HITMAN 3 – フリーランサー モード ガイド
フリーランサー モードのガイド
Freelancer とメイン キャンペーンにはいくつかの大きな違いがあります。
- ICA19 Classicballer という 1 つの機器から始めます。他には何もありません。
- 同じ場所で指定されたターゲットではなく、別の場所でランダム化されたターゲットを引き受けています (契約のようなもの)
- レベルを開始する場所を選択することはできません。毎回ランダムです (注:すべての統一された開始点は使用されません)
- 隠し場所やピックアップなし
- 死ぬか失敗すると、傭兵の半分と、ミッションに持ち込んだすべての装備を失います。
- 一度ミッションを開始すると、レベル内でゲームを再開、再計画、または保存することはできません。
- ミッションはいつでも終了できます。主な目的が達成されなくてもミッションは失敗します。
merces とは何ですか?
Merces は、ロックピックからスナイパー ライフルまで、新しい装備を購入するために使用できる通貨です。
Merces は、目的のシンジケートによって設定されたオプションの目標を完了するか、最初のシンジケートを完了した後にプレステージ目標をアンロックするまで獲得できます。
報酬とサプライ クレート
報酬クレートは、壁にある場合、キャンペーンを通じて持続できるクールな新しい武器を提供します。サプライ クレートでは、3 つのフリーランサー アイテムから選択できます。フリーランサー アイテムは、別のキャンペーンでは保持されません。
ヒットマンの通常モードとは異なり、スタッシュはサプライ クレートに似ており、ミッションに役立つツールを提供するマップ全体に広がっています。
If you’re scanning for codes here’s some Pro Tips!
- 1. Look around the area for Files, Open Laptops, or Tablets. There will always be either 2 in a small room &another in the adjacent; or all 3 in a larger room.
- 2. Bring out that camera &scan away!
- 3. Unlocking a safe is considered an illegal act and takes a few seconds to unlock. Make sure no one is watching you, or don’t. We sure aren’t telling anyone.
These are the people you will meet with to spend your hard-earned merces and get some cool weapons! The prices cans range between 1-300~ish merces. The usual range for usables is 10-15 merces while Snipers can be in the range of 69-300!
Screwing Up &Alerted Zones
So, you got wounded huh? Or even you failed a mission? All is not lost, except when it is.
Wounded/Failed Mission
If you become wounded (i.e. You get shot a bit too much) you will fail the level you did and the remaining zones will become alerted. You will lose all the equipment you had in the level, and half your merces. But, once you stand back up, there will be a nice recoupe of 12-14 merces in the tray in front of your bed.
Alerted Zones
Well, you screwed up and spooked the rest of the Syndicate. Tough luck. That means that if you fail in those zones you will fail the entire campaign and have to restart it. Of course, since they’re spooked Targets/Suspects become enforcers and will spot you unless you are in civilian clothing.
Taking Down the Big Honcho
Well, you did it. The leader came out of hiding and is now cornered. Make sure you get them.
Suspects &Suspect Camera
In this final showdown against the Leader, you are given two tells, six traits, &their agenda to find them among highlighted suspects. Use your camera to tag each suspect either as or not the prime target. Looks &tells are self-explanatory. Agenda is what they are after. Do beware though, if they are spooked they will be escorted by guards to an exit. If the leader escapes, the campaign is reset.
Let us go over what happens when you take down a suspect:
Suspect with a Handover Agenda
They will drop whatever they were going to do a deal with, and a handover burner phone. Use it to call other suspects with that same agenda to wherever you initiate the call at. Remember, it is illegal to initiate a call so beware who is watching.
Suspect with a Business Agenda
They will drop a Business burner phone. Use it to call other suspects with that same agenda to wherever you initiate the call at. Remember, it is illegal to initiate a call so beware who is watching.
These people will look like normal civilians but will be near their leader most of the time. (If you have an assassin nearby prompt when you are near a suspect, it will most likely be them) They are armed with a very accurate &powerful HWK21 Covert that can kill you in just a couple shots.
These are basically all-disguise enforcers who if alerted to any disturbance will spook the leader to escape.
Mastery &Gear Selection
Taking down Syndicates gives you XP that level up your mastery level. Your mastery level will unlock new areas, items, &modes of transport.
Weapons Wall
Before going out on a mission, who wouldn’t want to grab a cool gun? To unlock guns, you must bring them back with you during level completion. Grab it, Inspect it, just make sure not to lose it.
Freelancer Tools
If you want to bring some poisons, tools, or stuff to help you get by this is the area to grab it. Remember, these are items that do not persist between campaigns.