モバイルでの YouTube ゲーム:携帯電話からゲームをストリーミングするためのガイド
YouTube はエンターテイメント プラットフォームから金儲けの機械へと進化しました。ゲーマーにとって、これは特に有益です。お気に入りのビデオ ゲームをプレイして、多くの視聴者を獲得し、他のゲーマーとつながることができるようになりました。チャンネルが急速に成長している場合、最終的にはプレイしながら報酬を得ることができます。 YouTube のゲーム コミュニティは非常に大規模になりました。その結果、YouTube Gaming という専用の専用カテゴリが作成されました。ここでは、人々はゲーム チャンネルを作成し、コンテンツをストリーミングできます。視聴者は、プロおよびアマチュア ゲーマーが毎日公開する多数のゲーム コンテンツから選択できます。
YouTube ゲームとは
その膨大なファン層のために、YouTube はあらゆる種類のゲーム コンテンツのカテゴリを作成しました。ゲーム カテゴリには、次のようなさまざまなセクションがあります。
- 人気のライブ ゲーム
- 上位のライブ ストリーム
- 話題のゲーム動画
- サブスクリプションからの最新のゲーム ビデオ
また、特定のゲームに関する詳細情報を提供するゲーム ページも含まれています。 「急上昇クリエイター」は、有望なゲーム クリエイターを 24 時間紹介するセクションでもあります。
YouTube は、2015 年にスタンドアロンの YouTube Gaming アプリを最初にリリースしました。「ゲーム ファンの間で混乱を引き起こした」ため、2019 年に削除されました。代わりにメイン アプリに統合し、専用のカテゴリを作成しました。
YouTube でモバイル ゲームをストリーミングする方法
独自の YouTube ゲーム チャンネルを開始するのは簡単です。モバイル ゲームをストリーミングするために追加の機器を用意する必要はありません。必要なのは、携帯電話、高速で信頼性の高いインターネット接続、YouTube アプリだけです。優れたゲーム用携帯電話の提案が必要な場合は、お任せください。 Razer Phone 2 は、高速な応答時間と優れたグラフィックが必要な場合に適しています。
YouTube ゲーム チャンネルを開始する方法を知りたい場合は、次の手順に従ってください:
1. YouTube チャンネルを作成
最初のステップは、ゲーム動画をアップロードするチャンネルを作成することです。 YouTube アプリにサインインするために必要なのは、Google アカウントだけです。
プロフィールで、ドロップダウン メニューの [あなたのチャンネル] というラベルの付いたオプションをクリックします。プロフィールをカスタマイズできるチャンネルにリダイレクトされます。チャンネルの写真を選択し、バナーを追加して、動画をアップロードできるようになりました。
2.ライブ ストリーミングを有効にする
チャンネルでモバイル ゲームをストリーミングするには、まずライブ ストリーミングを有効にする必要があります。チャンネルが確認済みで、90 日間ライブ ストリームの制限がないことを確認してください。チャンネルは、少なくとも 1,000 人のチャンネル登録者の要件も満たしている必要があります。
チャンネルでライブ ストリーミングが有効になったら、最初のゲーム コンテンツの作成を開始できます。 Take note that your first live stream may take up to 24 hours. The succeeding ones can instantly go live.
3. Start Streaming
Streaming mechanics slightly differ on iOS and Android. Here are step-by-step guides for streaming from an Android and iOS phones.
How to Stream on Android
Android users must have a smartphone that is running on version 6.0 or later.
How to Stream on iOS
For iOS users, you can live stream via iOS ReplayKit. It supports devices running on iOS 10.2 and later. ReplayKit is Apple’s framework that allows users to record and share their gameplay. However, if you’re playing a supported app (Procreate, Asphalt 8:Airborne, or Mobile Legends:Bang bang), you can stream directly to YouTube.
Take note that once you stream, everything on your phone’s screen will be visible to your viewers. That includes notifications, chats, calls, and passwords. Don’t forget to turn on the “Do Not Disturb” mode before live streaming!
How to Make a Successful YouTube Gaming Channel
Being a YouTube gamer is becoming a fast-growing trend nowadays. Aside from playing your favorite mobile games, it allows you to interact with other gamers worldwide. If you gain thousands of views and subscribers, you’re likely to get paid.
Whether you’re in it for the fun, fame, or finance, starting a YouTube Gaming channel is easy. The challenging part is creating interesting and quality content that will attract viewers. Check out these tips on how to make money playing video games on YouTube:
Figure Out What Makes You Different
You’re not the first person to come up with a gaming channel. Gaming videos make up 15% of all YouTube content. And there are hundreds of hours of gaming-related videos uploaded everyday. What makes your channel different from the thousand others similar to yours?
First, determine what type of content you will be creating. This is a great opportunity for you to unleash your creativity. You can share your expertise, skills, and personality through your gaming videos.
According to the Superdata Research conducted by eMarketer, these are the types of gaming content viewed by internet users in the US:
- Video game trailers posted by gaming companies to promote upcoming releases.
- Funny and humorous gameplay clips recorded by players. These are often dubbed and edited.
- Game walkthroughs that help players complete a game or a quest.
- Professional and amateur video game reviews.
- Gameplay with commentaries.
- Live streams of gameplay uploaded online.
- Private gaming content shared with other users.
- Esports and professional gaming.
Based on these types of content, you can figure out which one you’re good at. This will be your niche. From there, you can plan what type of content you’ll be uploading. Make sure that your channel is unique — stand out from the rest with what you do best.
Invest in Gaming Equipment
It’s wise to invest in quality gaming equipment if you want to create quality content. This will depend on the type of video games you will be playing.
If you’re into mobile games, you won’t be needing a lot of fancy tools. A robust smartphone, a solid Internet connection, and a microphone will suffice. But if you’re looking to enhance it, maybe a mobile gaming controller can help.
Smartphone Specs
The most important specs to look for in a smartphone are its CPU, GPU, and RAM. Smartphone brands are constantly upgrading their gaming phone specs. Thus, you’ll have plenty of choices. Simply put, a high CPU and RAM count are optimal. If you’re looking for a great gaming smartphone, here’s our suggestion, the ASUS ROG Phone 2! All the specs you want for a high-performing gaming smartphone in one package.
Internet Speed
Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games typically require 6 Mbps of Internet speed. First-person shooter games are best played with 3 to 6 Mbps. Meanwhile, role-playing games (RPG) work well with 6 Mbps of Internet speed.
Microphone/Audio Recorder
Clear audio is important in gaming videos and livestream content. This will ensure that your audience can hear your voice, including the game sounds. Good quality earphones will do if you’re still starting. But it’s best to invest in professional or gaming microphones and headsets. If you’re hunting for a microphone, the ZealSound microphone is something worth investing in. Get it today and let your voice be heard with total clarity.
Video Editing Tool
An easy-to-use video editing tool will help you create quality content. If you’re creating YouTube live gaming streaming, you won’t be needing this software. Still, you should look for good video editing software or app.
Publish Your Video or Start Live Streaming
So, you’re done figuring out your niche and acquiring the necessary gaming equipment. It’s time to publish your first content for the world to see. Make sure that your YouTube account and channel are all set up. Check out the steps above on how to create a channel and start live streaming.
The most recommended resolution for videos is 1080p. Create a catchy title for your video, and make sure to include relevant keywords. This will help your video appear higher in the search results and suggestions.
Video thumbnails are important, too. An attractive and eye-catching thumbnail will compel viewers to click on your video. Make sure that the texts are readable on mobile phones since it will be your main platform. Using consistent fonts, layout, colors, and style for all your thumbnails is recommended as well.
Another tip is to create an intro and outro for your videos. This will help introduce you and your channel to your viewers. It also gives them a context of what type of content they will be watching. Remember to keep your intros as short as possible (about 10 seconds or less). Anything longer than that might discourage viewers to finish your video.
Promote Your Channel
Once your first video or live stream is up, you can start telling the Internet about it. No one will watch your videos if they don’t know it exists in the first place!
Promoting your YouTube channel will help people find it easily. The best way to do this is by posting the link on your social media accounts. You can get support from your family and friends by asking them to share your posts. As a result, your channel will reach a wider audience and invite more viewers to watch your videos.
Social media is also a great platform to engage with your viewers and subscribers. Remember that engagement is vital in the success of a YouTube channel. Interacting with your subscribers through comments and messages will make them feel included. As a result, they will be more inclined to watch your videos and recommend them to others.
Make Room for Constant Improvement
Your first few videos and live streams can give you plenty of insights into your channel. You can tell if what you’re doing is a hit or a miss based on the likes and dislikes that it will get. Don’t be discouraged if your video doesn’t immediately become a hit. Instead, use it to improve your subsequent videos.
YouTube analytics will help you figure out what aspects to work on. You can see your viewers’ geographic location, viewing times, and drop-off rate. Based on this information, you can adjust your content according to what works best with your viewers.
Don’t skip the comments, too! A lot of YouTube content creators skip reading the comments to avoid negative feedback. The comment section is a treasure trove of ideas that you can use for improvement. You’re creating videos for your viewers, so their opinions are important. Plus, replying to their comments will make them feel that you care about them.
Get Paid for Your Videos
If you put in the hard work of making your channel grow, you’ll see a steady rise in your viewers and subscribers. But how do you get paid on YouTube?
Once you reach a certain amount of subscribers, you’ll be eligible to become a YouTube partner. This means that you can start making money through your videos.
The YouTube Partner Program enables channels with 1,000 subscribers or more to monetize their videos. This is done by posting ads in your videos and getting paid for them. The more views you get, the more ads are played. Thus, you make more money especially if you produce lengthy, high-quality videos.
Making money through a YouTube mobile gaming channel is not an easy feat. It takes time, effort, consistency, and uniqueness to build a successful gaming channel. If you’re fortunate enough, you’ll be able to make a living out of it. And who doesn’t want to get paid while playing their favorite mobile games?