

Battlefleet Gothic:Armada 2 – Ultimate Imperium キャンペーン ガイド

数か月前に始めたガイドで、完了するのを忘れていましたが、Imperium Hard キャンペーンをできるだけ簡単にするための優れたアドバイスが含まれています。かなり時間がかかりました。まだこのゲームをプレイしようとしている人の助けになれば幸いです。



AI (1200 ポイント値) に対して艦隊のアイデアをテストする場合は、メイン メニューで [BATTLE] を選択し、左側 (右側がランク付けされています) で [Skirmish 1v1] を選択し、カスタムのクラシック艦隊を作成して名前を付けて保存します。スキルを選択し、[起動] をクリックします。プレーヤーを招待していないため、対戦したい AI 派閥と、それがあなたよりも多いポイントか少ないポイントかを選択する画面がポップアップ表示されます。

注 – AI に対して 2 対 2 の小競り合いを行う方法がわかりませんでした。また、1500 や 1650 などの 1200 以外のポイント値でプレイするようにポイント値を調整する方法もわかりませんでした。


この実績はまだ盗聴されている可能性がありますが、そうでなくても、実際には価値がありません.私の理解では、各派閥、帝国海軍、スペースマリーン、Adeptus Mechanicus の各トン数の最大レベルの船と、キャンペーンの終わりに向けて入手する特別な船を用意する必要があるということです。他の方法では使用しない船をレベルアップして、キャンペーン全体でそれらを維持しようとするのは面倒であり、実際には価値がありません.私のガイドに従えば、キャンペーンは比較的ストレスのないものになるはずですが、この成果を達成しようとしてもそうではありません.





  • Cadia> Nemesis Tessera> Agripinaa> Chin-Chare> Belis Corona> Medusa> Scarus> Belial IV> Caliban &Scelus> Sentinel Worlds> Eidolon.


  • インペリウム =IMP。
  • Adeptus Mechanicus =Admech。
  • スペースマリーン =SM。


  • LC – 軽巡洋艦
  • C – 巡洋艦
  • 紀元前 – 巡洋戦艦
  • GC – グランド クルーザー。
  • BS – 戦艦。

フリート容量は、1 つのフリートのポイント容量であり、レベル 13 で最大 1000 になります。

リーダーシップは戦闘のポイント容量であり、レベル 15 (レベル 16 と同じ) で最大 1650 になります。

レベル 1 では、フリート キャパシティ 400 とリーダーシップ 600 から始めます。

上記のように、レベル 13 とレベル 15 まで、レベルごとに 50 の艦隊収容​​力と 75 のリーダーシップが追加されます。

注 – このガイドでは、1500 ポイントまたは 1500 リーダーシップを同じ意味で表記する傾向があります。


最初の 3 つのトレーニング ミッションが完了し、最終的に完全に制御できるようになった後は、3 つの艦隊、1 つのインプ、1 つの Admech、1 つの SM が必要です。最初の「ミッション」は、実際には目的のセットにすぎませんが、4 つのシステムを制御することです。 Cadia、Cadia の真西と北西、および Cadia の 1 南のシステム。

私が最初にしたことは、途中でシステムを征服する出発点から南に行き、次に北に戻ってカディアを征服することでした。この時点で、目的に必要な4つのシステムのうち2つがありました.次に、Cadia の真西にあるシステムを飛び越えて、NW システムを取得しました (Cadia のように、高速で取得したい収益性の高いシステム)。これで 3/4 になりました。その後、最終目標星系を飛ばして残りのカディアン セクターを制圧し、最終星系を占領するために戻ってきました。 4つのうち4つをキャプチャすると、緊急度メーターがリセットされ、ミッション「Rise of Cadia」が利用可能になりました.このミッションはまだ実行しないでください。


  • 敵の艦隊がこれらのシステムを強化して戦闘をより困難にする前に、最初に取った 3 つのシステムを取りたかったのです。最初に東に行って、それから戻ってくることもできたはずです。
  • その「ミッション」を完了して次のステップを開始する前に、カディアン セクターをすべて占領したことを確認したかったのですが、その理由はまもなく明らかになります。
  • 通過したターンごとに、緊急度メーターに別の目盛りが追加されました。 「ミッション」が完了するたびに、実際のミッションまたは目的の「ミッション」のリストに関係なく、緊急度メーターはリセットされます。緊急度メーターを上昇させながらミッションを保存して完了すると、前進する準備が整うまで、再編成し、リソースを収集し、敵の侵略を耕作する機会を得ることができます。この最初の任務を完了し、余分な資源と農場の侵略を搾り取るのをもっと待つこともできたでしょうが、それが必要であるとは思えません.理由はすぐにわかります.
  • Rise of Cadiaミッションが利用可能

    止まる。カディアン セクターのすべての星系を占領しました。あなたはレベルアップし、新しいインプ艦隊を 1 つ採用できるようになったはずです。 「Rise of Cadia」ミッションをクリアする前に、この新しい艦隊を募集してください!ライズ オブ カディアを倒すと無料のインプ艦隊が手に入ります。任務の前と同じように、すぐに新しい艦隊を募集する必要はありません。テクニカル スキルとアドミラル アップグレードに関する私のセクションを参照してください。提督の募集プールを監視し、好きな能力を持つ提督を見つけたら募集します。

    カディアン セクターのすべてのシステムをレベル 3 に構築する間、緊急度メーターを上昇させます。今のところ、アグリ ワールドを完全に無視し、最初にフォージ ワールド (最も多くの収入が得られる) をアップグレードし、次にハイブ ワールド (次善の収入) をアップグレードします。 )、次に造船所。また、リスニング ポスト システムをアップグレードして、多くのバトル プランを手に入れたいと思うことも間違いありません。理想的には、カディアン セクターを確保しながらシステムをアップグレードしようとしていて、戦闘に勝つために必要な船を徴兵しながらバランスをとっていました。すべての優れたシステムがレベル 3 にアップグレードされ、艦隊が希望どおりになり、十分な資源が確保されたら、農業と懲罰の世界をレベル 2 にアップグレードして、レベルにアップグレードする準備が整うようにします。収入が殺到したら3ですが、ゲームの開始時にレベル3にアップグレードするために費やす150以上のリソースは、艦隊とアグリピナのシステムのアップグレードのために保存する必要があります(アグリの世界をこれほど早くアップグレードすると、すぐに不必要なストレスが発生しました価値がない)。

    緊急度メーターが最終層になるまで上昇させることができます (層 4 または 5 を過ぎて、層 5 または 6 が「自動的に失われる」ポイントになると思います)。基本的に、メーターを自動喪失メーターのレベルに近づけることができますが、自動喪失の前に Rise of Cadia を実行してください (最初にその艦隊を採用したことを確認してください)。あなたは1回か2回侵略されるかもしれませんが、非常に簡単で、のんびりと防御できます. Rise of Cadia を実行する前に、すべての重要なシステムをレベル 3 にレベルアップする必要があります。2/2 の Imp Fleet、1 つの Admech、1 つの SM フリートが必要です。そして、あなたはいくらかの収入を得ているはずです.

    最後に – 「Rise of Cadia」を実行

    別のインプ艦隊を無料で獲得できます。これで、3/2 のインプ艦隊、1 つの Admech、1 つの SM が必要です。

    カディア セキュアの後

    次に、ネメシス テッセラ セクターを奪還するために派遣されます。任務を遂行する前にセクターを占領してください。


    次はチンチャレ。また、♥♥♥hare の前に Spire と一緒に東に行く予定がある場合でも、東に行く前に Spire をミッションの場所に移動して利用できるようにすることをお勧めします.

    重要な注意:Agripinaa の Arilla Bay には、Imperium Pirates のスポーンを防ぐために艦隊を配置する必要があります。 Eldar の産卵を防ぐために、Chin-chare の Jubal も同様です。他のセクターにはさらにいくつかありますが、セクターとシステムのテキストに注意してください。 But these are the early ones in sectors you need to hold and you will need to plan around.

    It has been awhile so I forget what causes the Tyrannids to spawn, but that is a pivotal event in the campaign that can cause you to lose, so I will cover that in the next section.

    The basic point of this section is to try to secure and build up each sector before completing the mission that resets the urgency meter and opens up another area. Also, review my Fleet Composition guide and be building toward having the ideal fleet and armada compositions complete and positioned in preparation for the Tyranid invasion.

    Tyranid Invasion!

    I forget what the trigger for the Tyranid Invasion is, so save your game every turn so that if you accidentally start it before you are ready you can reload a previous save.

    Once you trigger the Tyrannid Invasion, you will see that at least one system you own in each sector will be targeted by a Tyranid Invasion, and You cannot cancel or delay them with battleplans.

    You must fight or let the Tyrannids auto-capture the system, you cannot delay or cancel them.

    So you need to have Armadas of 2 Fleets with effective ship compositions like I advise in my “Fleet &Armada Composition” section spread out and ready to get to these systems and await the invasions, and then fight and win them.

    Spire’s armada can assist with this, but you will want Spire’s armada to be able to break away and further the mission chain to the point you can end the Tyrannid threat, so keep that in mind.

    重要! After fighting off a bunch of these invasions and possibly after a mission or two to further the story, but before you reach the ultimate Tyrannid mission, there will be another undelayable invasion wave/mission that will tell you to defend a system in each of I believe 4 sectors. The mission dialogues leading up to this may hint at the ultimate result/reward, but I want to emphasize what this means.

    If you successfully defend these 4 systems, you will be rewarded with an additional 1 Imp, 1 Admech and 1 SM fleet. Like I emphasized in the Cadia section, make sure you already have the maximum number of each faction fleet, because these 3 new fleets will be added on top, so if you had 3/3 Imp fleets, you will now have 4/3. Basically you are getting fleets sooner than your Renown Level allows. If you fail, I believe you don’t get the fleets.

    Eventually you will unlock the mission to end the Tyrannid threat. The mission to destroy the Hivemind Ship will be in the southeast-most system in the Belis Corona sector (where you start if you play as Tyranids), I believe the system is invisible until the mission step reveals it.

    I recommend Spire having the Vengeance GC composition I recommend for him in the “Fleet &Armada Composition” section. The Hive Ship launches a psychic wave attack within a radius around it that you do not want your ships to be in, so you want ships that can dish out a lot of damage and from as far away as possible.

    And while you could let the Urgency Meter rise as you farm Tyrannid Invasion, I do not recommend it, I recommend ending the Tyrannid threat ASAP, because the Tyrannid Invasions continue to be unstoppable and undelayable, and as the Urgency Meter rises, other factions are going to start invading and you could quickly get overwhelmed if you are not careful.

    After Ending the Tyrannid Threat

    Upon destroying the Hive Ship and finishing defending against any leftover incoming Tyrannid Invasions, if you followed my advice in the Cadia section and then followed that same strategy as you captured sectors Agripinaa and Chin-chare and so on, namely letting the Urgency Meter rise as you collect income, build up systems, and collect even more income before completing the next mission; and if you followed my “Fleet &Armada Composition” advice and created the ideal 2 fleet armadas and mastered fighting battles with them; then the rest of this campaign should be easy.

    You should be swimming in income and battle plans, have enough armadas to respond in time to any random invasion, and so have Spire move on to conquer the next Sectors and win the next missions that become available.

    Same as the Tyrannids, different missions will proceed until they reach a finale where you can end the various faction threats that cause invasions; the Orks, Aeldari and Necron threats can be permanently ceased, leaving only Chaos (and the Imperial Pirates or Dark Eldar that spawn from not having a fleet in their system).

    When you get the chance to “follow” Inquisitor Darkhammer or not, I always choose not to, the battle takes place in the same system either way, and reward is effectively the same, and he is a prick.

    When you get the chance to help or not interfere on behalf of a Fallen Space Marine; if you help him then he will show up in a mission as an AI reinforcement, but if you do not interfere, you will get a free Space Marine fleet as a reward (again, make sure you have the maximum # of Space Marine fleets already so you get this as a +1, so if you have 4/4 SM fleet, you would then have 5/4).

    • Scarus> Belial IV> Caliban &Scelus> Sentinel Worlds

    All of those sectors can honestly be abandoned after you have done their respective missions I believe, if you get tired of responding to random invasions. Although as you end faction threats, the number of random invasions should significantly diminish.

    But basically, just follow the missions until you get to Eidolon and the final mission, beat it and win the campaign.

    Fleet &Armada Compositions

    Spire’s Mission Armada

    You have to use Admiral Spire to complete missions. My end game for his Armada is 2 fleets composed of Vengeance Grand Cruisers, at least 3 Vengeance GC in each fleet in order to be able to bring 6 Vengeance GC’s once I reach Level 13 and am able to bring 1500 points into battle. Each fleet could have 4 Vengeance GC in them, however, the cheapest Imp Escort is the Cobra at 34 points, 4 Vengeance + 1 Cobra =1002 points, it will not fit. However, you can have 3 Vengeance + 1 Exorcist in each 1000 point fleet, and the Exorcist’s fighters allows you to scout so you do not need an escort. At 1500 points, if you are fighting a battle where you do not need scouts, bring 6 Vengeance; if you are fighting a battle where you do need scouts (such as against Aeldari or Chaos), bring 5 Vengeance + 1 Exorcist. If you really like the Exorcist GC and want to bring 2 of them with 4 Vengeance, you could once you reach Level 14 and have 1575 points available (4 Vengeance + 2 Exorcist =1504 points). The Exorcist has 4 launch bays but only has 4 Macro Batteries with 9000 range which sucks when the Vengeance has 13500 range Lances and 18000 range Plasma Macro Batteries, so the Exorcist will need to be in Lock-On Stance in order to be able to support the Vengeance. So I would personally only bring 1 Exorcist into battle then, just for the scouting and bomber support when needed.

    2 Fleets of 3 Vengeance GC + 1 Exorcist GC is probably the ideal armada for Spire.

    Note:Once you get the Macragge (Space Marine Super Battleship), which is 736 points, if you want to bring Spire and the Macragge and you have reached Level 15 (1650 Leadership), know this. Macragge + 3 Vengeance GC + 1 Strike Cruiser Mark III =1650 points exactly. Another good reason to run Vengeance GC’s for Spire.

    Non-Spire IMP Fleet Compositions

    The same set up as Spire would be great if you run another 2 Imp Fleets together, but you could also try an all Avenger GC spam armada, which allows 6 Avengers at 1200 points (when you could only have 4 Vengeance), 7 Avengers at 1400 points and 8 Avengers at 1650. Spire’s setup allows you to do varying missions with varying requirements and still crush everything, but if follow the strategy I recommend of camping all your ships in a Nebula so the AI comes to you, Avenger spam could work very well as long as you put them in Lock-On Stance. I was worried that their short range of 9000 would be a hinderance, as Avengers are phenomenal in Reload Stance due to 8 Macros firing super fast, but I was worried the fire rate of Lock-On would dampen that too much, forcing the Avengers to move to the enemy to get close thereby defeating the best strategy of camping in a Nebula. However, I tested Avenger GC spam in a Custom Battle against Chaos AI, and only being able to bring 6 Avengers at 1200 points, they still shredded the AI Chaos Fleet while camping in a Nebula in Lock-On Stance. Very fun.

    If you want to run an Imp fleet with an Admech fleet, Imp Dominators (188 points) + Admech Lunars (210 points). Admech Lunars are the cheapest Admech Cruisers and therefore 1 Admech Lunar + 1 Dominator =398 points, which allows you to bring 5 cruisers at 1000 points, 6 at 1200 points, 7 at 1400 and 8 at 1650 (same idea as with SM Strike Cruiser Mark III). At 1200 points+ you could replace an Admech Lunar with an Admech Dictator for the fighter support for Scouting, because the spare 2 points from each of the 188 point Dominators gives 6 spare points at 1200 Leadership. If you went Tyrant’s for your Admech Cruisers, you wouldn’t be able to bring Dominators in the Imp fleet, and the whole idea is to run an all-Nova Cannon Armada.

    Here would be a good time to discuss how even small point value differences can affect what ships you can bring in a fleet. At 1350 Leadership, if bringing an Imp + Admech armada, you could bring 3 Dominators, 3 Admech Lunars, and either 4 Admech Firestorm Escorts (156 points) or 1 Imp Gothic (154). And with either of these choices, you would not be able to swap out an Admech Lunar for an Admech Dictator for ability to bring fighters to scout. If you had an Imp Lunar in your Imp fleet instead of the Imp Gothic as your extra to the Dominators, you have to choose the Admech Firestorms because the Imp Lunar would bring you to 1354 points.

    Space Marine Fleet Composition

    If you want to run an SM fleet with an Admech fleet, Strike Cruiser Mark III’s (188 points) + Admech Lunars (210 points). Admech Lunars are the cheapest Admech Cruisers and therefore 1 Admech Lunar + 1 SC Mark III =398 points, which allows you to bring 5 cruisers at 1000 points, 6 at 1200 points, 7 at 1400 and 8 at 1650 (same idea as with Imp Dominator). At 1200 points+ you could replace an Admech Lunar with an Admech Dictator for the fighter support for Scouting, because the spare 2 points from each of the 188 point SC Mark III’s gives 6 spare points at 1200 Leadership. If you went Tyrant’s for your Admech Cruisers, you would not be able to bring SC Mark III’s, you would have to bring SM Vanguard Light Cruisers which would be a significant loss of SM firepower and durability.

    I do not recommend bring a Strike Cruiser Mark I for the fighter scouting suppot in your SM fleet. It is too costly at 224 points (you can have 5 SC Mark III’s in 1 SM fleet at 1000 Fleet Capacity, but only 4 Strike Cruisers if one of them is the SC Mark I), and the SC Mark III’s 1 Heavy Lance provides a surprisingly large boost in firepower over the SC Mark I and II while at a much lower cost. And even if you do a 2 SM fleet armada for all SM ships, I do not recommend the SC Mark II either. Boarding Torpedos + Torpedoes could be fun in certain situations, but I find that overwhelming firepower is the best strategy, and the loss of the Heavy Lance on the SC Mark I and II just hurts too much. When I first started my Hard Campaign I ran some SC Mark I’s with my SC Mark III’s, and I kept wondering why it was taking forever to kill things, when I remembered an all SC Mark III armada crushing enemy’s in my Normal Campaign. Quickly realized it was the lack of the Heavy Lance.

    Admech Fleet Composition

    This is where I stopped months ago and basically abandoned this guide. I’ll finish it up with this:

    If you run my suggested [Two Imp Fleet Armada for Spire], see above, then what I suggest for SM and Admech is to follow my advice in the SM section above, “Strike Cruiser Mark III’s (188 points) + Admech Lunars (210 points)”.

    Try to create as many of these 1 SM + 1 Admech armadas as you can, and then figure out remaining armadas with any leftover Imp, SM or Admech fleets.

    If you end up having 2 Admech fleets for 1 Armada, I went all Lunar Cruisers so I could have 7 of them at 1500 points, leaving 30 points to spare. Could probably sub in a Dictator for one of the Lunars for scouting support using its fighters.


    If you fight well in battle and don’t lose any ships, then you should not need any reinforcements from a 3rd fleet, so a 2 fleet armada should always be sufficient. Especially since you will renown fighting with only 2 fleets instead of 3, and since it is good practice to fight this way, since if the AI builds mines, you will only be able to bring 2 fleets anyway. Might as well get good and not rely on a 3rd fleet as a crutch.

    Do what works best for you, just remember the goal is to make an individual fleet as effective as possible and then combine it with another effective fleet to make the most effective armada possible.

    How to Easily Win Battles

    My Tyrannid guide discusses this strategy in-depth, I’ll summarize it here:

    This works for run-of-the-mill Cruiser Clash battles. Many missions will require you to move around the map or attack the AI, so be prepared to adapt, but if you want to just curbstomp regular cruiser clash battles as you capture and defend systems, the following is easy mode.

    Make sure you select Cruiser Clash as your exclusive battle type before you start your campaign for this strategy.

    Even if you put your ships in a Nebula, the AI knows where you are and will come to you. We will use this to our advantage. Let’s use my recommended Armada Composition for Spire as our example:

    Make sure that each Fleet Admiral has the skill that makes invulnerable/quickly regenerates their flagship shield.

    Park your Vengeance Grand Cruisers in a Nebula, and click the order that causes them not to move even if you order them to attack a target, “reverse thrusters” I think. Figure out where the enemy AI will be coming from, and have your ships arranged such that their broadsides face the enemy (Vengeance do not have prow weapons). Click on your ships and see a circle around them, if 2 ships circle’s interlap then they will hit each other if they try to turn. Make sure your ships are in the nebula and that they are spread out just enough that if they need to turn in a complete circle they can without hitting another ship. Put your flagships with the shield skill in front of the regular ships that do not have the skill, still in the nebula.

    How it should play out:The enemy cannot shoot your ships in the Nebula until they can detect them, so the enemy has to get close, and you will be able to shoot them as they approach before they can shoot you. The AI will often send escorts or other ships to detect you so that their longer range capital ships can shoot you from range; if you destroy all the ships near you that are detecting you, after a few moments your ships will be re-hidden by the Nebula, which will force the big bad battleship that was pounding your ships from max range to have to now approach the Nebula to detect your fleet, all while your ships get to shoot it. If your flagships are in front of your other ships, then they will tank the enemy’s fire, and once their shields get low/drop, click the shield skill and watch it regen back up to full so your flagship can keep tanking fire while all your ships destroy the enemy one by one.

    Beware of the environmental effect/malus (I think it is lightning storms or something like it) that causes damage in Nebulae, it causes tons of damage to ships in Nebulae and the above strategy will not work in battles with this effect active.

    Alternatively, if you use my SM + Admech Armada composition with the Strike Cruiser MkIIIs and Lunars, since they have forward-facing Heavy Lances, you would do everything above, have them in a Nebula, make they they don’t move when issuing an attack command, have your shield skill ship in front to tank fire, but you would select the “Fire-Forward” as opposed to “Broadside” option, and choose “Lock-On” Stance to extend their range, so that they all blast enemies with their Heavy Lances. You can always then switch to broadside or have them start moving and circling the enemy as needed.