があります。

3 番目の能力は移動指向で、しゃがみキー (デフォルトではコントロール) を押すと、パラサウロロフスは 4 本の脚すべてで歩きます。この位置では、パラサウロロフスは上り坂を除いてほとんどの状況で遅くなります。パラサウロロフスはこの姿勢でダッシュすることもでき、しゃがみながらダッシュできる唯一の恐竜です。

あなたの最後の能力は、移動中に放牧する能力であり、対話キー (デフォルトは E) を押したまま任意の方向に移動すると、パラサウロロフスは歩行中に利用可能な植物を自動的に食べます。しゃがむのと同じように、これをしながらスプリントすることもできるため、パラは究極の移動草食動物になります。


初級パラサウロロフス – スピード

一般的に、あなたが新しいプレイヤーであれば、すぐに戦闘に参加したくはありません。 For your first few Para playthroughs I can recommend speed para, building for surefooted and strong legs to bolster your already amazing uphill and downhill movement speeds and then through stamina pool and nimble footed into speed, stamina pool so you can run for extended periods and nimble footed to give you added turn rate, which will be useful against Megalosaurus, a fast medium sized carnivore that can be a large threat to newer Parasaurolophus players. Speed increase will help get you away from dangerous carnivores such as Acrocanthosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.

By the time you finish these talents you will already be 0.8, so close to 1.0! However there are more talents you can take as you grow, such as going into sneaky to get both clotting and turn while stomp, sneaky being incredibly useful for avoiding Tyrannosaurus and turn while stomp making it easier to hit those pesky Megalosaurus players with your stomp, which can easily cripple a Megalosaurus and allow you to escape with little issue, as the injury damage you inflict should you hit their body with the stomp should easily make the Megalosaurus slower than you.

Attached to this section is a visual guide.

Safe Parasaurolophus – Power

While speed Parasaurolophus is good for new players, you will quickly notice you lack the raw strength to deal with more than one Megalosaurus attacker at a time and will struggle or entirely die when fighting Acrocanthosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. This build fixes two of these problems (although, still be weary about engaging large packs and avoid Acrocanthosaurus fights where possible), unfortunately Tyrannosarus is simply too powerful to fight one on one as a Parasaurolophus, but you will be able to avoid them if you pay attention while playing this build. The issue with this build is primarily the vulnerability you have while under 0.8, due to the lack of speed to get away from things, however past 0.8 and well into 1.2 you will find that you can battle one or two Megalosaurus players at a time, almost certainly beating a Megalosaurus in one on one combat.

Firstly you want to specialise into ability pool and strong bones, ability pool to increase the amount of times you can use the strong Parasaurolophus stomp (which is heavily improved by this build) and strong bones to reduce the amount of injury damage taken (and as a result, speed lost) when in combat. You then want to go through healthpool increase, a powerful talent for the already decently tanky Parasaurolophus, towards damage increase and bruiser, Damage increase giving the Parasaurolophus stomp a respectable bonus to its base damage and Bruiser causing you, when it’s maxed out, to deal injury even on tail hits, meaning if you miss a body shot with a stomp, you still deal that much needed injury damage!

By the time you max out bruiser, however, you will be 0.8, after which you should start specialising into clotting, to combat Acrocanthosarus’ bleed, a powerful debuff which stops you from healing, Turn while stomp, which allows you to more easily aim your now debilitating stomp and sneaky, which allows you to avoid Tyrannosaurus a lot easier.

The Talent build is attached below.

General Combat Tips And Tricks

For either build as a Parasaurolophus you should never turn and run if your predator is already on your tail, as they can easily remain on your tail and nibble away at it, slowly but surely reducing your health to zero. Rather, if it looks like a fight cannot be avoided attempt to get on the rear of your attacker, headbutting them with the primary attack key (Default:Left click) and hopefully stacking up injury to easily land a stomp. Make sure not to waste ability by using the Alarm call, your herd will already know you are being attacked by the dinosaur pain sounds.

Rather, you should headbutt them a few times until you think you can land a stomp, at which point you should immediately try to, as on either build it is your most powerful weapon. Always however try to remain behind your predator, the Parasaurolophus is tanky, but not against a Tyrannosaurus or Acrocanthosaurus bite. This tactic primarily works for Megalo and Acrocanthosaurus, but in the unfortunate event you are forced to fight a Tyrannosaurus in one on one combat, sticking to the headbutt and avoiding the front end of the Tyrannosaurus is your best bet.

Against Velociraptors, attempting to headbutt them when they leap at you is a good idea, so is suddenly stopping if they are riding your ankles, and using a stomp. Either way you will instantly kill the Velociraptor under most circumstances.

You will find that once you kill a few carnivores (your kills will likely mostly be Megalosaurus and Velociraptor) however, that they will start recognising you and leaving you alone, as you are too dangerous to go after reliably. The best way to avoid being hunted is to be dangerous to hunt.