RimWorld – Empire Mod スターター ガイド
Empire Mod を使い始めたばかりの人、またはこれから使いたい人のための入門ガイド。 mod は活発に開発されているため、すべてが変更される可能性があることに注意してください。
Empire Mod の開始ガイド
エンパイア モッド
Empire Mod を使用すると、世界地図上に複数の入植地を持つ独自の Rimworld 派閥を作成し、植民地を経済的にも軍事的にもサポートできます。
- ここで確認してください。
はじめに – 基本
この mod の使用を開始するための調査やその他の要件はないため、技術的には、最初から独自のコロニーの作成を開始できます。
最初の入植地には 1000 シルバーの費用がかかりますが、入植地をアップグレードして適切な建物を建設するために、約 5000 を手元に用意することをお勧めします。
重要な注意:シルバーはストックパイル ゾーンにある必要があります。そうしないと、使用可能とは見なされません!
建物を作ろう! – 最初の決済
開始するには、タスクバーの右下隅にある [決済] タブをクリックします。
これにより決済 UI が表示されます。
これにより、新しく設立された派閥の名前、タイトル、アイコン (実装されていない atm) を設定できます。
完了すると、「Create New Faction」ボタンが「Create New Colony」ボタンになっていることがわかります
考慮すべき主な考慮事項が 2 つあります。
5 種類の生産可能なリソースは、食料、武器、衣服、動物、伐採、採掘です。
山は採掘に適しており、平地は農耕に役立ち、幸運にも砂漠で木材を手に入れることができます。 1 種類のリソースのみを生産するように居住地を特化し、それに応じて場所を選択することをお勧めします
2 つの集落間の距離と、それらを接続する地形の両方が「移動時間」を決定します。
注:輸送ポッドを研究すると、距離や地形に関係なく、移動時間が最大 0.5 日になります。
お金を稼ぐ – 決済に課税する
すべてのワーカーは維持費がかかることに注意してください。その維持費は、割り当てた労働者が増えるほど高くなります。 The “Total $ Profit” tells you how much silver you’ll get or have to pay during the next tax cycle.
Silver or Resources?
By default all your settlements will give you silver regardless of what resource they’re producing.
To change that you can check the “Is Tithe” column for that resource.
This means that the obtained resources will be given to you directly instead of being counted as profit and given to you as silver.
Here for example I put all available workers into mining and turned on tithing.
Because im not getting any profits Ill have to pay my settlement 1000 silver, in return im getting whatever resource they mined for me.
You will find very quickly that your basic settlement is quite limited in its ability to give you a huge ammount of resources. In order to change that you can shift your attention to the left of the colony interface and start constructing some buildings.
These buildings cost silver and will help your settlement in different ways. From giving you more workers, to making workers cheaper, giving you more taxes or improving the resource gathering rate for a specific resource, these 4 building slots can be used to help this individual settlement.
Important note:In order to construct a building you’ll have to click on the text “Click here to construct a building”. Clicking on the big question mark wont open the construction menu!
Lastly you can upgrade your village. With each level it will cost more silver but in return you get extra workers to assign to your resources. It will also give you a military level wich we will discuss in the last section of this guide.
Getting the taxes
After your settlements have been billed their taxes you’ll be informed via a blue letter. Once that happened you can go to you settlement tab again and click on “Bills”.
Here you can pay or get your taxes. If you have to pay silver because you have a tithe set up (as seen in the picture), clicking on “Resolve Bill” will take the silver right from your stockpile. At that point the settlement will send you the resources over (same for silver).
The time till these arrive depends on the traveltime. You can check the “Events” tab to see when the taxes will arrive.
It is recommended that you put down a “Tax Spot” wich can be found in the Misc section of the architect menu. That way the taxes appear on that spot.
Important note
- The spot can be placed indoors without problems as the taxes dont appear via droppods.
- All taxes, including animals and food will appear on that spot so be wise in choosing its location.
World Politics – Setting Up Policies And Traits
In addition to the individual improvements you can make to your settlements via upgrading the settlement or constructing buildings, you can also set up Policies and traits that affect your faction as a whole.
It is free to set these up and they give some nice bonuses so theres no reason not to do it.
In order to set these up you have to head to your faction tab and click on “Policies/Traits”.
From there choose your policies and apply them. Keep in mind that it takes 5 days till they go into effect. You can check the remaining time in the events tab.
To Arms – Setting Up A Military
Each settlement has a military score. This score can be increased by upgrading the town, constructing certains buildings or adopting certain policies.
This score has 3 distinct effects or uses.
1.Defending your town
From time to time you town will be attacked. You will be informed about this via a red letter. The text in that letter will tell you how strong the enemy force is.
If your own military score is high enough the defense wont be a problem and nothing bad will happen. An unsuccesfull defense however can result in that settlement loosing buildings or even a town level. Furthermore it will result in lower Happiness, Loyalty and Production for a while.
This is of course quite annoying when you have a settlement thats just starting out. You are however able to send your military from a different settlement to support the settlement thats being attacked. For that reason it is recommended that you have atleast one settlement with a high military score. In order to send your military to a different settlement click on the attacked settlement on the worldmap and choose “Defend Settlement” where you’ll have the option to change the defending force.
Important note:The defending force will be replaced, NOT added to the defence.
Note:There is atleast some RNG involved here. I’ve had cases where I was able to beat a lvl 8 attack with a lvl 6 military force and vice versa.
2.Attacking settlements
Just like other factions can attack your settlements, you can attack theirs.
If the attack is successfull you will get some items as loot.
3. Supporting your troops
Since the last update you’re able to set up an army for each settlement. The higher your military score, the more points you have available to form your army.
This will just be a brief overview on how to do that.
I would recommend watching this video from the dev himself that explains it in more detail:
Brief tutorial:Go to your faction tab and click on “Military”
This will open a new window, where you’ll want to go from the right to the left.
Click on Create Units> Select a Unit> Create New Unit
From there choose weapons and apparel for that unit. Keep in mind that the availability of certain weapons or armors is dependend on research or Techlevel.
Once you have created all the units you want you can head on over to “Create Squads”.
Again click on Select a Squad> Create New Squad and put in your units you created in the last step.
Note the total squad equipment cost. The ammount of coins you can spend is dependant on the military level of your town.
- Level:0 =500
- Level:1 =1000
- Level:2 =2500
- Level:3 =5000
- Level:4 =8500
- Level:5 =13000
- Level:6 =18500
- Level:7 =25000
- Level:8 =32500
Once you have created your squad you can assign it to a settlement (you can assign the same squad to multiple settlements).
For that click on Designate Squads> Set Squad> (Choose your Squad)
If you want to call in the military aid click on “Deploy Squad”. Keep in mind that the squad of that settlement will be on cooldown before it can be called again.
Some Stuff – Some Random Notes