

Idle Island ビギナーズ ガイド:各都市のロックを解除してすばやく完了するためのヒント、チート、戦略

Idle Island - iOS の City Builder または Idle Island - Android の City Building Tycoon は、開発者 Robert Gryzbek による最新の都市建設戦略シミュレーション ゲームです。両方のモバイル プラットフォームに 8 つのゲームのアプリ ポートフォリオがあり、この開発者の最も人気のあるゲームは、Reactor – Idle Tycoon、ForgeCraft – Idle Tycoon、および Pocket Trader です。最も人気のあるものを含む彼のゲームのほとんどが Idle Island と同じジャンルに属していることを考えると、この新しいアイドル ビルダー ゲームが、わずか 2 年間で多くの人気、ダウンロード、および大部分が肯定的なレビューを獲得したことは驚くことではありません。

このゲームは、多くのアイドル ビルディング ゲームと同様に、進行するために多くの時間を割く必要がほとんどないため、モバイル ゲームに専念する時間があまりなく、同様に人々にアピールできる人にとっては素晴らしいゲームです。時々数分を殺したい人。ゲームの特定の要素は、あなたをより長い時間夢中にさせるのに十分なほど中毒性があります.一度に数分で遊べる、楽しくてリラックスできるタイムパサーを探しているなら、Idle Island をチェックしてください。

Idle Island では、自分のプライベート アイランドの町で事業を継続的に拡大することを目指している都市建設の大物になっています。不動産の成長は基本的に、家や店舗の建設、都市の宣伝、収益性を高めるためのさまざまな研究への投資を中心に展開します。都市に招待できる最初の数人の居住者から継続的に利益を得ることができるため、ボタンをタップするだけで新しい居住者を簡単に追加できます。現状では、1 秒あたりの利益を指数関数的に増加させるために、できるだけ多くの人をタップして巻き込みたいと思うでしょう。それは多かれ少なかれ、基本的にこのゲームの中毒性のある側面になります。

最初の数分間はゲームのチュートリアルとして機能し、都市に人口を増やし、できるだけ収益を上げるための最初の手順を説明します。チュートリアルはすばやく簡単に習得して把握できますが、後で行う必要があるすべてのことを説明するわけではありません. Idle Island のメカニクスは非常にシンプルで、操作スキームに関する限り、心配する必要はありません。すべてに簡単なタップ方法を提供し、複雑な操作システムがないため、あらゆる年齢のプレイヤーにとって簡単なゲームです。



すべての都市で、家、店、車を購入して物事を始めますが、3 つすべてを手に入れると、次のようになります。あなたの主な焦点は、画面の下部にある大きな赤いボタンをタップして行うことができる都市の人口を増やすことです.ここをクリックするたびにあなたの町に人が送られてくるので、できるだけタップしたいと思うでしょう。このボタンは、連続してタップすると排出されるメーターのように機能し、空になると、どれだけ速くタップしても多くの人を招待できなくなります。ただし、組み込みのメーターはすぐに補充され、すぐに大勢の人を町に招待できるので、長く待つ必要はありません。

ゲームをプレイしている間は、やるべきことがたくさんあります。都市建設ビジネスは、多くの活動に注意を払う必要があります。主に大きな赤いボタンに集中しなければならないからといって、必要な他のことをするのを妨げてはなりません。収益をさらに高めるために注意してください。 Idle Island での主な目的はできるだけ多くの利益を獲得することであるため、より多くの人を集めることは、目標を達成するための多くのステップの 1 つにすぎません。

理想的には、大きな赤いボタンを押して、現在の都市に人々を招待して、できるだけ多くの利益を上げる必要があります.メーターが空になったら、別のアクティビティに焦点を切り替え、もう一度スマッシュ タップして、さらに別のアクティビティに移動します。これにより、利益を高めるための 1 つの取り組みから次の取り組みへとホップする際に、招待アクティビティがその間のルーチンのように見えます。



研究にお金を払うたびに、次の研究はかなり高価になりますが、研究レベルを上げると利益も指数関数的に増加するため、少し後で価格がそれほど高く見えなくなります.ただし、最良の結果を得るには、最初に最も安いものを調べて、現在の現金を最大限に活用してください. IF you are playing to quickly complete the city objectives and move on the next bigger city, speed will be of the essence, so feel free to tap and hold on whichever research option is available and quickly drain your earnings on whichever available research item you can afford.

Be sure to remember scrolling down on the research items as more will become unlocked as you unlock more cities and progress through the game. As the research items are sequentially arranged from the cheapest down to the most expensive, feel free to mass purchase the top tier first.

Additionally, you can check out the epic research items you can unlock by clicking on the epic tab in the research menu. Epic researches provide permanent boosts but unlocking them will be based on luck as each item can only be claimed through parcels that take time to unlock.

3. Watch Video Ads For Great Rewards

As advertisements have become an integral part of free-to-play mobile games, everyone who has played mobile games before should already be familiar with the idea behind it and has accepted its value in the mobile gaming community. While some video ads that play out while you are playing the game can be somewhat intrusive and even annoying for some players, video ads that offer incentives to help you get through the game easier or faster are commonly appreciated.

In Idle Island, the initial video ad you should look forward to take advantage of can be activated by clicking on the x2 icon at the top right corner of your screen. Watching a 15 to 30-second video ad after clicking on this icon will double all profits you earn for 2 hours. Randomly, as you play the game as well, there will be several instances to see a “play” icon on the right side of your screen. Clicking on it will reveal the amount of money you can instantly gain after watching a short video ad. While you are continuously earning cash every second in the game, what these ads offer is well beyond what you can earn in a minute so watching a short ad, even a 30-second one, makes each one very much worth it. Lastly, going back into the game after being online for at least 2 hours will earn you some rewards and if you watch a short video ad when you log back in, you can also double the rewards you can get.

4. Pay Attention To All Icons That Appear At The Right

On top of the “play” icons that can pop up randomly as you play the game, random gift boxes as well as important info icons can appear and line up at the right side of your screen. Be sure to click on these as well at the soonest possible time. Info icons serve as reminders of what you may need to purchase like additional houses, stores, or cars. Although in most cases, you can purchase these prior to seeing the notifications, it is more advisable to primarily spend money on profit boosters through research. Gift boxes grant you instant rewards like cash, people, or even diamonds much like what you can receive for watching short video ads.

5. Accomplish Missions For Great Rewards

You can see a mission icon at the upper right side of your screen and it usually reflects a certain percentage which determines how close or far you are towards accomplishing a mission. These missions reward you with a lot of instant cash as well as diamonds and are mostly easy to accomplish. Simply click on it to view your current mission. You won’t be able to move on to the next one until you successfully complete the current mission so exert a bit of time and effort into accomplishing it at the soonest possible so you can get more rewards.

6. Tap On Those Planes Passing By

Once every 30 seconds or so, a plane will pass through your city following a random line. Whenever you catch a glimpse of one, be sure to click on it as it holds a variety of important rewards. You can instantly receive a huge amount of cash from the packages that it drops and while that can be a huge help, cash is the most common drop it can give you. These planes can reward you with gems, boosters, and most important of all, parcels that contain a variety of rewards including epic research items.

7. Unlock Parcels And Use Boosters

Just beside the research icon, you can see two other icons that when clicked on, can help improve your gameplay and earn you more profits by the second. These are the boosters and parcels icons that may contain some valuable items you have collected while playing the game. Boosters may come in the form of profit boosts, instant cash, or even instant people but you will most likely only obtain profit boosts as you play and will have the option to purchase any of these with hard-earned gems. Parcels, on the other hand, contain a variety of rewards like cash and gems but will always include an epic research item that will permanently boost your profitability.

For the boosts, be sure to consume profit boosters when you are up to playing the game for the duration of the boost and most especially if it becomes your current mission. Any double reward for the same amount of effort is great and this can also work at the same time with the boost you gain from watching video ads.

With regard to parcels, you can only stack up to four packages at a time. What you would want is to always ensure that a package is in the process of opening up. As it takes hours to do so, you can watch a short video ad to cut down the waiting time by 30 minutes. Keep in mind as well that you can do so continuously until you finally cut down the waiting time to zero and unlock the package. Common parcels take 2 full hours to unlock while rare ones take 4 hours. You can simply watch a short video ad marathon to quickly empty your parcels out so you can stack up on new ones and enjoy the benefits of having better boosts from epic researches you have unlocked.

That is all we have for now on our Idle Island beginner’s guide. We hope that you picked up a few things from the tips and strategies we shared with you and that you enjoyed reading our guide as well. If you know of some additional tips and strategies for this game and would like to share it with us and our readers, feel free to leave us a message in the comment area!