

サンド ボール (SayGames) ガイド:ボールをゴールまで運ぶためのヒント、チート、コツ

OnPipe や Perfect Slices などのヒット モバイル タイトルのメーカーが、Sand Balls と呼ばれる新しいエキサイティングなパズル ゲームで帰ってきました。実際、このモバイル ゲームは何時間ものエンターテイメントを提供してくれます。ミニマリストでわかりやすいゲームプレイですが、Sand Balls は中毒性があり楽しいゲームです。

サンド ボールの目標は、できるだけ多くのボールをポイント A からポイント B に運ぶことです。その名前が示すように、砂の中をボールを誘導します。その上、たくさんの障害物が立ちはだかります。そのため、サンドボールのチート、ヒント、トリックの詳細なリストは非常に役立ちます.それでは早速、砂の中に飛び込んで、ボールを目的地まで送りましょう。


Sand Balls は、障害物を避けるために砂の中に道を描くというシンプルなコンセプトのゲームです。残念なことに、障害物はさまざまな形とサイズで発生します。言い換えれば、ゲームが進行するにつれて、障壁によってタスクがますます困難になります。もちろん、初期段階はそれほど困難ではありません。



前述したように、ゲームをプレイするときは、多数のボールを担当します。それでも十分でない場合は、さまざまな種類の障害物が途中に散らばっています。その結果、砂の中を移動するプロセスは、最初に思われるよりも困難になります。共有できるヒントの 1 つは、砂の中に広い道を描くことです。つまり、指を左右にスワイプして大きな砂の塊を一掃してみてください。

そうすることで、十分な数のボールを配送トラックに運ぶ必要があります。ただし、何らかの理由で十分な数のボールを誘導できなかった場合は、レベルをもう一度プレイする必要があります。そのため、トラックが動いていないことに気付いたらすぐに [再試行] ボタンを押すことをお勧めします。明確にするために、十分なボールを提供すると、トラックは出発します。そうでなければ、待っても意味がありません。左上隅のボタンをクリックして、もう一度やり直してください。

3.他のすべてが失敗した場合 – レベルをスキップ


ただし、一部のレベルでは、他のレベルよりも難しい課題が発生する可能性があります。つまり、問題のレベルをクリアしようとして行き詰まります。その瞬間、欲求不満が発生する可能性があります。幸いなことに、ゲームはシンプルで効果的な解決策を提供します。右上隅の [スキップ] ボタンをクリックすると、問題なく次のレベルに進むことができます。あなたがしなければならない唯一の「犠牲」は、プロモーションビデオを見ることです.したがって、Sand Balls の次のレベルにスキップしたいときはいつでも広告を見てください。


すでに数回述べたように、あなたの仕事はパスを描き、ボールを配送トラックに送ることです。しかし、多くの障害物があなたの努力を妨げようとします。 All sorts of walls, pillars, holes, or spinning blades will be in your way, depending on the level.

Well, we already explained how you can move on to the next level in Sand Balls. Yet, there are other methods that can help you with navigating the balls. For instance, you can use bombs to clear out large sections of the playing area. To clarify, bombs will be lying around in certain spots in the sand. As you maneuver the balls around the obstacles, you will come across the bombs. And, all you need to do is make a path towards the bomb to set off an explosion. As a result, the detonation will crash the surrounding roadblocks, propelling the balls further down.

5. Upgrade The Truck To Earn More Diamonds

Once you deliver the balls to the truck, the car will rush off and reward you with diamonds. If you manage to steer all the balls down to the finish line, your efforts will be rewarded with a perfect score. In other words, you will receive three stars and a bunch of pink diamonds. The diamonds are the in-game currency when it comes to Sand Balls. So, you should collect as many of them as possible.

For example, one of the ways in which you can boost the number of diamonds is by upgrading the delivery car. In the early stages of the game, the balls will be transported by a small truck. But, as you climb through the ranks, you can unlock better and better cars. In fact, the bigger the truck – the more balls it can carry. Consequently, this means that you will receive more diamonds as a reward. Thus, it pays off to invest a couple of gemstones to unlock a new truck.

6. Use Diamonds To Unlock New Balls

To be honest, Sand Balls is not a game that offers a wide array of options and features. On the contrary, the simplicity of the gameplay is one of the main advantages of Sand Balls. With that being said, there are some extra elements that can enhance your playing experience.

For instance, Sand Balls offer the possibility of changing the colors and the texture of the balls. By going into the Shop, you can unlock new balls. Of course, you will have to pay a certain fee for unlocking a new type. Yet, the game will become much more colorful as soon as you splash the cash. So, don’t hesitate to visit the shop as soon as the game informs you that new balls are available. By changing the size and structure of the balls, you will improve their maneuverability. In translation, it will be easier to guide them around barriers and roadblocks.

7. Collect The Free Gifts

So, diamonds are the player’s best friend when it comes to Sand Balls. As such, you can never get enough of them. And, that also means that you should exploit every possibility of obtaining more of those pink gemstones. Of course, the most obvious method is to maneuver the balls into the back of a dumpster truck. Yet, the game offers other options as well.

One of the easiest methods is to accept free gifts. To clarify, Sand Balls will throw a gift your way every once in a while. Needless to say, the gift comes free of charge, and you will receive a bunch of diamonds that you can use in the Shop. Either way, the free gifts are a great incentive. By receiving a boost in the number of diamonds you have at your disposal, the gameplay of Sand Balls will become much more enjoyable all of a sudden. Therefore, accept the rewards and invest the diamonds in a smart way.

8. Make The Most Out Of The Bonus Level

Besides the occasional free gifts, Sand Balls will present you with another enticing offer. In other words, bonus levels will appear after you climb 5 levels in the game. It goes without saying that you should maximize the number of diamonds you will collect during the bonus level. In a way, bonus offers are another form of freebies, and it seems that Sand Balls is packed with such features.

Also, the concept of bonus levels is simple and easy to grasp. In short, you only need to drag the finger down and draw a straight path for the balls to follow. Once you open the way, an avalanche of colorful balls will stampede down to the truck. As a result, you will receive more diamonds than ever before. On top of that, the game will make an incredible offer of multiplying your winnings by four times. Needles to say, we urge you to accept the offer and collect as many gemstones as possible.

And this would conclude our guide for Sand Balls. If you know other helpful tips, tricks or strategies for the game, leave us a comment below!