

Dragon Champions ビギナーズ ガイド:強力なチームを編成し、壮大なレイド ボスを倒すためのヒント、チート、戦略

Dragon Champions は AppQuantum の最新タイトルで、今年最もエキサイティングな RPG の 1 つです。 AppQuantum は、テーマとゲームプレイを通じてクリッカー ジャンルに独自のひねりを加えたヒット アイドル ゲーム Idle Evil Clicker でも知られています。今回、Dragon Champions は新しいヒーロー バトル RPG であり、優れた戦術的なゲームプレイとプレイヤーが掘り下げる魅力的なキャンペーンが特徴です。

Dragon Champions は、さまざまな人気のあるジャンルとメカニズムを組み合わせて、ジャンルに追加され、真にユニークなゲームプレイ体験を可能にするロールプレイング ゲームを作成します。巧みに作成された 3 つのキャンペーンを特徴とする Dragon Champions は、魅力的で面白いストーリーを語り、ファンタジーとポップ カルチャーへの言及をふんだんに取り入れて、気分を明るく保ちながらプレイヤーを夢中にさせます。

より競争力のあるプレーヤーのために、Dragon Champions は、プレーヤーが他のヒーローとどのように戦っているかを確認するのに役立つグローバルランキングシステムを使用して、ヒーロー PvP アリーナで世界中のプレーヤーと対戦することもできます。 Dragon Champions では、さまざまなヒーローから選択できます。全部で 50 を超え、今後もさらに多くのヒーローが、7 つのプレイヤー レースにまたがり、さまざまな希少性とパワー レベルに分かれています。

この壮大なヒーロー バトル RPG では、プレイヤーはすぐに戦闘の真っ只中に放り込まれます。そこで、ヒント、チート、戦略を含むドラゴン チャンピオンズ ビギナーズ ガイドを作成し、プレイヤーがすぐに始められるようにしました!


Dragon Champions をプレイするときに頭を悩ませたいと思う最初のことの 1 つは、ゲームが提供する戦闘方法です。 Dragon Champions はターン制のヒーロー戦闘 RPG で、現在 50 人以上のヒーローを仲間に加えることができます。これらの各ヒーローには、ヒーロー情報パネルから常に表示されるタグで示されるように、独自の長所と短所があります。

一部のヒーローには、ゲーム内での派閥と役割を示すタグがいくつかありますが、一部のヒーローは、さまざまな特性、役割、能力、および親和性を示すために、最大 6 つのタグを持つことができます。

ヒーロー タグは、スキルや能力と相互作用する方法があるため、特に便利です。たとえば、一部のスキルは特定の種族にボーナス ダメージを与えますが、他のスキルは特定のタイプまたはタグの味方/敵の数に応じて威力が増加します。これらのタグがどのように機能するかをよりよく理解できるように、最も一般的なヒーロー タグとそれらが表すものをリストしました。


ゲームには、オーダーとクランの 2 つの主要な派閥があります。 World of Warcraft のファンなら、これら 2 つの派閥は Alliance と Horde に似ています。秩序側では、主にヒューマンとエルフ、そして正義と秩序をテーマにした他の種族がいます。氏族の側には、オーク、トロール、ゴブリンなどの他の人気のある種族や、他のタイプのヒーローもいます.

ゲーム内のすべてのヒーローは騎士団または氏族のいずれかに属しています。これは、プレイヤーが利用できる最初の 2 つのキャンペーン (騎士団の夜明けキャンペーンと氏族の激怒キャンペーン) であることに注意することが重要です。特定の派閥。とはいえ、イベントやアリーナなどの他のゲームプレイ アクティビティでは、プレイヤーはどちらの派閥のヒーローも自由に組み合わせて使用​​できます。


ヒーローは、Dragon Champions で利用できる 7 つの種族の 1 つにも分類されます。これらの種族タグは、ヒーローが属する種族または文明を表します。レース タグは非常に重要です。これは、多くのヒーロー スキルが特定のレースと相乗効果を発揮したり、戦闘でボーナス ダメージを与える敵として特定のレースを使用したりする方法があるためです。種族は次のとおりです:


4.ヒーロー クラス

各ヒーローには、能力と役割の大まかな識別子である少なくとも 1 つのクラス タグもあります。 Dragon Champions は非常に多様なスタイルの戦闘とヒーローの選択を提供するため、多くのヒーローは特定の役割への親和性を示すために複数のクラス タグを持つことができます。最も一般的なクラス タグは次のとおりです。


魔法の攻撃と防御を組み合わせたヒーラーは、効果的なヒーロー部隊にとって欠かせない存在です。ヒーラーは、ヒーリング能力へのアクセスのためにそのように呼ばれます。強力な単一ターゲットのヒールとバフがある場合もありますが、多くの場合、AoE ヒーリング能力を備えています。ゲーム内で最初に受け取るヒーローの 1 人、アリリアはヒーラーです。


アーマーとヘルスのスタックが高いほど、一部のヒーローは理想的な防御者になります。多くの場合、防御者は統計を通じてより高いタフネスを付与されますが、防御能力とバフにアクセスして、パーティーの生存率を高めることもできます. Another common ability for Defenders is Taunt, which forces enemies to make them the target of their attacks. Darian, one of the starter Heroes, is a Defender.


Thanks to naturally high power stats, Rangers often take on dedicated DPS roles. However, their squishiness and typical lack of defensive options make them ideal for backline attacking from range to take advantage of allied Defenders to take the brunt of the damage for them. Fao, a Panda Hero that players get to unlock very early on is a Ranger.


Fighters in RPGs have always been regarded as the best all-around class. In Dragon Champions, this rings true. Fighters typically have a good set of stats, more often focusing on a blend of damage and survivability instead of favoring one over the other. Fighters are capable of dealing with competitive damage without having to worry too much about health and defense thanks to their stats. The starter hero Sharp is an example of a Fighter.


Akin to healers, Mages typically come with higher magical abilities and lower defenses. However, unlike Healers who spend most of their magical prowess aiding their allies, Mages focus their powers on dealing damage and debuffs to enemies through the use of powerful spells. Kaggie, the Crow-like spellcaster that players get to unlock early on, is an example of a Mage.


The typical Rogue is a Hero that focuses supremely on dealing high-damage attacks, but almost always forgoes personal defense. Squishier than most heroes, Rogues are almost always equipped with high-power single-target abilities that make them excellent assassins, and ideal for taking out high-value targets such as enemy healers and mages. Voiran the Trickster is a Rogue.

5. Be Familiar With Specializations

Some heroes have special tags that set them apart from the rest. Although these Tags more of than not function as a means to separate which Heroes can be used for certain events and in-game activities, most of them have some impact on how the Hero is played, and nearly all of them show how Heroes react to each other in the lore and history of the Dragon Champions world. The most important Specialization to know about is:


Once a Hero with the Leader tag attains enough power and experience – usually through Gear Level – they unlock special Leadership abilities that allow them to give bonuses to their party members as long as they’re in the leadership slot of the party.

There are other special tags, too, and these often denote a Hero’s specialist role in certain party compositions.

Dragon Slayer

Now that you know the different tags available to Heroes in Dragon Champions, its important to play the game and figure out how these tags interact with each other, and which Heroes (and which skills) are best used to take advantage of the variety.

Once you’ve mastered accruing advantage in Dragon Champions combat, you’ll be set for whatever the game has to throw at you – whether it’s PvE or PvP. However, to help bridge that gap, here are a few tips and tricks to help you level up your game and progress faster in Dragon Champions.

6. Unlocking And Upgrading Your Heroes

In Dragon Champions, there are over 50+ heroes for players to recruit to their adventuring parties, but even with the same heroes, power levels could differ substantially. That’s because of the way Hero upgrades work. While a Level 2 Alyria won’t have much of an advantage over a Level 1 Alyria, it’s easy to see that level advantage adds up, and even identical team compositions could result in a landslide victory for one side or the other.

Dragon Champions tracks players’ progression through the Power Level system. Power increases each time you unlock a Hero or upgrade a Hero, but each Hero has it’s own Power Level, as denoted by the number below each hero’s portrait in-game. Hero Power is increased in four ways:

Leveling Up

One of the most straightforward ways to increase Hero Power (and of course, effectiveness in battle) is to level them up with XP Tomes which players are rewarded with just for playing the game. XP Tomes are rewarded for Campaign and Story missions as well as other special events and can be used to increase a Hero’s level up to a certain maximum, which is the player’s level. Leveling up a Hero increases their stats by a solid margin, so higher-level heroes not only hit harder, but they also have higher health and increased defenses, too.

Equipping Gear

In Dragon Champions, Heroes can be equipped with a variety of Gear. Gear is acquired by playing the game, often through a series of Campaign levels, and can be assigned to specific Heroes to increase a variety of stats. While the stat bonuses from Gear are usually minor (especially at lower levels) the main purpose of equipping Gear is to raise your Heroes’ Gear level. Higher Gear levels give Heroes access to more skills and abilities, increasing their combat effectiveness significantly.

Equipping Runes

Unlocked at Level 15 (which isn’t that far off, especially if you use the auto-battle feature to quickly farm experience) Runes are another type of equippable item that adds a ton of bonuses and extra utility for your Heroes. Runes increase Hero Power significantly, so make sure to have your Heroes decked out with Runes as often as you can.

Upgrading Skills

Arguably one of the most grindy aspects of Hero upgrading is Skill Upgrading. Upgrading skills in Dragon Champions requires the use of rare and hard-to-get crafting materials called Ability Scrolls. Although often difficult, upgrading Skills is also extremely beneficial and could change the way you play the game as you unlock unique effects that tie in with Hero abilities. Due to their rarity, make sure you spend your Ability Scrolls on worthwhile Heroes and Skills.

7. Open Your Free Chests

It goes without saying that you should open your free chests when you can, but allow us to go a bit further and say – you should open your free chests as soon as they are available. Free Chests are available every four hours, and you can stack up to two of them which means that you can get two free chests every eight hours just by logging in and opening them.

Even though they’re Free, the chests often are very generous the rewards they hand out, often giving players rare Gear, a bunch of Gold, or even Hero Shards and Ability Scrolls, so it’s always worth it to check them out.


Although not strictly an MMORPG, Dragon Champions is an excellent RPG title that makes use of a few social gameplay elements to add content and playability. One of the systems implemented in Dragon Champions is the Guild System, which lets players join a Guild to unlock exclusive activities, events, and rewards.

Joining a Guild isn’t required to excel at Dragon Champions, but it costs nothing to join up and the rewards are often massive.

9. Use Your Energy Efficiently

At lower levels, most players find themselves with a surplus of Energy thanks to the quick progression through the early stages of the game. However, once players get to the nitty-gritty of Dragon Champions, they get the training wheels kicked right from under them. Energy, just like Gold and Scrolls and XP Tomes, is just another kind of Currency – one that you need to do missions and play the game. While Energy regenerates over time, its still important to see Energy as a resource and use it efficiently.

Don’t spend too much energy doing lower-level missions because the energy-reward ratio is usually much lower than it is at higher-levels. If you’re trying to farm for a certain item, make sure that you run the highest-level mission where that item is available as a drop. Higher-level missions may cost more energy to pursue, but the rewards scale much better. And if you’re using the Auto-Battle feature, running higher levels is also a great way to get more out of your Autobattle Tickets.

10. How To Use Dracoins

For free-to-play players who don’t plan on spending money on the game, a premium currency like Dracoins should be spent wisely. If you’re just starting out, the best place for your hard-earned Dracoins to go is to recharging your Energy so you can run more missions and progress further in the Campaign.

New players might want to save up for premium chests and other Dracoin-only purchasable items from the Shop, but our advice is to just get to the highest levels of the game as fast as possible, so you can start using your Energy much more efficiently. Once you’re at higher levels and have access to some of the most efficient and rewarding activities in the game, you’ll still have plenty of access to Dracoins to spend on Premium items.

11. Dragon Champions General Tips And Tricks

If you’re having trouble progressing through the game or find yourself losing too much in the PvP Arena, then here are a few Tips and Tricks to make the learning curve a little bit less steep, and to make your progression through the game that much smoother.

– You don’t always have to push the highest-level missions. You can repeat any of the campaign missions at any time to get gear and XP tomes to help prepare your heroes for more challenging high-level content.

– Play the different game modes. Dragon Champions has several campaigns, a PvP arena, challenges, events, and more – and the rewards you get from each of these game modes carry over to the all the others. If you’re stuck in the Campaign, try your luck and at any of the other game modes and reap the rewards as you see fit.

– Spend Your Gold! Often enough, there will be special deals available at the Market where players can spend Gold – not Dracoins – to purchase Gear, Runes, and even Heroes. Take advantage of these deals, especially if you’re one of the many players who feel like they’re hoarding way too much gold.

– Devote the most resources to your best heroes. In Dragon Champions, while the devs strive for balance, it’s just a matter of fact that some heroes are stronger than others, especially in certain team compositions and strategies. Figure out which Heroes you’ll be keeping in the long-run, and spend most of your resources towards getting them stronger.

And that’s everything you need to know to get started in Dragon Champions. We hope these tips and strategies serve you well! If you have discovered additional tips for the game, feel free to drop us a line in the comment area below!