

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy ビギナーズ ガイド:より多くのクエストを完了して敵を制圧するためのヒント、コツ、戦略

マンガとアニメのファン、特に真島ヒロの作品のファンとフォロワーは、コナミが EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy を搭載した EDENS ZERO の最初のビデオ ゲームの化身をリリースしたことから、大きな期待を寄せています。 EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy は、プレイヤーがフランチャイズのお気に入りのキャラクターの役割を引き受けることができるアイソメトリック、ハック アンド スラッシュ アクション RPG です。シキ グランベル、レベッカ ブルーガーデン、ハッピー、ワイズ シュタイナーなどに参加して、マンガやアニメ シリーズのストーリーを追体験し、新しい冒険にも参加してください。

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy は、主人公であるシキ グランベルとその仲間たちの物語を、ユニークでありながら親しみやすい方法で提示し、シリーズのファンだけでなく、初心者もその世界の伝承に没頭できるようにします。高品質のグラフィックに加えて、このゲームはフルボイスのストーリー クエストとアクション満載の戦闘を誇っています。


EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy の全体的な品質は、一見するとやや威圧的に見えるかもしれませんが、デバイスがそれを実行するための最小要件を満たしていれば、実際には誰でも簡単に手に取ってプレイできるアクション アドベンチャー RPG です。

その世界に飛び込む最初のチュートリアルは、そのコア メカニクスを十分に理解することを確実にし、インターフェイスとコントロール レイアウトは完全な初心者でも簡単に把握できます。利用可能になるすべての新機能またはゲームモードに付属する簡単な紹介もあります.

全体として、EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy は多少の研磨が必要になる場合がありますが、自由な時間と労力に比べて、プレーヤーがどれだけ進歩できるかをほとんど制限しません.進行速度を速く効率的に高め、より多くのクエストを完了して敵を支配したい場合は、EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy 初心者向けガイドをお読みください!


EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy に飛び込んだ最初の数分間は、すでにメイン ストーリーの一部を形成しています。ほとんどの冒険と同じように、主人公と彼の世界を紹介するときに、たくさんのストーリーテリングがあります。物語を飛ばしてもかまいませんが、シリーズにあまり詳しくない場合は特に、読み通すことをお勧めします。

ストーリーのチャプターは、全体的なコンテンツの点で異なる場合がありますが、戦闘は常にその一部です.使用するキャラクターは、戦闘から次の戦闘に参加するにつれて EXP を獲得し、完了した各ステージには独自の報酬セットが付属しています。各シナリオには初回完了報酬もあり、最も重要なのは、ゲームのストーリーの進行に従ってキャラクターのロックが解除されることです。

EDEN ZERO Pocket Galaxy は、多くのキャラクターを募集してアップグレードするほとんどの RPG とは一線を画しています。ガチャの仕組みはなく、すべてのプレイヤーはメイン キャンペーンの進行状況に基づいて、プレイ可能なすべてのキャラクターを取得する必要があります。船の車輪からメイン クエスト ラインにアクセスできます。相対的な難易度をしっかりと把握するために、現在のパーティー レーティングと比較して、推奨されるパーティー レーティングを考慮しないようにしてください。

また、EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy では、最初からオート モードを使用できるため、プレイヤーは非常に便利で簡単にいくつかのステージを簡単に進めることができます。ただし、この機能はできるだけ以前に征服したレベルでのみ使用することをお勧めします。自動モードは便利ですが、思考力のあるプレイヤーのスキルレベルに関係なく、決して優れたパフォーマンスを発揮するべきではありません。

関連: EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy キャラクター ガイド:各キャラクターと究極のチームを構築するためのヒントと戦略

リプレイといえば、EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy では、以前に征服したすべてのエピソードを再訪できることに注意してください。次の課題が強調表示されているシナリオ ページで、「メイン ストーリーの完了」バナーをクリックすると、完了したエピソードのリストが表示されます。 EXP とランダムな報酬を得るために、それらのいずれかを再生できます。

次のエピソードの推奨パーティ レーティングが、現在のパーティの強さを超える数値に急上昇する可能性があることを考えると、進行が妨げられている場合は、前のエピソードを削ることを検討するオプションです。 Additionally, there are special events and other game modes that will become available as you progress through the story, and shifting to them to further strengthen your characters will likewise be an alternative if you can no longer move forward.

2. Assemble A Balanced Team

You will only be playing as a solo act for a short while in your adventures as the initial episodes in EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy will soon have you meet and recruit new characters. You will soon have a team of 3 heroes for succeeding challenges although more characters will join in as you progress. As can be expected, each character comes with different sets of stats and skills, as well as have a main class or role that they play in the team.

Choosing a trio of characters is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to building a team in EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy. Each of the characters may have a designated class or role but each one can be built in a variety of ways. Characters may either be a tank, an attacker, a ranger, or a healer. Each one has unique base stats and traits that suit their respective role in the team.

Tanks have the highest defensive capabilities usually depicted by immense HP or defense stat attributes. These types of characters typically take enemy aggression away from allies and serve as the team’s human shield. The main protagonist, Shiki, is a tank.

An attacker is like the polar opposite of a tank and are usually built for strong offense. Attackers can dispose of enemies faster than other classes but usually lag behind in terms of defense. Homura, the fourth character who will join your team, is an attacker.

Rangers usually have ranged attacks and are second to attackers in terms of offensive strength. Rangers in EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy have support skills that can either provide beneficial buffs to allies or debuff enemy units. Weisz is an example of a ranger.

Last, but not the least, are healers who neither specialize in offensive strength or defensive capabilities. These types of units, however, are of utmost importance for their health recovery skills that boost the survivability of the entire team. Your first ally, Rebecca, is a healer in the game.

The amount of attack power and health each character earns with each new level reached differ from one another but the gears you choose to equip them with as well as the skills you choose for them will ultimately decide on the actual role you have in store for them.

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy actually boasts over 100 different costumes you can use on your characters. While this may open up near-infinite customization options, the more remarkable aspect of building a character, in our opinion, relates to the skills you invest in and the gear types you choose for each character, especially the ones in your main team.

One of the customization aspects of the game centers around the skills you have for each character. When your hero reaches a new level, he or she does not just earn stat increases and skill points are acquired as well. To expend skill points earned, you can tap the character icon at the lower right side of your screen and then choose the “Skill Tree”.

The skill tree for each character is laid out differently but the base concept is that you need to invest points in one node to be able to continue investing in all nodes linked to it. While somewhat delimiting, you can still aim for the skills you want to unlock first with careful planning. You can see the character’s available skill points at the lower left side of the page and highlighting any node will reveal the points required to activate the skill.

What is good about the skill tree is that highlighting locked nodes will still give you an idea of what the skill does. Pay attention to the skill type icon at the lower left side of each node as you only have a limited amount of each skill type you can equip at one time.

Once unlocked, the skill will still not be readily applied to the character and you will still have to equip it. To do so, head on over to the main menu by clicking its icon at the upper right side of the screen and choosing “Skills”. Each character has 3 Ether Skills, 3 Recast Skills, 4 Passive Skills, and a Special Skill, which cannot be changed.

Ether Skills or Ether Skill effects, rather, serve as add-on effects to the character’s Ether Skills. Note that Ether Skills consume Ether Points or EP but can be used in combat continuously so long as you have EP. Recast Skills you equip are also add-ons to the character’s Recast Skill. Recast skills do not consume EP but have cool down times. Last but not the least of customizable skills are the passives. You can choose any 4 passive abilities to equip at a time.

We recommend prioritizing skill purchases in the skill tree that will enable you to have a full skill set equipped first. This means going for the first 3 Ether Skills, first 3 Recast Skills, and first 4 Passive Skills you can unlock from the skill tree. This may require purchasing some skills more than what you can equip but at the very least, you will have the quickest route towards having all skill types equipped.

One of the character features in EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy you might easily miss are friendship skills. These are unique passive traits that activate when a character continues to land normal attacks in combat. While at some point you will be joined by characters who have the same class as the ones already in your roster, their unique friendship skills will have its own respective impact on your team and the challenge at hand.

3. Invest In The Right Equipment

Beyond stories and various gameplay mechanics and features, a huge chunk of the fun and excitement accorded to every RPG relates to its host of characters as well as the gears with which these characters can be further molded in accordance to the player’s preferences.

Choosing the right characters for your team relative to the task at hand and knowing how to efficiently utilize the squad as a whole in combat is just part of how you utilize strategies in an adventure. An equally significant, or sometimes even bigger, portion of these strategies relate to how you choose to equip each character.

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy does not fall behind other RPGs in the equipment department as the game holds a wide range of gears that will not only strengthen your characters, but also support the builds you have in mind for each of them. There are basic weapons, armor items, and accessories that form part of the basic equipment set and then there are also Unique equipment called Lacrima that further enhances a character’s attributes.

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy is very generous in providing players with a lot of gears as well as the means to enhance them. However, simply having access to these gears is not enough to bridge the gap between your team’s strength and the level of challenges at hand as you will have to utilize these supplements as best as you can. Weapons you obtain can only be equipped by specific characters and armor sets are either good for male characters or female characters. Some equipment slots have items that are not restrictive at all.

You can check the characters’ equipment by clicking on the main menu button and choosing “Equipment” from the menu. Each character has 10 different equipment slots and other equipment available are listed on the right side of the screen. Equipment comes with different rarity grades indicated by the stars as well as the gear’s color.

Higher grade equipment tends to come with better stat boosts as well as other perks. You can conveniently equip characters using the “Optimize” button at the lower right side of the page. In doing so, you can choose to optimize equipment choices based on overall stats or any specific stat attribute.

By clicking on any piece of equipment, you will be able to see its level along with the stats it provides the character. However, these are not exclusively the important details to consider when choosing the right gear. There are perks under the E. Trait tab of the gear window and while these traits may not directly affect stats, they can greatly benefit the character’s performance.

More importantly, some pieces of equipment form part of a set, and choosing to equip 2 or more pieces of gears belonging to the same set can unlock additional perks for the character.

Considering all of the above, choosing to equip characters using the optimize function will hardly be the best way to go about doing so. It takes a little more effort to find the best set of equipment for each hero, considering their roles as well as their weaknesses. For one, you can choose to bank on increasing your tank’s HP and defense.

On the other hand, you can instead invest in his or her offensive strength to have a more balanced type character. Both these considerations are just examples and any decision in-between can be made. It should be based on how you feel is most suitable for your preferences and play style.

Under the Character menu is the Lacrima Equipment feature, which is an extra means of further boosting your characters’ stats. There are only a few types of Lacrima available, each focusing on one of the character’s stats at a time. Like basic equipment, Lacrima Equipment also have rarity grades, and these grades basically determine the potency of their effects.

While you may initially just be happy to be able to fully equip your characters with Lacrima Shards, you will soon have the freedom to choose the best ones for each of your characters. On top of the types that determine the main stats boosted by the shards, be sure to also consider the sub traits for each type.

Equipment can also be leveled up to increase their stat attributes. Although higher grade equipment will be difficult to obtain earlier in your journey, we recommend exercising prudence in their upgrades if they are 3-star or below as you will most certainly be leaving them behind sooner or later. To upgrade equipment, simply click on the item icon at the lower right side of the screen and choose “Eq. Upgrade”.

Each equipment type requires a type-specific upgrade shard and metal for each upgrade. The higher the upgrade level, the more materials you will need. If it seems easy enough to max out an item’s level, keep in mind that what follows is a limit break, which increases its level cap, and the next set of upgrades will then require higher grade materials.

Limit breaks are limited as indicated by the other set of stars on its page. For this reason, it is best to save up your resources for items that you are certain will be utilized by your characters for a long time, if not for good.

4. Craft Better Gear And Dispose Unwanted Ones

Basic Equipment as well as Lacrima equipment can be crafted in EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy. While there are plenty of ways to earn either in your adventures, you may be able to secure better ones right at the comfort of your ship. Under the item menu, “Crafting” takes you to a feature where you can either craft equipment or cosmetics. Both features have the element of randomness so every attempt to craft an item carries a risk of not getting the ones that you want.

For equipment crafting, you will need shards specific to the type of equipment you want as well as metal relative to the rarity grade of the best possible items you can craft. Depending on the recipes at hand, the product will be randomly selected from among the entire list provided.

Since you have no other use for these shards, for the most part, taking a gamble whenever you can, is recommended. For cosmetics crafting, you only need to expend Iridescent Material. These resources may not be as easy to come by but there are events that can help you earn them.

Lacrima Crafting works a lot differently than normal equipment crafting. In essence, this process works more like an enhancement feature divided between 2 possibilities. Lacrima crafting may either increase the item’s rarity or boost the effects of its sub trait.

For either process, what is requires is for you to sacrifice 5 shards of the same type and rarity to generate one of a higher grade or one with a more effective sub attribute. This process is also covered by probabilities, which can be boosted by spending Glee or EG.

Relative to equipment, another important information you need to be aware of is that gears, Lacrima shards, and cosmetics all have limited inventory slots. It may take a long while before you find yourself unable to obtain additional items resulting from lack of free space in your inventory but it is best to learn to manage your items at an early stage.

The item menu in EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy comes with a feature that lets you get rid of unwanted items fast and conveniently. While some can be disposed of for extra resources, some can only be sold for Glee. Whatever your choice, this feature will at least leave you something for an otherwise useless gear that only takes up inventory space.

5. Do Not Rely On Auto Mode

As we have mentioned earlier in the guide, EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy comes with an auto mode feature that lets your team of heroes pursue the stage or episode goal on its own. Convenient as it is, we want to expound on the idea that manual controls will always prove to be the better option compared to auto mode regardless of your skills and level of expertise in combat. The exceptions, of course, would be taking on repeat runs of stages you have previously conquered and have recommended ratings well under what your team currently has.

For starters, auto mode will focus exclusively on the task at hand. Whether it is filling up a meter to finally be able to proceed to the next map or going in straight for a boss battle, auto mode will not consider all other aspects of the adventure. You may not easily notice it but when you click on the mini map at the upper left side of the adventure screen, the full map can be revealed. In most stages, there are areas on the map that hold treasure chests that you only need to interact with to unlock and claim the contained rewards.

Auto mode will completely ignore these treasure chests and the only way for you to secure them is to manually approach them. Although chest rewards are random and may at some point be insignificant for you, these are good sources of extra gears and materials that can help you early on in your journey.

Once the meter you need to fill up to get to the boss battle has been capped or if it does not exist at all, auto mode will completely ignore all enemies on sight and will proceed straight to the designated area. While auto mode can be efficient in pursuing the area or stage’s goals, this may present some missed opportunities or threats for your team.

For one, auto mode will never utilize the dodge function and will simply soak up damage all the way to the ends of the stage. Likewise, extra enemies can present opportunities to earn extra XP or Glee as well.

Auto mode will always activate skills once available but will never utilize the character’s ultimate skill. As efficient as executing active skills one after another may seem, timing of skill usage is very important in RPGs like EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy.

Knowing when to launch your ace attacks, provide shield for allies, or unleash a healing effect are just examples of actions that necessitate good timing. Shifting between going on offense as well as taking a step back when it is the enemy’s turn to unleash a powerful attack is also a big example of why manual controls are more efficient.

6. Accomplish Missions And Event Objectives

At the end of each episode or stage you have completed, you are certain to be happy with the amount of resources and materials you will obtain from each run, especially considering the EXP your characters earn from it, made convenient further with auto mode on succeeding replays. The absence of an energy system that limits the amount of time players can spend to grind for resources almost guarantees progression that can only depend on a player’s level of dedication.

Considering all of the game’s features, however, EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy provides even more means for players to earn extra items, and this is generally through the missions feature and special events that run for a limited period of time.

Missions typically do not require extra time or effort as the objectives are in line with the usual activities you engage in as you pursue your adventure. Special events are often coupled with a unique set of challenges on its own and may require deviation from the normal adventure battles you engage in to pursue its unique rewards.

You can access the list of missions via its icon under the main menu. Missions are divided into 5 separate tabs, each with its own list of target objectives. Daily missions are the easiest of the bunch and stand as the most basic guide towards activities you should engage in on a daily basis. Weekly missions are just like daily missions stretched across the entire week, taking into consideration activities that you should regularly partake in as well.

Both Planet and Character Missions require Mission Passes that you can purchase using EG, or the game’s premium currency. Last, but not the least, are Challenge Quests. These quests are equivalents of achievements in other games and serve as records of your milestones and accomplishments across every aspect of your adventure.

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy regularly holds unique special events that earn you a special currency you can exchange for various valuable resources. The special events are coupled with a unique adventure where you battle through stages with increasing difficulty levels for rewards. On top of the drops you earn with each run, you are guaranteed to obtain event currencies as well.

Like main story episodes, you can replay stages in special events if you cannot push forward with the succeeding levels, ensuring ways for you to earn the special currency and exchange them for the top rewards. Likewise, a separate list of daily missions and challenge missions are also available within the duration of the special event, further providing you with extra means to earn more materials and rewards.

EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy has only been around for 3 weeks at the time of this writing and we are confident that its world will continue to grow following its updates in the future. For now, this is where we end our EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy beginner’s guide but we will be sure to revisit this masterpiece again for another guide.

We hope that our compilation of tips and strategies will help propel your progression rate across the many challenges. If your adventures within EDENS ZERO Pocket Galaxy’s world has led you to uncover some nifty tricks and strategies of your own, be sure to tell us about them in the comments!