

Evertale チーム ガイド:あらゆるチャレンジを制覇するドリーム チームのコンセプト

ZigZaGame Inc. の最も人気のあるゲームである Evertale は、多くのユニークな課題と報酬を提供するヒーローとイベントの名簿を継続的に増やしており、戦略 RPG の熱狂的なファンだけでなく、このジャンルに慣れていない一部のプレイヤーも引き付け続けています。 Google Play ストアだけで 100 万回以上ダウンロードされ、いくつかの国でゲームのトップ 10 にランクインしている Evertale は、すでにプレイした人に愛されている戦略 RPG であることが証明されています。

ゲームが提供するものをまだ見ておらず、現在、高品質のアニメスタイルのグラフィックス、多数のキャラクター、および戦略的なチーム構築と戦闘スキルを限界までテストするイベントを備えた戦略 RPG を探しているなら、それは決してありません。今日行動に移すには遅すぎます。

Evertale の基本的な機能と仕組みをすばやく理解するには、Evertale 初心者向けガイドを読むことを強くお勧めします。十分にプレイして、特定のアイテムやリソースの収集に集中したい場合は、Evertale ファーミング ガイドにアクセスして、ゲーム内の基本的なリソースを効率的にファーミングする方法を確認してください。さらに、詳細な階層リストを作成し、77 人の SSR ヒーローすべてを紹介してランク付けしました。

この新しい Evertale ガイドでは、チームの作成と、ゲームのトップ キャラクターであると思われるメンバーに基づいて構築されたメンバーの考慮事項に完全に焦点を当てます。相乗効果をあまり考慮しなくても、ゲームのメイン コンテンツのほとんどを進めることができますが、より困難なイベント シナリオでは、チームを構築するためによりまとまりのあるアプローチが必要になる傾向があります。

Evertale は、一流のキャラクターの調達を非常に困難にするガチャベースの戦略 RPG としての地位を確立しています。 1 つには、10 倍の召喚を行うのに十分なソウル ストーンを貯めるのに多くの時間がかかるという事実を考えると、ゲームをリロールすることは多くの人によって無意味であると見なされてきました。

また、10連引きでもSSRキャラの出現率は他のゲームに比べてかなり低くなっています。同じことが一部のプレイヤーを動揺させる可能性がありますが、他のプレイヤーにとっては、ソウルストーンを獲得して保存することを強く求めるようになります. RNG があなたの魅力を引き立て、SSR キャラクター、さらには最上位ユニットの 1 つを獲得できた場合、その瞬間に経験する喜びと興奮はより満足できるものになります。

Evertale のようなストラテジー RPG の背後にいる開発者は、PvE と PvP の両方のコンテンツで公正で楽しい体験を確保するために、ユニットのバランスを取ることを継続的に目指しています。 Evertale のユニットの多くは、他の多数のキャラクターと非常によく調和しており、中には誰とペアを組んでも輝けるものもあります。高ティアのユニットが戦場を支配することが期待されていますが、それでもほぼ同様に機能する例外的な低ティアのキャラクターがまだいます.

ほとんどの場合、キャラクターの中から最高のレアリティのユニットを連れて行くことを検討する可能性が高く、新しい高レアリティのユニットを取得すると、それらをチームに押し込んで最低のレアリティのユニットと交換します.実際のところ、初心者にとってこれはまったく悪い考えではありません。さらに、平均的なプレイヤーが持っている大きな引きの限界や希少性を考慮すると、どの SR または SSR ユニットも非常に価値がある可能性があります。



本質的には、多くの場合、より低いグレードの代役に落ち着く可能性が高いですが、それはすべて、まとまりのあるチームを持つという概念に帰着します.完璧なチームというものは存在しないことを心に留めておいてください。しかし、少なくとも相乗的なチームがあれば、ほとんどの課題に勝つ可能性が高くなります。少なくとも、テーマを念頭に置いてチームのセットアップを継続的に改善するために取り組むことができません。 .

ダーク ポイズン デバウラー チーム

Evertale での最初の瞬間がまだ記憶に新しい場合は、最初のキャッチと相棒である Shockling を思い出してください。また、Poison と Poison-eater の両方がクイック コンボになり、序盤の戦いのほとんどに頼ることができます。運が良ければ、アイデアに参加できる十分な数のユニットを確保できれば、それを選択する必要があります。元素の親和性を考慮すると、闇の元素ユニットを選択すると、技術的には光の元素の敵ユニットと同等であり、他のすべての元素に対して有利も不利もないため、元素の不利について心配する必要はありません。

Endless Rizette は Evertale で最高のキャラクターの 1 つであると考えており、同様に毒の能力、特にそれに続くものは、取り組むべき最強のコンボ スターターであると考えています。通常の毒攻撃に加えて、エンドレス リゼットには毒ランダムがあり、ランダムな敵ユニットに毒ステータスを与えます。毒状態の敵に 400% のダメージを与える彼女の Poison Drain 能力は、ダメージが正常に与えられた場合、彼女の最大 HP の 50% を回復し、すでに優れたステータスに加えて生存率を高めます。さらに、エンドレス リゼットには味方のダーク ユニットの攻撃値を 15% 増加させるリーダーシップ スキルがあり、ダーク エレメンタル タイプのチームを編成することができれば、完全な攻撃支配が得られます。

Le Fay は、リストのもう 1 つの SSR キャラクターです。ティアリストに関してはファンのお気に入りではありませんが、Le Fay はこのチームに完全に溶け込んでいます。彼女は敵に毒を与えることはできないかもしれませんが、Le Fay には Poison Devour があり、毒状態の敵ユニットに 400% のダメージを与えることができます。もう 1 つの注目すべきスキルは Avalon's Fruit です。これはターンをパスし、代わりに味方の TU を 0 に減らすことでそれを与えます。

このスキルはその味方を毒状態のままにし、ル フェイが最初に敵ユニットを倒す必要がありますが、戦場に多くの戦略的可能性を残すことは驚くべき動きです.ル フェイのパッシブ スキルであるポイズン スキンは、敵ユニットがル フェイを攻撃するたびに同じように毒ステータスを付与する攻撃スキルがない代わりに、より優れた代替品となる可能性があります。

Poison Attack と Poison Frenzy は、さらにもう 1 つの SSR ユニット、Merdain をレンダリングし、ダーク エレメンタル ポイズン キャラクターでいっぱいのチームに完璧にフィットします。 Poison Frenzy は使用者の手で敵ユニットを排除する必要がありますが、500% のダメージを与えることができ、Merdain が強豪であるという事実は、彼にとって素晴らしいスキルです。

Merdain のもう 1 つの非常に価値のあるブースターは、アーマー インパクトです。これは、バフ自体を削除するだけでなく、アーマー ステータスの敵に 300% のダメージを与えます。最後に、Merdain の増強:アーマー パッシブ スキルは、彼が攻撃でダメージを与えるたびに、彼への後続の攻撃で 50% のダメージ減少で、彼をよりタフなクッキーにします.

Poison と Poison Devour の両方を持つもう 1 つのダーク エレメンタル ユニットであることに加えて、SSR Vonn の残りのスキルは Merdain のスキルと同じくらい魅力的です。ボンは高価だが効果的なアタックオールスキルを持っており、ブラッドノヴァを通じてミニオンを召喚することもできます。彼のサモン エントリー パッシブ スキルは、そこから戦場に出るたびに後方増援ラインに 2 つのクロモリを追加するため、チーム名簿の後者のスポットに沿って彼を配置することも理想的です。

エンドレスパラディンは、おそらくチームにとって最高の SR キャラクターです。彼は毒と毒食いを持っていて、残りのアクティブスキルも大丈夫です. Vigor Impact は最大 HP の 75% 以上の敵に 250% のダメージを与えますが、Absorb Stun は、より強力なユニットを気絶から保護し、Endless Paladin に自分自身を犠牲にして気絶させたい場合に効果的です。彼は非常に価値のあるパッシブ アビリティであるホーリー グラウンドとポイズン スキンを持っており、彼を攻撃した敵が即座に毒を受けると、仲間の毒をむさぼり食う者は喜びで涎を垂らします。彼をリーダーに設定すると、闇の味方にも 10% の攻撃ブーストが付与されます。

ヴァイオラは毒と毒喰い、全体攻撃、プッシュバックを兼ね備えたSR闇属性ユニットで、様々な場面で戦略的に活用できます。ヴィオラは、毒のユーザーとうまく機能するだけでなく、クロモリを召喚および犠牲ユニットとして利用するチームの一部のメンバーともうまく機能します.ただし、彼女は敗北した場合にのみ召喚できます。上記の SSR ヒーローのいずれもいないチームに参加する場合、Viola はダーク エレメンタルの味方に 7% の HP バフを与える優れたリーダーになることができます。

ヴェルサは、同じくポイズンを持っているが、ポイズン デボーや、毒状態の敵に追加ダメージを与えるスキルを持たない、もう 1 つのダーク エレメンタル SR ユニットです。 She is more fit for a Kuromori-themed squad than poison but still has good uses for this team. She can summon 2 Kuromoris once per match, sacrifice them for healing an ally, and will be immune to burn effects given all other team members are dark allies.

If you are out of SSR or SR units to fill in the remaining spot, Dargarossa is a rare unit that can complement the rest of the team with both Poison and Poison Devour. He also has Attack All and Quicken that are both good skills to have. Getting defeated in combat leaves the enemy party with -2 spirit as well.

Storm Stun Team

If you have played several Strategy RPGs or practically any RPG for that matter, then you should already know that battle outcomes are hardly decided by raw power alone. Given that strategy and timeliness of skill usage is a critical aspect of combat in Evertale, banking on status effects, especially in sync, can be a more effective way of controlling the battlefield than simply going for higher damage. In this sense, centering your strategy around the stun status is an excellent way of molding advantage for your team, and that is what this team is all about.

SSR Norza stands as one of the best characters in Evertale with excellent stats and a great skill set to boot. He has high survivability but his overall efficiency depends on how you utilize him strategically. Attack and Counter, which grants Norza a Counter Stance and reduces his TU to 0 whenever he is damaged is perfect to set him up for his other skills.

Time Strike does 500% damage on an enemy unit that has at least 130 TU and 600% if TU is 200 or more. When one of Norza’s allies become defeated, he can use Payback Stun, which hits 2 enemies with stun status for 100 TU. Hold Stance and Regeneration makes SSR Norza a hard target to eliminate. His leadership skill grants a boost of 10% to attack and 7% to HP for storm elemental units as well.

SSR Imran works perfectly well with this team since he also has stun capabilities and Time Strike. Triumph Stun requires Imran to defeat an enemy before it can be used but Stun Skin, which is a passive skill that stuns enemies who damage him is great to have. He also has Attack All and Hold Ground, making the entirety of his skill set an excellent one. Set as a leader, he can boost the attack of storm elemental units by 15% for a more offensive theme.

Altaireon can be utilized in a number of ways and likewise fits in perfectly with this team. His attack adds 2 spirit to allies. Pain Stun Random can be a risky skill to utilize with its 30% HP reduction for a stun effect on a random enemy unit. With allies that can stun as well, though, this skill won’t be much of a risk for Altaireon.

In addition, Altaireon also has Time Drain that will most likely be available given the party’s setup. In case Pain Stun Random leaves him at the brink of death, he has Holy Ground to keep him in the field. Stun Skin adds value to Altaireon taking in damage with its instant stun effect on the attacking enemy unit.

SSR Finn may only be able to stun enemies with Thundering Entry and will only be triggered if Finn enters the field from reinforcements. However, he does exhibit a good skill set that includes Time Strike as well. Desperate Drain works great despite the prerequisite of Finn having no more than 25% of his HP. Hold Ground is likewise a great passive skill to have from a defensive situation.

Orzachron has Time Strike, Stun Bolt, and Thundering Entry on top of his other abilities to work great with this roster. Although Frenzy Force requires him to defeat 2 enemies to become available, a 500% damage skill from him can eliminate some enemy units with relative ease.

Dairyu is a light elemental unit and will not benefit from the leadership skill buff of anyone from the team. Despite that, his Stun Pulse along with his great skill set makes him fit well enough with this team. Dairyu has purify and can remove negative status effects from allies. He also has Hold Ground as well as Auto Guard, making him the sole guardian unit of the squad.

Gretta is an SR character that has Stun Bolt to add even more stun capacity to the team. Both Attack Two and Pain Spirit will be helpful to allies in terms of earning spirit. Gretta provides further support to the team through Life Flip Ally, which can switch lost HP and current HP of an allied unit. Like many units in the team, Gretta has Hold Ground as a passive skill as well.

Stella is our last pick for a full roster of 8 characters. Although she can only stun enemy units through her passive skill, Stun Revenge, Stella will most likely be able to utilize her Time Strike well given the number of stunners in the team. She also has Attack Two and Attack All, if damaging multiple enemies lead to a strategic advantage.

Light Spirit Team

There are many SSR and SR light elemental units in Evertale and for the most part, these units d not strongly bank on imposing negative status effects on enemies. Instead, a lot of light elementals provide spirit to allies, rely on having high numbers of spirits to perform some abilities, or remove negative status effects. Considering as well that light element is both strong and weak against dark elements and has no impact on the basic elements, a full team of light element units will have a very high defensive capability as well as a threatening offensive strength.

Though not our top pick as the best light elemental unit in Evertale, Lucius is what we prefer to work around on given his strength when his skill requirements have been complied with. On his own, Lucius is already a formidable character and having light elemental allies around makes him even more powerful. His active skill, Overdrive, can deal 350% damage to 2 enemies provided that the party has 7 or more spirits.

His passive skill, Spirit Armor reduces damage he takes by 50% and is also dependent on allies having 7 or more spirits. Lucius’ basic attack already earns allies 2 spirits and when Lucius’ HP drops down to 50%, Desperate Spirit can further bolster the team’s spirit by 4. Augment:Counter is an extra bonus passive skill that effectively hastens Lucius’ TU. Lucius grants light allies a 10% attack boost and 7% HP boost with his leader skill.

SSR Artimeia is our next pick to join this team as she also has Over Heal, which can heal 2 allies by 400% of her attack provided that the party has more than 6 spirits. She has Purify to ensure that her allies are free from sleep, burn, poison, and other negative status effects and her attack also increases spirit. Pain Spirit may not at all be necessary although if push comes to shove, she can sacrifice 30% of her HP for a gain of 3 spirits for her allies. If placed on the back line, Artimeia’s Spirit+ Entry gives the party 3 spirits when she joins the battle. Under the same conditions, she can also stun an enemy with the lowest TU.

Ludmilla is who we consider as the best light elemental unit in Evertale. She has excellent stats and her skill set make her an effective support character that is capable of doing even more. She has Purify, which can be very useful against enemies that bank on negative status effects, but her Give Turn ability that effectively reduces an ally’s TU to 0 makes her even more valuable, especially for this team. Auto Guard+ and Hold Ground further boosts the survivability of the team and while the former may not seem to jive with Lucius’ Augment:Counter, Ludmilla’s Give Turn works as well or even better anyway.

Next up is Kirin, who will serve as a strong tank for the team with his Vigor Armor and Regeneration as passive skills. If Kirin has at least 75% HP, he can use Vigor Impact and deal 250% damage to an enemy unit. Given his defensive strength and with Artimeia around, it will be hard for enemies to take Kirin’s HP below that mark.

Our first SR consideration for the team is Dairyu, whom we also considered on our previous team. He can stun and purify as well with Auto Guard and Hold Ground as passives. Quicken Ally will always have its strategic use and on this team, being a light elemental unit works even better for Dairyu.

Velle is another light elemental SR unit we can certainly consider for this team. She has Attack All on top of Pain Heal and Purify to support her team. Sleep Revenge, which inflicts Sleep on an enemy that defeats her is a great bonus.

Shanna is another turn-giver that can be utilized well for the team. She also has Pain Spirt and Push Back, which can send an enemy into the back line provided that there are still units in their reinforcement line. Whenever Shanna is defeated, she activates Elixir Revenge, which does 30% heal and negative status removal for the rest of the team.

En Soldier can fit as a last entry to the roster. He has Attack All and Stun Spark, which is useful in many situations. Hold Ground is a passive skill that everyone can appreciate, especially for a light elemental team.

Fire Burn Team

Although currently lagging behind and having difficulty compared to poison-themed rosters, having a highly synergized burn team is still very much fun to use and can still win against other teams especially those without much team strategy and coordination.

There are plenty of strong fire elemental units in Evertale although even if you have all of them in your roster, it can still be a challenge to choose the best ones for a solid team. As such, much like our other concepts discussed in the previous examples, we will be banking again on one unit and work towards boosting that unit’s efficiency with everything else considered as an added perk.

For starters, our preferred main unit for a fire-based team is Druke and although there are stronger fire elemental SSR units in the game, it is much simpler to work around Druke’s skill set. Ignition is of utmost necessity as you would want to burn everything on the field. Burn Blast and Burn Frenzy stand as his damage-dealing skills. His passive skill Burn Regeneration boosts his survivability with a 30% HP regeneration whenever he begins a turn with a burn status.

Burning Focus, on the other hand, renders Druke immune to stun whenever he has burn status on. You would typically want to end battles quickly with this set so setting Druke as a leader and getting the 15% attack boost for the party is a good way to go.

Going for a burn team naturally makes SSR Astrid among the top picks. With Ignition Charge to gain burn status and grant 3 spirits to allies as well as Quicken Burn to cut down 20% of TU cost for allies’ skills, Astrid is an excellent support as well as offensive unit for the team. Both other skills can hit 2 targets and with burn status on, spreads it quicker than Druke. Her passives are the same as Druke, making her an even potentially better unit on her own and can shift leadership buffs to a more defensive stat if you prefer to do so.

Although he should be considered for the reinforcement line, Rashanar is our next pick for this team. This is mainly because the himori summon that comes from his Burning Swarm passive skill is needed for a one-time usage of his Blood Burn or Blood Nova skill. Though not as contributory to the team as much as the previous considerations, Rashanar can at least use attack for a 2 spirit gain or spread burns with an Attack All skill. He may not have ignition and will rely on being afflicted by it through chain effects initiated by his allies. Once he does start burning, Burning Turn can keep it around for the rest of the battle.

It will be very difficult to keep an entire team of fire elemental units especially burn teams given that spirit will typically become an issue. As such, having Artimeia around to boost spirit generation via Pain Spirit will make the team more effective. Artimeia works better coming from the reinforcement line as her passive skill, Spirit+ Entry grants an instant 3 spirits for her allies. Again, it also comes with Stun Entry to make it an even more important setup to push for.

Ja’Nafaat is our first SR pick for the team. With Burn Drive and Attack all along with his own Ignition, Ja’Nafaat is an offensive powerhouse to have on every burn team. Burn Drive deals 400% damage to 2 enemy units if 4 units on the field have burn status. Following his Attack All Skill, which can spread burn status across all enemy units if he has burn status on, Burn Drive can easily up its impact to 500% since having 6 units with burn is a high possibility. Ja’Nafaat also has Burning Focus like the previous units. His other passive skill is Auto Guard, which designates him as the guardian for the team.

Though not a fire elemental unit, Shanna or any unit with a Pain Spirit ability will serve as a much needed support to burn teams especially given that most of them consume spirit to maintain burn status as well as deal higher damage. On top of Pain Spirit, Shanna’s Give Turn and Push Back can be helpful to any team she joins. Although Elixir Revenge may not be as beneficial to this team as compared with others, it can still be useful.

Jedariel neither has Ignite or skills that require him having burn status. However, being a fire elemental unit alone that can take advantage of the leadership buff makes him a considerable candidate for the team. There should be enough igniters above and Jedariel can spread it as well with Attack All once he is inflicted by it.

He also comes with Savage Force, which deals 500% damage to an enemy unit once he has defeated at least one beforehand and Guard Destroyer, which packs as much power against guardians. His passive skill, Spirit+ Revenge adds to his value with the 3 spirit grant to his allies when he leaves the battlefield.

Burning Entry and Burn Blast bought SR Alba an entry into this team. Again better coming from the reinforcement lane, Alba’s Burning Entry will make up for his lack of an Ignition skill. Burning Call, which adds 2 Himoris to the back lane also works in support of Rashanar’s skills. In case they do not meet on the field, however, Alba can use his Mori Blaster and sacrifice a himori to deal 500% damage to an enemy unit. Clock Revenge works like a bonus passive skill for Alba and it can cut down an ally’s TU by 100 when he is defeated.

There are definitely a lot more teams that can be made with Evertale’s huge and continuously growing roster of characters but for now, this is where our Evertale Team Guide ends. Keep in mind that upcoming updates to the game will not exclusively mean more content but may likewise involve adjustments to some characters’ skills and stats for the sake of balancing gameplay. What works well now may later become less effective and what is best for any particular team may also shift at some point.

Additionally, it should be understood that team suggestions and concepts are not necessarily designed for anyone to fully replicate. Given the sheer difficulty of nabbing an SSR character is challenge enough, and having more that works well in a team together exponentially increases the improbability. With this in mind, what should be taken note of is how these teams were thought of as far as synergy goes. Even lesser units can be appealing when included in a team that works for them as much as they contribute to it despite the reduced effectivity of their skills or having lesser skill contributions.

There may also be an issue of cost limitations for beginners and newer players given that higher rarity characters take up more points for team consideration. Although cost limit gradually increase along with account level, managing it with equipment should be a constant consideration.

We are fairly certain that every player has his or her own unique ideas on which teams are the best in Evertale. More so, we believe that even relative to each particular theme we discussed, along with other ones in the game, there will be variance. Unit components and, perhaps, even leadership skill selection can be a discerning factor in choosing to go with different units. If you have your own ideas to share or would like to suggest improvements on how the teams we portrayed can still be improved, do not hesitate to share your current team or your team ideas with us in the comment area below!