

Lily's Garden ガイド:Lily が庭を改装するのを助けるためのヒント、チート、コツ

Lily's Garden は、テーマ別のパズルと魅力的なストーリーを組み合わせたゲームです。つまり、パズルゲームをプレイすることで、リリーがあらゆる種類の謎を解くのを手伝うことになります。 Bee Brilliant の背後にある Tactile Games によって作成された Lily’s Garden は、iOS および Android デバイスで利用できます。ゲームをダウンロードすると、このモバイル ゲームが世界中で注目を集めている理由がわかります。

同時に、Lily's Garden には見た目以上のものがあることに気付くでしょう。明確にするために、パズルには多くのスキルと集中力が必要です。しかし、リリーの庭のガイドがここにあるので、恐れてください.次の方法のいくつかを使用することで、課題を克服し、リリーが古い邸宅の改装を完了するのを助けることができます.


リリーの庭の物語は、メアリーが大叔母のメアリーが亡くなったという悲しいニュースを受け取るところから始まります。また、リリーは現在、ラローザ家の唯一の相続人です。そして、彼女の使命は、老朽化し​​た邸宅を元の栄光に戻すことです.このプロジェクトを完了するために、Lily は彼女が得ることができるすべての助けを必要とします.

それで、それがあなたがシーンに足を踏み入れるところです。タスクを完了することで、彼女が施設を装飾し、荒れ果てた家を修理するのを手伝うことができます。したがって、Lily のキャンペーンに参加するには、画面の左下隅を確認する必要があります。そこにあるアイコンは、Lily's Garden のミッションと目的のメニューです。言うまでもなく、特に赤い通知に気付いた場合は、定期的にこのセクションにアクセスすることになります。もちろん、小さな通知で、新しいタスクが利用可能であることがわかります。目的を達成してパズルを解くと、星が与えられます。ストーリーを完成させ、リリーの改装を手伝うには星が必要です。


LaRosa 邸宅で展開されるラブ ストーリーは非常に面白いものですが、一部のプレイヤーはパズル ゲームの方に興味を持つでしょう。もちろん、プレイヤーが異なれば好みも異なりますが、それは完全に理解できます。そうは言っても、このゲームでは、ストーリーに注意を払わなくてもパズルをプレイできます.

そのため、パズル ボードのショートカットはロビーの右下隅にあります。プレイエリアに直接行くことで、より速い速度でレベルを移動できます。言い換えれば、プレーヤーはシネマティックスやすべての素晴らしいアニメーションを見なくても、Lily's Garden をプレイできます。私たちの意見では、このゲームの筋書きは目を引くものであり、機知に富んだユーモアに満ちているため、これは残念なことです。同時に、プレイヤーはキャンペーンに従わなくてもスターを獲得できます。


Lily's Garden のパズルに関して言えば、インタラクティブ ボードはカラフルなタイルでいっぱいです。また、タイルはゲームのテーマに合わせてデザインされています。その結果、ボード上にたくさんの花が見つかります。 By matching two or more of the same tiles, you will make them disappear, earning valuable points. In a way, making the tiles go away will be your main duty when playing Lily’s Garden.

So, the goal of the game is to match the required number of titles within a certain number of moves. Yes, the number of moves is limited and we recommend keeping a close eye on the number on the left-hand side. In the early stages, you will be able to complete the tasks without any problems. Yet, higher levels will require a bit more effort. At the same time, the number of moves will be of great importance. So, make every shot count!

4. Activate The Rocket Booster To Clear Out An Entire Row

As you progress through the game, the tasks will become more and more challenging. For instance, your mission will be to bring the bags of seeds all the way down to the bottom of the board. Of course, such a mission would be impossible without the use of power-ups. Yes, Lily’s Garden is a game that will help you with demanding tasks. Your job as a player is to make the most out of those boosters and upgrades.

So, one of the first power-ups you will unlock is called a Rocket. In a way, the name of this booster is self-explanatory. By activating the Rocket, the players will clear out an entire row of tiles, no matter which color they are. On top of that, the Rocket can clear out columns as well. To ‘create’ a Rocket, players need to match 7 tiles of the same color. Once the tiles are located in adjacent positions, you will see that their icon has changed. And, by tapping on one of them – you will place a powerful missile onto the board.

5. Detonate The Bombs To Clear Out Large Chunks Of Tiles

After the Rocket, the next powerup you will unlock in Lily’s Garden is the Bomb. Once again, the name pretty much explains the nature of the booster. Like any other bomb, this one also destroys everything in the vicinity. So, don’t hesitate to trigger the Bomb whenever you see it on the board.

To place a bomb on the board you will have to merge 8 or 9 tiles. In most cases, this will be easier said than done. Yet, if you manage to create such a cluster – it will all be worth it! Also, remember to pay attention to the positioning of the bomb, or any other of the power-ups, for that matter. What we mean by this is that you can select the position of the booster by tapping on the preferred tile. So, if a cluster has 9 tiles, choose the one that will place the power-up in the best possible location. As a result, you will clear out the most tiles, maximizing the efficiency of the booster.

6. Merge 10 Or More Tiles To Activate The Magic Flask

After unlocking the Rocket and the Bomb, the game will provide you with another excellent power-up. The next one is called the Magic Flask, and it can cause massive destruction when unleashed. So, we recommend using this booster as soon as you get the chance. However, the tricky part about this particular power-up is that you need 10 or more of the same tiles to unlock it.

In other words, you will need to form a large cluster of the same-colored tiles. In essence, this means that you sometimes have to resist the temptation of clicking on the group earlier. Remember, 7 tiles give you a Rocket while 8 or 9 will land a bomb on the playing field. Yet, if you manage to create the Magic Flask you will not regret it. This booster will clear out the tiles of the same color, no matter where they are located on the board.

7. Launch The Combo Attack Whenever Possible

By now, you should’ve gotten the hang of using the power-ups. Whether you prefer ‘working’ with the Rockets, Bombs, or Magic Flasks, the goal of the game will remain the same – to clear out as many tiles as possible. For that reason, we want to share another important tip with the players of Lily’s Garden.

All you need to do is to place two or more power-ups in the adjacent tiles. For instance, if a Rocket and a Bomb are next to each other, you can then activate them at the same time. As a result, the simultaneous attack will reap havoc on the board. Tiles will be cleared left and right, and almost half of the playing field will be obliterated. In fact, the combo attack is the most powerful ‘weapon’ you will have at your disposable when playing Lily’s Garden. Thus, make the most of it!

8. Get The Boosters Ready Before You Even Start The Mission

As we said, the power-ups are an integral element in winning the puzzle games and helping Lily renovate the old villa. Since there are several types of them, you should learn how to use them so that you maximize the potential of each one. On top of that, combo attacks are a force to be reckoned with. Therefore, try to create large clusters of the same-colored tiles to unlock the power-ups.

Alternatively, players can even have the boosters available before they start the mission. Once you reach a certain level, you will unlock this option. For example, a convenient hand trowel will become available. This booster will allow you to clear out a single tile by tapping on it. So, before the start – you will be able to choose the power-ups you want to have. However, their numbers will be limited, so choose carefully.

With the final advice on our list, we conclude our Lily’s Garden tips, cheats and tricks guide. Needless to say, if you know any other useful tips or just want to share your thoughts about the game, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment!