

Fallout Tactics – 最初のヒントとヒント (ネタバレなし)



セミキャノン – カウントする必要がありますか?

Fallout Tactics はセミキャノンと見なされます – これをプレイするほとんどの人は 100% 言うでしょう 塔を数えるべきです このゲームには 100% の要素があります FONV や他の分割払いで話してください.


  • ゲームを作成するとき、彼らは東海岸が別の電流 (Ring Pulls) を使用する必要があると決定しました。
  • Mc は基本的に存在しませんが、アクションやそのような行為は存在します (さまざまなキャラクターによって行われただけで、ゲーム内であなたがコントロールするよりも全体的に大きな人々のグループです)。
  • ゲーム自体とプレイ方法

  • プレイ テスターはリアルタイム モードのみをテストしているため、ゲームは 100% バランスが取れており、そのモードでプレイすることを意図しています。フリーキンのターン ベース オプション期間をプレイしないでください。
  • できる限りのものを拾い上げ、バンカーで売り戻します。はい、BoS の一部ですが、自分の現金を獲得する必要があります。
  • スピーチはゲームに含まれておらず (パイロット スキルに置き換えられています)、このゲームはより「戦闘」です。重いからといって、カリスマ性を無視する必要があるわけではありません。このゲームの多くのことは、基本的なカリスマ性に基づいています (方法/時期)。どのアイテムが販売されているかなど、原住民があなたをどれだけ好きかなど、現在はフラットなカリスマ チェックにすぎません)。
  • あなたの必殺技が 10 を超える可能性があることを考えると、ドラッグはかなりクールです。 Psyco には気をつけてください (その神は珍しい AF が好きですが!)
  • 知っておくべきスキルと特典

  • Speech スキルは Pilot に置き換えられました – はい、このゲームには車やジープなどがあり、Mad Max スタイルです。はい、このスキルを取得する仲間がいます。Pilot が取得したい場合は、このスキルについてまったく心配する必要はありません。後に f-in パイロットになるコンパニオン
  • Big Guns は便利で、通常は MC をタグ付けすることをお勧めします。ただし、これを行う場合は、Small Guns、Unarmed、Melee などの別の武器スキルも選択してください。ゲーム、エネルギー兵器と同じ
  • はい、Unarmed Combat は役に立ちます。タフガイ モードを初めてクリアしたときは、Unarmed Jinx Build で楽しかったです。
  • FO1 または FO2 で問題が発生した場合、タフガイを開始することはお勧めしません。そうでない場合は、基本的にボーナス XP が得られます (ゲーム終了までに合計で約 3 ~ 4 レベル相当)。ミッションはバンカーのみ)。
    5 ギフテッドは便利なAF!このゲームでは一定の能力チェックが行われる場合があり、優れた能力を持っていることがより重要であるため、このゲームのスキルは才能のあるものであることが強く推奨されます!
  • カマカジはあなたが思っているほど悪くはありません - それは +25% (Yes Percentage) のダメージを与えますが、これは笑い事ではありません!しかし、私は近接/非武装のキャラクターにはそれを取りません.
  • スナイパーやメレー キャラクターになりたくない場合はスキップしても構いませんが、素早いショットは素晴らしいものです。
  • スモール フレームは悪くないです。キャリー ワイトは少なくなりますが、他の 5 人のコンパニオン (あなたの分隊の合計 6 人) を運ぶことができます ♥♥♥、そのため、あなたが思っているほど大したことではありません。 +1 Agi は追加のステータス ポイントです。Gifted について私が言ったことを覚えていますか?このゲームのステータス / 能力は巨大です!
  • Yes get a ♥♥♥ Combat Skill i hate some of these youtubers which ive seen or peeps talk about sometimes how they didnt like the game a t first coz they decided to make Charisma science boy and try to talk about there feelings, your in the bos basicly the army when the paladin tells you to jump you jump and if you dunno how high your not paying attention!
  • Yes even small guns can take you to end game thanks to ammo type and how cheap you can get the ammo, Spraying ♥♥♥ tons of bullets at your enemies or being a Sniper is 100% Effective, Lay down that Covering fire soldier!
  • The Perk Tag (Level 12 requirement) is great for your companions to pick up!
  • Mutate is also a great Perk! (Level 9!) For your companions to pick up!
  • Life giver – It Requires 4 Endurance at least, but it gives so much HP +4 HP a level! this is your Waifu of Perks / Traits it is Bugged on the level you take it however to not give the HP on that level but dont worrie level up once you be fine and be in love with a solid hard on three times what you normaly get, Your no longer a woman for you girls out there, your have a D now thats how smexy this Trait/Perk is ok I Exaderate a bit on this Trait/Perk but it is very good none the less!
  • Below are some nice Traits and the special attack to them and level and skill, not all The Nice Traits just Some! Note I Name the Name of the Perk the special then Level then the amount of times you can take it (x1 for once or x2 for twice you get the deal).

    • Strength – ST
    • Perception – PE
    • Endurance – EN
    • Charisma – Ch
    • Intelligence – IN
    • Agility – Ag
    • Luck – Lk
    • Action Boy – AG 5 – Level 12 x2
    • Bonus Rate of Fire – PE 6, IN 6, Ag 7 – Level 15 x1
    • Life Giver – EN 4 – Level 12 x2
    • Toughness – EN 6, Lk 6 – Level 3 x3
    • Tag – Level 12 x1
    • Slayer – Ag 8, ST 8, Unarmed 80%+ =Level 24 x1
    • Bonus Ranged Damage – Ag 6, LK 6, – Level 6 x2
    • Better Criticals – PE 6, LK 6, AG 4 – Level 9 x1
    • Mutate! – Level 9 x1

    Please Note Doctor skill and First Aid! – Both of these skills are excellent for healing you cipple limbs and removing the Bandage effect on your character and such!

    Ability Scores!

    Yes this is where I talk about abilitys no im not going to be one of these elitest scum bags and tell you the Magic Min Max Stat spread mostly coz as a long time RPG Gamer and such i found Min Max Tables to be stupid as ♥♥♥♥ manipulative and tend to miss the point more then half the time, But with enough truth behind it that it blinds people into going ooo pretty!

    Important Note! – Your Stats / Abilities / Special can go above 10 via with Armor or drugs! so dont be able of them!

    Reguardless lets talk about your special!

    S – Strength – The amount depends on your build, For Unarmed / Melee users you want about 8, For Perks and Traits, For Big Gun users 8 is good for the Heavyest of weapons but 7 will do, for Small Guns ? 5 will do most of the time 6-7 For the Heavyest of Sniper Rifles however! but even as a sniper rifle or such 6 Strength is good, Energy Weapons? Some are Heavy (Like the Energy / Laser Mini Gun) so about 6-8 Strength is needed, 8 for that Big Energy Minigun otherwise 6 is normaly just fine! In Short 5-8 is what your looking for in Strength!

    P – Perception – This is what you need as a Sniper, Dump stat for Melee / Unarmed Builds 5-6 is good enough for none Snipers heck even Big gun users can get away with 6 Perception, More is cool however but dont think its a must have unless your trying to Snipe! 6 is normaly Required for some good Range Traits however! I Normaly go for 6 and stop unless im trying to build a Sniper, And sometimes dump it for a Melee/Unarmed build!

    E – Endurance – Yes this game is a Shooter your in the BOS and your going to be shot at, However you dont need to pump Endurance the Trait life giver gives you all the HP you need, Its good for the toughness Trait / Perk and Life Giver thats about it, You can reduce this down to 4 if your feeling up for it, so long as you get Life Giver or Toughness, However this is only true for Range characters, Unarmed / Melee users will want Endurance reguardless + Life Giver and such! I Mean heck some Vet players even state its ok to start off with 1-2 Endurance! I dont recommend it but i can totaly see a new player starting with 4 in this game!

    C – Charisma – Yeah your shooting more then normal but due to alot of in game features and such that check your flat Charisma, Most people will Recommend 8 Charisma this is so you can get promoted at a good enough rate and have acess to the best items when they become avible for you to buy, Gives you the best companions who will be willing to travel with you due to your leadership score / Promotion / Rank and have the Native Civs like you!, Having more then 8 is kinda considerd a waste, however It is possible to still get some of the better stuff in life with Less charisma just not right off the bat and such, 6 Charisma is OK! so if your struggling to find 2 extra Stat points and cant spare Endurance of such then 6 is OK I say OK becouse well 8 is over-all a Good Charisma to have but I have been able to do just fine and get good acess to gear and companions and such via 6 Charisma, Just try to do the extra missions now and again and be a good boy/girl! But be warned even with 6 your miss some things but you still get most of the things open to you sooner or later.

    I – Intelligence – So Skill points are not as needed as you think, its you + 5 other peeps you can spread your skills needed between all of you, Not a doc? You can get a companion who is a Medic / Doctor, Dont have Outdoors man? Thats fine someone eles can have that skill, Becouse of this Intelligence isnt that super needed.

    However Intelligence 6 is normaly the point peeps get due to Perks / Traits, More is cool if you can spare it, But you dont need to pump this heavly, If you dont want Bonus Rate of Fire for your guns you can go less Intelligence if you need but … You still want enough skill points to level up your main attack skill decently enough + whatever other skills you have.

    A – Agility – So even numbers if what you want and the higher the better, Its basicly Max Action points and Action point Recovery, 6 8 or 10 are the numbers I recommend, Why Even numbers and not an odd number? Action Points, They only increase and change based on a Even Number, its fine if you dont get 10 Agility you can make due without it especly considering you need other attributes, But this is an important Attribute reguardless! so if your going to have a 10 somewhere … Agility might as well be it!

    L – Luck – So this is for your Crit builds Better Crit Traits and other such things, If you dont care about Crit (totaly fine for none Sniper Builds) you can kinda Dumpster Luck to a point so dont be afraid to do so!

    So the range we are looking for in Ability/Special scores?

    • Strength :5-8, To be able to use the weapons you find in the wasteland!
    • Perception :Dump Stat or about 6-10 is what your looking at
    • Endurance :HP and what knock not super useful due to Traits / Perks just being Super Beefcake with your HP (Life giver is your new Waifu in this game) 4+ however is what your aiming for!
    • Charisma :6-8, For your Min Maxers, 8, But if you dont wanna be a min maxer 6 is fine you can still get some of the best stuff with it just a little bit extra effort however if you have less your going to miss out on some of the best items / companions in the game period (Heck even with 6 your kinda missing some things, Truth be told
    • Intelligence :4+ Yeah you prob want about 6 or higher but you can make due with 4, If you wanna be a butt head and try for a 1 Intelligence i mean I will not recommend it for a new player but sure why da ♥♥♥ not you wont from my understanding/knowledge get special dialogue for having low intelligence however so meh w.e
    • Agility :Even Numbers so 6 8 or 10
    • Luck:For Crit builds / Snipers and such? The more the better! For thouse of you who are more Ork Dakka Dakka players or dont give a Shizznack? Dump Stat

    Companions to Look Out for / Party Comp!

    Companions can level up in the bunker when you complete missions usoly they level up at the next Bunker and there skills and perks / traits are auto assigned to suit there base play style

    So there are a number of Companions you should Eye ball reguardless of your MC or other such things just becouse of how good they can be

  • Torn – Can pick her up Early game starts off at level 1 starts with Bonus Hand to Hand Perk which makes her one of the best unarmed combatents you can pick up and Unarmed combat isnt a bad combat skill to have!
  • Jax – This is one of the few characters which can be a excellent Big Guns user with a little help (Via Mutate to give him Gifted for the right special to carry the biggest of ♥♥♥) Also a good Early Game (Pretty much right to boot) character you can get at the start (First or second mission completed).
  • Mother – she’s really strong in the mid-game coz you know shes a spoiler! obvioiusly Mid Game character, For Late game …
  • Dos – the best aimed shot-oriented energy user in the game.
  • Clarise – the best fast-shot oriented energy user in the game.
    For at any part of the game
  • For Pretty much any part of the game anyone with 8 or more Perception as they can make good Snipers even without the greatest Agility or skills or Perks or such.
  • Most of the companions truth be told are pretty decent overall a few worth mentioning companions.

    Dillon – freaking best sharpshooter in the game The only thing is you must Mutate one of his Perks/Traits for Spoiler Reasons and becouse of said Spoiler reasons however is also one of the reasons why I sometimes avoid him but if you can avoid said spoiler reason being to much of a problem then Hey!

    Party Compesition!

    Medic! – 1 or 2, Your Medic / Doctor / First aid user at Least 1, If you have more then 2 its ok they can sometimes be needed but sometimes its best to keep medics / Docs in the recuit pool in case your doctor dies and your not save scumming just so you can pick them up later

    Small Gun users – 1 to 4 Having at least 1 of your small gun users being a sniper is super useful! heck eveyone being a Small Gun sniper later on can be super useful provided they work for it but having 1-2 of them more of a Bursty type of a user or a Shotgun spread user or such is also useful!

    Big Guns kaboom! – Yeah the Pilot skill should tell you why, There are Mad Max like Vech in the game they need to go up in flames same with a few other things best to do it via Big Guns, there are C4 / Plastic explosives and other traps you can use but its hard to use them effectivly when some of the targets your trying to use them on are trying to gut you open! so at least 1, maybe 2 of these guys if you can get em properly so 1 to 2

    Energy Weapons – 1 or 3 yeah you can have more but Energy weapons is a bit more later on and can be a bit on the Expensive side of things to get 3 or more people with them full stock and loaded it is possible but it can be differcult to do!

    Unarmed Combatants – Totaly doable and they can be mean and ♥♥♥ up and sometimes can be your fav companions / characters in the game due to what they can do Unarmed Combat is better then Melee for the most part due to a number of weapons (Kicking is god tier later on for unarmed combat) watching enemies get knock down and such is just amazing.

    So 1 to 3 Is good to have

    You can have a character fit in more then 1 role (Medics can be energy or Small gun users or some such for example, You can have a big gun and a Small gun user in 1, swaping over to a bigger gun when said Jeep goes meep meep im gonna gut you later on or some such).