

アイドル ジェット コースター ガイド:テーマ パークのトップ タイクーンになるためのヒント、チート、戦略

2013 年にソリティア、ブラックジャック、ロゴ クイズ、数独などの古典的なゲームでモバイル ゲーム シーンに参入した Green Panda Games は、今日の市場で人気を維持しているハイパーカジュアル ゲームを専門とする主要なモバイル ゲーム開発者およびパブリッシャーに変身しました。 Green Panda Games は、ほぼすべての人がプレイして楽しむことができるアイドル クリッカー ゲームに主に焦点を当てており、5,000 万人を超えるユーザーを集め、公開されたゲームで 5 万を超える 5 つ星のレビューを獲得しています。 Bee Factory、Emoji Craft、Sushi Bar は、Green Panda Games のアプリ ポートフォリオの 18 の強力なゲーム リストのトップであり、Bee Factory は 1,000 万回以上インストールされ、後者の 2 つはそれぞれ 500 万回以上ダウンロードされています。 Green Panda Games には、iOS および Android プラットフォームで人気のあるゲームのホストがあり、同社が公開するすべてのゲームをプレイすることを熱望する膨大な数のファン層があり、現在も増え続けています。

Idle Roller Coaster は Green Panda Games の最新ゲームであり、他のアイドル クリッカー ゲームと同様に、最もシンプルなゲーム メカニクスとワンタップ コントロールを備えています。現在 iOS でのみ利用可能ですが、Idle Roller Coaster はほぼ完璧なユーザー評価を維持しており、Apple App Store の戦略カテゴリで第 1 位に位置しています。全体的にシンプルで、そのテーマに起因する楽しい要素と相まって、Idle Roller Coaster は、プレイして見ることができ、時間を費やすほど夢中になる素晴らしいゲームになります.

アイドル ローラー コースターほど簡単にテーマ パークを管理できません。排他的な乗り物がスタートアップのテーマパークでの主なアトラクションであるため、あなたの目標は、より多くのお金を稼いでパークに再投資し、それを継続的に開発して利益を上げることです.何もしなくても現金が得られるという意味で、基本的には非常に簡単です。より定期的にタップし、収益をアップグレードに費やすことで、利益の生成が改善されます。

Idle Roller Coaster に関連するチュートリアルはありません。何をしても前進するだけなので、ゲームは可能な限り簡単であるため、チュートリアルは必要ありません。ジェットコースターエリアをタップしてスピードを上げ、対向車をタップしてスピードを上げます。さまざまなアップグレードが利用可能で、アップグレードの購入もタップするだけです。ゲームのプレイ方法に関係なく、テーマ パークは確実に成長し、オフラインの状態でも繁栄し続けます。

速く上達したい場合は、アクティブにプレイする時間をもう少し増やすと、それを達成するのに役立ちます.さらに良いことに、私たちのアイドル ローラー コースター ガイドをチェックして、収益を増やしてテーマ パークのトップになるためのヒント、チート、戦略を確認してください!

1.ダブル プロフィット ブースターをアクティブに保つ

Idle Roller Coaster でのあなたの絶え間ないニーズは利益を上げているので、毎秒より多くの利益を生み出すことが常に好ましい選択です。通常の収入は実際には十分であり、ゲームをプレイするにつれて目に見える進歩が見られますが、生み出すすべての利益を 2 倍にすることは、逃してはならない機会です。

ゲームの実行を開始すると、画面の左上隅に 2x ブースターが表示されます。それをタップすると、15 秒から 30 秒のビデオ広告を視聴する代わりに、設定された時間の間、収益が 2 倍になります。ブーストがアクティブなままになる時間を増やすために、もう一度試してみることもできます. Regardless of whether or not you will be actively playing the game or will spend time off of it, it’s worth watching a couple of ads as the income generation boost applies to all your income regardless if you are actually playing the game or offline and away from it. If you want to progress in the game fast and grow your theme park at a rapid pace, then you should take note of when the double profit multiplier will wear off and go back online to activate it again.

2. Slow, Regular Taps Speed Things Up

If you have played some idle clicker games in the past, you might instinctively tap on the screen at a very rapid pace with the mindset that it will make the rollercoaster run faster and speed up the potential customers outside the theme park as well. That simply isn’t the case with Idle Roller Coaster and slow, regular taps are enough to speed things up.

To get the pace right, simply observe the roller coaster as a gleam of light will appear behind it once you tap the theme park area. Once the light vanishes, the speed boost has worn off and you will have to tap again. The same applies to customers outside the park although at some point later on, you will hardly have any need to speed them up as lines will be full of people that won’t be able to proceed any faster since the roller coaster ride as well as the station is still full of people.

3. Remember To Level Up As Soon As Possible

As you may likely become too engrossed with the taps you make here and there at the same time that your focus has been captivated by your virtual roller coaster, it is likely to happen that you will forget about the experience bar that fills up at the upper right corner of your screen that you need to tap to level up. Levelling up earns you huge amounts of profits instantly as well as unlocks ornaments for your park as well as unlock new parks later on. As such, tapping on it as soon as it becomes available is important for you to be able to progress faster.

Once the experience bar is full and the words “level up” appears, you will no longer be gaining experience points from the profits that you make. As the ornament upgrades are the cheapest investments that boost your income generation, levelling up faster will be key to boosting your income faster as a result of maxing out upgrades relative to available ornaments.

If you can, you should also consider watching video ads to triple the amount of income you gain from levelling up. Keep in mind that as you reach higher levels and earn more income, the amount of cash you can receive from level up rewards grow too, making a triple amount of it even more valuable.

4. Invest In Upgrades Strategically

There are various upgrades available in Idle Roller Coaster and in as much as investing in each of them indiscriminately all leads to earning higher profits, a systematic approach to doing so results in a more efficient development of your park. There are a total of 10 available upgrades with 3 at the bottom of the screen, 3 at the station that you can see as you tap on it, and 4 under the ornaments which you can access through the ribbon icon at the right side of your screen.

For starters, what you should go for in general is to invest in the cheapest available upgrade option. The rationale behind this is that you would want the money you invested to be reflected in your profits and stream right back to you moving forward. Spending on the cheaper upgrades would therefore be faster and lead to investing in more options as well.

Once you get a hold of massive profits either through profit boosters, level up rewards, or oofline income, then you should spend on the most expensive upgrades available as much as you can and when you can no longer afford to do so, revert to putting your income on the cheapest upgrades again. As ornamental upgrades are unlocked based on level, be sure to check on it once an indicator appears at the ribbon icon.

5. Grab The Time-Limited Boosts

As you play the game, you will regularly see time-limited boosts that pop up at the upper right side of the screen. It may either speed everything up, making it unnecessary for you to tap on anything; or double the amount of experience points you earn along with your profits. Given that these boosts tremendously speed up your progress, it’s important to take advantage of it and prioritize it over everything else except when it’s a 2x experience booster that appears at the same time you can level up.

It may happen that you will see these boosts become available at the same time as your level bar maxes out. In case it is a profit booster, you should go for it as your profits will continue to grow even if you fail to immediately reach a new level. Forget about upgrades and even the income multiplier at the left side of the screen if it so happens that it runs out of juice just as the time-limited booster appears.

Relative to this, you should also grab the floating popcorn whenever you see it as large sums of money can be gained from it if you tap on it and choose to watch an ad.

6. Multitask Across Various Locations

This may very well be a tip fit for more experienced players but if you read through and adhered to the tips we mentioned above, then chances are that you will grow beyond level 20 in the game and unlock a new theme park in another location. Provided that you have the money to unlock the next world, feel free to do so and be ready to multitask like never before.

As you start anew in a new park, you should most likely be spending more time on it than the previous one as there will be new upgrades to save money for as well as new ornaments to unlock. Keep in mind that all your theme parks will continue to earn money regardless of where you are at so there shouldn’t be much pressure to hop between them from time to time. For previous parks, income from the roller coaster itself will added to earnings for that park.

For everything else, the amount of profits you receive will reflect on your more recent theme park. As such, you should focus more on the newer park and spend more time there as new upgrades will become available fast especially as it is just starting out.

As a general strategy, simply peek at the older theme park and spend cash on upgrades until you max everything out or have less than enough to upgrade further. Spend most of your time on the newer or newest park and apply everything you did with the older parks.


You may opt to turn your Wi-Fi off and proceed to play the game offline at any time. Keep in mind though that while there are a lot of video ads in the game, all of it are optional and you won’t be force to watch any of it in-between your play time. As much as we always mention that ads keep many free games continuously available for everyone we still understand people who feel annoyed or turned off by games riddled with ads that randomly pop up as they play the game.

The point here is that you can play Idle Roller Coaster even if you have no access to the internet but the downside is that you won’t be able to enjoy the numerous perks you can get out of watching some of these ads. As we mentioned right from the start of the guide that you can progress in the game regardless of how you play it, spending more time actually playing the game will make you progress a lot faster. More so by watching some ads every now and then.

This is where we end our Idle Roller Coaster guide and as simple as our tips, cheats and strategies may be, we are confident that taking all of it into consideration will significantly boost your progress in the game. If you have discovered additional tips or tricks, then don’t hesitate to share them with us in the comment area below!