

Disney POP TOWN ビギナーズ ガイド:汗をかくことなく町を復元し、試合に勝つためのヒント、コツ、戦略

ハリー ポッター:ホグワーツ ミステリーやフューチュラマ:ワールド オブ トゥモローなどのゲームの作成者である Jam City Inc. が、もう 1 つのエキサイティングなモバイル タイトルで戻ってきました。このパズル ゲームは、ディズニー フランチャイズの魔法の物語が散りばめられた、非常に目に優しいパズル ゲームです。

Disney POP TOWNというタイトルのこのゲームは、基本的に超キュートなグラフィックのマッチ3タイトルです。プレイヤーは、カスタマイズ可能なキャラクターを作成することから始めます。このキャラクターは、さまざまなディズニーをテーマにした町を訪れ、住民が近所を再建するのを助けます。

一連の建設と改修プロジェクトに着手しなければならないミッキー マウスの町で開始します。必要なものを手に入れるには、さまざまなマッチ 3 パズルを解く必要があります。

これらはほとんどが Disney POP TOWN での通常のマッチ 3 チャレンジで、3 つ以上の類似したピースをマッチさせてボードから取り除くことが目標です。進行するにつれて数え切れないほどの障害が方程式に投げ込まれ、レベルをマスターするのがますます難しくなります。 Disney POP TOWN が他の同様のゲームと異なる点は、作成したキャラクターがマッチ 3 パズルに参加できることです。

各レベルの後に確保されたリソースは、訪れた町を再建するためのプロジェクトに費やされますが、トイ ストーリー、アラジン、不思議の国のアリス、リトル マーメイドなど、ディズニーで最も人気のあるアニメ映画から着想を得たコスチュームを購入するためにも使用されます。

Disney POP TOWN はマッチ 3 パズル チャレンジですが、複雑な部分もあるため、ある程度のレベルに達するとマスターするのは簡単ではないかもしれません。ゲームが提供するすべてのレベルを完了するには、忍耐と献身が必要ですが、良いニュースは、これらすべてのかわいい町を生き返らせようとするのがとても楽しいことです.

行き詰まった場合は、いつでも Disney POP TOWN 初心者向けガイドをチェックして、ゲームをうまく進めるためのヒントとコツの包括的なリストを確認してください。

1.古典的なマッチ 3 の原則をすべて適用

POP TOWN はひねりを加えたマッチ 3 です。このセクションでは、ゲームの標準的な部分に焦点を当て、このカテゴリのゲームにあまり慣れていない場合に備えて、ボードに取り組む方法についていくつかのアイデアを提供します.


マッチ 3 ゲームをマスターするための最初のルールは、常にボード上でより大きなマッチを作ることを目指すことです。同じタイプの 3 つのオブジェクトを一致させるだけで取得できますが、より高度なレベルでこの戦術を適用しても、それほど遠くまで到達することはできません.

重要なのは、4+ 以上のマッチを作成して、ブースターを作成できるようにすることです。ブースターは、あなたの生活をより簡単にするのに役立つツールです。そのような組み合わせを常に作成できるとは限りませんが、強調する必要があるのは、フィールドで見つけた最初の試合を急いで行うことではありません.代わりに、ボードを完全にスキャンするのに数秒かかります。より良い代替手段が見つかるかもしれません。


下部でのマッチングは、もう 1 つのよく知られたマッチ 3 戦略です。 Disney POP TOWNの場合、ボード下部が障害物で塞がれないレベルでの使用をおすすめします。下の部分が他の要素でいっぱいになっていると、ボードからこれらのピースをすべて取り除くのに時間がかかりすぎて、必要な残りの動きがなくなってしまう可能性があります。

とにかく、一番下でマッチングすると、新しいタイルがボードの上から落ちることができます。これにより、自動マッチが生成され、ブースターが 1 つまたは 2 つになることさえあります。そのため、可能な限り試してみることをお勧めします。


Disney POP TOWN のレベルはそれほど難しいものではありませんが、すぐには克服できない課題に出くわすことがあります。ゲームから支援を求めたり、そのために不必要にリソースを費やしたりする前に、レベルを数回再生したことを確認してください。たとえば、レベルに 1 回失敗した後、すぐにルビーを消費して 5 移動を追加するのは賢明ではありません。


2.ブースター コンボを可能な限り使用する

ブースターは主に、より大きなマッチを特定して作成することにより、チャレンジをプレイしながらボード上で作成できるパワーアップです。 Disney POP TOWNで作成できるブースターには、さまざまな種類があります。

ラインピン – 横または縦に 4 つの要素を一列に並べることで、1 つを作成できます。結果として得られるパワーアップは、一息でタイルの列または行全体を破壊することができます.

ロケットピン – 正方形のパターンで同じ種類のタイルを 4 つ一致させると、ロケットが動き出します。起動すると、ロケットピンは「+」の形で爆発し、周囲のタイルを全滅させてから、ボードの別の部分に向けて出発します。ここで、最後の破壊行為のために要素 (レベル目標の一部) に着陸します。

カブーム – 一種の爆弾であるこのパワーアップは、L または T の形で 5 つまたは 6 つの要素を一致させることによって行われます。発射されると、カブームは半径 3×3 タイル内のすべてを破壊できます。

レインボー ・5つ並べるとレインボーが出現。別のブロックと交換すると、虹はボードから同じ種類のすべての要素を破壊します。

これらのブースターは単独でも非常に効率的ですが、ペアで使用するとより効果的です。だから注意を払い、2 つのパワーアップが隣り合っていることに注意してください。場合によっては、このシナリオを作成するために自分で少し調整する必要がある場合もあります。余分な作業をする価値は間違いなくあります。

2 つのブースターの組み合わせはどれも素晴らしいものですが、おそらく最も効果的なのは、3 つの行と列を一度にクリアできるカンボム + ラインピンの組み合わせです!さらに、レインボーはボード上の他のブースターを複製するため、レインボーを使用して作成できる組み合わせは非常に破壊的です。これらは一度に爆発し、ボードから多くのタイルを取り除きます。あなたが作ることができる最も壊滅的なコンボは、ボードからすべてのピースを取り除くことができるダブルレインボーです.

Disney POP TOWN では、スターターと呼ばれる事前に作成されたブースターを使用することもできます。これは、レベルが開始する前にアクティブにする必要があります。これらには、Kaboom、Rainbow、Rocket ブースターが含まれます。 You get 2 of each of these for free, in the beginning, but once you ran out of them you’ll have to spend Rubies to get more of them. Which is why you should only use these Starter power-ups in extreme cases, where you’re dealing with an exceedingly hard challenge.

3. Don’t Forget What Your Level Objective Is

Whatever you do in Disney POP TOWN, make sure you don’t forget about the level objective. Like in any match-3 game, you have a limited number of moves to complete each challenge, so it’s important not to waste them on matches that won’t get you anywhere.

Level objectives are quite varied in Disney POP TOWN, which is why you should always keep in mind what you’re working towards.

A lot of levels in this game will task you with collecting a number of tiles of a certain color. But things can get a lot trickier than that. You’ll come across challenges where your character becomes an active participant in the puzzle you’re playing and is chasing a Star on the board. The Star is your end goal in most of these challenges, but other objectives might be added to the list (or not). These includes removing certain obstacles from the board like Ice or Wood boxes.

You might be tempted to think that if obstacles show up on the board, they are always part of the level objective, but that’s not always the case. This is why you need to keep track of your end goal and not waste precious efforts on trying to destroy certain elements, when they aren’t part of the objective. Whenever you’re not sure of what you’re striving for, check the goal at the top of the display.

4. Constantly Expand Your Wardrobe

Costumes are an unusual feature of this match-3 game. You can dress your characters in new skins inspired by Disney classic animated movies, but it’s not just for the aesthetics that you should be doing it. Actually, costumes unlock additional Skills for your character, so they are super useful tools.

You can get new costumes from the Lucky Box (lower part of the display). You’ll need to spend currency to purchase various Boxes which contain new outfits. Costumes range from N (Normal or common) to R (Rare) and SR (Super Rare). Of course, the higher the rarity, the better the skill(s) they bring to the table.

Now there are several types of Boxes you can purchase. In our opinion, the easiest to get is the Golden Lucky Box which includes N-SR costumes. Of course, the chances of getting N outfits is higher (about 80%), while getting one of the rare ones is just 15%. A Golden Lucky Box will take you back with 10 Lucky Tickets. This is a resource you can get by playing the game and completing levels. So if you spend enough time in the game, you’ll be able to collect enough Lucky Tickets to constantly be spending on Golden Lucky Boxes.

There’s also the Lucky Box which contains N-R outfits, and you can purchase it in exchange for Coins. Coins are another type of resource which you can redeem after winning levels, and you’ll have to spend 2,000 of those to get your hands on such a box.

Lastly, there’s Disney Princess Lucky Box which only includes R-SR costumes. This type of box is trickier to acquire because it costs Rubies, which are extremely rare resources. You can acquire them occasionally through various rewards, participating in events or you can simply go to the Shop and purchase them from there using real money.

It’s important to keep investing in new outfits constantly. New outfits can bring powerful additional skills to the table, and you’ll definitely need those as you progress in the game. Aim mostly for Golden and Lucky Boxes which are sold in exchange for resources that are more widely available.

5. Level Up Your Costumes

Levelling up costumes should be high among your list of priorities while playing Disney POP TOWN, because they get better and better with which upgrade. For example, the Toy Story Giggle Classic costume can remove 7 blocks at level 1. Upgrade it to level 2 and it will be able to remove 4 more pieces.

You can level up your costumes by collecting EXP. Costumes are grouped in Closets each with a different theme. Now, whenever you manage to level up a Closet, costumes in that particular Closet level up together! Each outfit you unlock will work towards upgrading the EXP of its specific wardrobe. For example, getting the King Triton costume will rise the EXP on The Little Mermaid Closet (check out the EXP blue bar underneath each Closet).

You can gain EXP through various avenues. First, by getting costumes from Lucky Boxes or by buying additional special costumes at the Lucky Point Shop. Additionally, it you play a level using the right costume during Bonus Skill events you can win additional EXP. Remember, the easiest way is to earn Lucky Tickets by beating levels and purchase Golden Lucky Boxes.

6. Don’t Forget To Use The Special Costume Booster During Puzzles

How do you take advantage of the special skills that these costumes bring about? While playing puzzles, take a look in the lower left part of the display. You’ll notice a square tank in the lower left part of the screen that slowly gets filled up with every match you perform on the board. Throw in some Boosters and the tank fills up a lot faster.

When it’s finally full, you can start using the Booster. Tap on the tank and the Booster will be applied on the board. Depending on the costume you’re wearing, it will have different effects. Some Costume Boosters can destroy elements on the field, while other create and place power-ups on the board. It tends to vary.

It’s quite possible that in the heat of the game, you’ll end up forgetting all about this Booster. Make a point not to, after all you’ve paid for those costumes and you should take advantage of their perks.

On top of that, Costume Boosters can make it a lot easier for you to complete a level, and that’s important. Leftover moves are turned into power-ups which add extra Coins to the sum you receive at the end of the level. Keep in mind that in order to redeem a Lucky Ticket you’ll have to earn a given amount of Coins. So the more leftover moves you have, the better your chances of hitting this Coin goal. Both Coins and Lucky Tickets are very important resources that allow you to purchase new costumes.

7. Get Hints About Which Costume To Use To Beat A Level

Once you’ve accumulated enough costumes, it might prove a little difficult to decide when it’s the right time to use one or another. Luckily, the game is helpful in this sense. As you enter a level, simply tap on your character in the lower left corner, but you must do this before tapping on the green “Start” level button.

The game will show you a bunch of recommendations for costumes that were vetted to be most helpful during a level by other players. Tap on the recommendations and if you have the said costume you can equip it right before the level starts. If you don’t, that’s alright too. It’s still possible to win the challenge, so don’t panic.

These recommendations are useful whenever you’re having a hard time beating a certain level. So if you tried solving the puzzle a few times, but to no avail, go ahead and check the game’s suggestions for the costumes you should wear so you can solve the challenge in style.

As a last resort, you can spend Rubies to buy five more moves, although this isn’t something we recommend. Unless you tried everything and exhausted all other strategies, you should keep your Rubies to yourself and perhaps you’ll be able to collect enough of them to buy a fancy Disney Princess Lucky Box one day.

8. Replay Levels To Get More Coins

Need more coins? If you’re looking to boost your income, then you should probably know that you can do so by replaying levels. The puzzles that are available to take up again are listed under the Collect Coins tab. To get to this section simply tap on the icon above the Closet.

Check to see if there any available levels to replay and go ahead and take another swing at some of the earlier stages in order to make a little extra cash. These are the levels which you already solved, but you didn’t manage to hit the Coin goal. By replaying them, you also get the chance to unlock extra Lucky Tickets. Don’t forget to check the tab periodically if you wish to increase your earnings from time to time.

9. Make The Most Out Of Events

There’s plenty of events happening all the time in Disney POP TOWN and you should make sure you take advantage of what they have to offer as much as possible.

The standard events will unlock rewards as you play the game and continue to complete puzzles. For example, during Rayaand the Last Dragon you can win various goodies including Unlimited Lives, Unlimited Booster use, as well as various costumes.

Then there are the occasional events which let you add more moves to each level you play. During “Bonus Skill”, for instance, you can get this bonus when you use a certain R or SR costume.

As events constantly change, keep an eye out for them and do your best to be as active as possible during this time, so you can accelerate your progress in the game.

10. Use Ads And Other Freebies To Your Advantage

Like with most mobile games these days, Disney POP TOWN offers you the chance to redeem free stuff in exchange for watching ads. Additionally, you can also get your hands on some totally free items. In this section we’re going to list all the opportunities you should be looking out for.

Get Free Lives – Players get 5 lives at the start of each day. They remain untouched if you keep beating levels, but if you fail to complete a challenge one of these lives will be subtracted from the total.

Fortunately, the game offers up pretty frequent Unlimited lives rewards, but if you ever happen to see your life count drop dangerously low, head on to the Friends section in the lower part of the display and watch an ad to get a quick life in return.

Get Free Goodies By Checking Your Inbox – Check your Inbox regularly for a chance to grab various rewards. The game routinely sends out rewards as a thanks for doing various stuff. For example, we received 60 minutes of Unlimited lives just by logging into the game one day. Additionally, you can watch an ad in exchange for free rewards that include Rubies, Lives and Coins. These ad offers get renewed constantly, so make sure you drop by again and again.

Get Free Coins – From time to time, you’ll notice a little ad notice hanging from your Coin count at the top of the screen. When you do, quickly tap on it before it disappears and watch a quick ad to gain some extra coins.

Get The Daily Free Gift – Each day you can claim a free gift from the Shop tab. This can range from anything including coins and Rubies to Boosters and Lucky Tickets. The Shop is also the place where you can spend real cash to get additional resources to spend in the game. This is the only free offer you can take advantage of.

Complete The Missions – Tap on mission in the right side of the display to see what needs to get done. Play the game until you hit the objectives and redeem the Pop Cards which come as rewards. Every weekend you have a chance to win a prize consisting or Rubies. The game will automatically draw a winning Pop Card over the weekend and you need to make sure you go back to your cards and see if you have a winning card or not. If you don’t check the results in time, all your Pop Cards will be discarded so be careful.

Redeem Progress Rewards – Use the stars you’ve accumulated while solving puzzles to unlock renovations around the towns you visit. This will allow you to make progress and unlock certain rewards once you’ve completed several of these tasks. These can include pretty nice resource bundles of Lucky Tickets, Rubies and much more.

11. A Few Suggestions On How To Approach Levels

Like all match-3 games, Disney POP TOWN puzzles abound of special elements of all flavors. Some are more unique than others, but most have one thing in common – you can engage with them through matching.

Most obstacles which will appear on your board one time or another can be removed by matching in their vicinity. This is true for things like Wooden boxes, Ice, Tape and more. These elements can have one layer or multiple, and so depending on this aspect it might take two or three matches to completely get them off the field. Of course, when dealing with these pieces you can always use Boosters and power-up combos to help you remove multiple obstacles more easily.

Disney POP TOWN is a unique match-3 game that sometimes uses characters as active participants in the puzzles you have to engage in. Whenever they join a level, you’ll have to clear a path for them to a certain objective. The end goal is to collect a Star, but you might have to make a couple more stops on the way, for example, to flip a switch or to go through a portal.

When playing levels with characters(s) on the board, your main focus should be to clear a path for them as quickly as possible. You can use as many Boosters as you want, as it will help you remove the obstacles a lot faster.

Then there are the more unique elements such as Clouds that appear often during these Star-centered challenges. Clouds create paths for your characters that lead to the location of the Star on the board. When dealing with Clouds, players should match using at least one piece that is sitting atop of a Cloud.

This way the vapor gets recycled and can continue the path your character needs to walk towards their goal. Do not match in the vicinity of the Clouds without including a Cloud in the match, or you risk using up moves for nothing.

With these tips we conclude our beginner’s guide for Disney POP TOWN. We hope our walkthrough will serve you well in solving the match-3 challenges the game throws at you. If you guys have any additional tips, tricks or strategies we may have missed, please let us know in the comment section below!