

NPC が喜ぶ Stardew Valley の最高のギフト

Stardew Valley は単なる農業以上のものを提供するため、史上最高のシミュレーション RPG の 1 つであり、Stardew Valley のような多くのモバイル ゲームが登場しています。実際、このゲームは、キャラクターがプレイできないキャラクターや NPC と友達になったり、結婚したりする方法として関係構築を追加します。これは、従来の農業シミュレーターからの大きな逸脱です。 Stardew Valley で、独身者または独身者の心をつかむ最も簡単な方法は、実生活と同じです。プレゼントをシャワーで浴びせます。プレイを始めたばかりでなく、何を贈ればよいかわからない場合でも、Stardew Valley ギフトに関するこのガイドはあなたにぴったりです。


  • Stardew Valley のギフト提供方法
  • スターデュー バレーの NPC への最高のギフト <オール>
  • セバスチャン
  • アレックス
  • エリオット
  • ハービー
  • サム
  • シェーン
  • ペニー
  • リア
  • アビゲイル
  • エミリー
  • ヘイリー
  • マル
  • Stardew Valley ギフトに関する最後の言葉
  • Stardew Valley ギフト贈呈の仕組み

    ゲーム内の対象となる各 NPC に最適な Stardew Valley ギフトに直行する前に、プレゼントを贈る仕組みを知っておくことが重要です。特にゲームに慣れていない場合に役立ちます。

    目標:Stardew Valley リレーションシップ メーターを満たす

    各 NPC には 10 個のハートで表される関係メーターがあり、キャラクターとの関係を強化するために満たす必要があります。詳しく説明すると、メーターは合計 2,500 友情ポイントで、各ハートは 250 ポイントを占めます。フルメーターは、キャラクターと結婚できることを意味します。 NPC がキャラクターと結婚すると、ハートが追加されます。

    独身者または独身者に嫌いなものや嫌いなものを与えると、ポイントを失う可能性があることに注意してください.また、Stardew Valley のギフトにはさまざまなポイント値があるため、メーターを早く満たすにはアイテムを賢く選ぶ必要があります。これについては、この記事でさらに説明します。

    ルール:1 週間に 2 つの Stardew Valley ギフト

    Stardew Valley ギフトは、1 キャラクターにつき週 2 回のみ贈ることができます。また、プレゼントは1日1回限りとなります。このルールには例外があり、それは NPC の誕生日に許可される追加のプレゼントです。つまり、NPC の誕生日の週に最大 3 つのギフトを贈ることができます。

    ヒント:スターデュー バレーのギフトと交流はうまく機能します

    Stardew Valley ギフトは、NPC の最高の相棒またはパートナーになるための確実な方法ですが、必要なのはそれだけではありません。


    スターデュー バレーの NPC への最高のギフト

    ゲーム内の結婚対象となるすべてのキャラクターにはそれぞれ独自の個性があるため、その人にとって最も魅力的なプレゼントのいくつかはさまざまです。 12 人の NPC ごとに最高の Stardew Valley ギフトを分類することで、より簡単にご利用いただけるようになります。さらに、誕生日とキャラクターの簡単な説明を追加しました。後者は、誰と友達になるか結婚するかまだ決まっていない場合に使用します。


    誕生日:冬の 10 日

    Sebastian は内向的で、オタクであり、家族の問題を抱えているゲーマーです。それを考えると、彼はゲームで友達になるのに挑戦しているかもしれません.一方、彼はあなたと友達になった後、自分の気持ちに正直であると言われているため、多くの Stardew Valley プレイヤーに最も好まれる独身男性の 1 人です。


    セバスチャンが選んだ Stardew Valley ギフトは、一般的に嫌われている Void の卵が含まれているため、一風変わっています。

    大好き (+80 ポイント) いいね (+45 ポイント) ニュートラル (+20 ポイント)
    虚無の卵 ヒラメ パン
    凍った涙 クォーツおよびその他の鉱物 トリュフ
    黒曜石 ジェム (プリズマティック シャード以外) 茶葉
    刺身 フルーツ イカ墨
    プリズマティック シャード 野菜 スイートジェムベリー
    マジック ロック キャンディー メープルシロップ オウムガイとレインボー シェル
    パール ライフ エリクサー ロエ
    ウサギの足 花 (タンポポと水仙を除く) アサリ
    ゴールデン パンプキン コーラル


    誕生日:夏の 13 日

    Stardew Valley の古いデベロッパー アップデートに基づいて以前は Josh として知られていた Alex は、いつかプロになることを夢見ているジョックまたはスポーツ ファンです。 His jersey or exercise outfit gives that away. Also, he can be boastful at times, which is a stereotype trait for athletes.

    Alex lives near Pierre’s General Store. He usually hangs out at the beach or spa for his daily workouts, depending on the season. In terms of Stardew Valley gifts, Alex prefers a complete breakfast and Salmon dinner the most. His other favorite presents are below:

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Complete Breakfast Eggs (except Void, Fried variants) Bread
    Salmon Dinner Cooked Food (except Bread and Strange Bun) Fried Egg
    Golden Pumpkin Maple Syrup Truffle
    Rabbit’s Foot Fruits Tea Leaves
    Prismatic Shard Vegetables Squid Ink
    Magic Rock Candy Minerals Sweet Gem Berry
    Pearl Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Roe
    Life Elixir Clam
    Flowers (except Poppies) Coral
    Duck Feather

    3. Elliott

    Birthday:5 of Fall

    Elliott is a hopeless-romantic writer-slash-poet so he tends to speak like a noble and act snooty at times. Contrary to this personality, he lives in a humble cabin near Willy’s Fish Shop and typically spends time off at the beach or the Stardrop Saloon.

    With regard to Stardew Valley gifts, Elliott’s favorites would include some of the finest food in the game.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Crab Cake Octopus Bread
    Tom Kha Soup Squid Fried Egg
    Pomegranate Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Truffle
    Duck Feather Cooked Food (except Pizza, Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Tea Leaves
    Golden Pumpkin Flowers (except Poppies) Squid Ink
    Prismatic Shard Minerals (except Quartz) Sweet Gem Berry
    Pearl Fruits (except Pomegranate and Salmon Berry) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Magic Rock Candy Gems (except Limestone and Tigerseye) Roe
    Rabbit’s Foot Vegetables (except Amaranth) Clam
    Maple Syrup Coral
    Life Elixir Hops

    4. Harvey

    Birthday:14 of Winter

    Harvey lives in the same building where the clinic he works for is situated, so you already have a hint on his profession:a doctor. You can find him at the saloon or museum when he is not at home or work.

    Personality-wise, Harvey is described as happy to be of service to all, yet might be gloomy inside.

    When it comes to Stardew Valley gifts you can give to him, don’t settle for junk food. He seems to prefer healthy food more.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Super Meal Chanterelle, Morel, Common and Purple Mushrooms Bread
    Pickles Spring Onion and Leek Fried Egg
    Wine Wild Horseradish Truffle
    Truffle Oil Snow Yam Tea Leaves
    Coffee Winter Root Squid Ink
    Golden Pumpkin Goat Milk (regular and large) Sweet Gem Berry
    Rabbit’s Foot Duck Egg and Feather Roe
    Prismatic Shard Hazelnut Clam
    Pearl Daffodil Coral
    Magic Rock Candy Dandelion Hops
    Holly Wheat
    Maple Syrup Wool
    Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil)
    Fruits (except Pomegranate and Salmon Berry)
    Gems (other than Prismatic Shard)

    5. Sam

    Birthday:17 of Summer

    Sam is a music lover and skateboard enthusiast who dreams to form a professional band. He is a happy-go-lucky guy, so he is approachable.

    Sam lives south of town and works at JojaMart. Additionally, his favorite hangout spots are the Stardrop Saloon, beach, and woods, depending on the season.

    Matching his carefree personality, Sam prefers Stardew Valley gifts that can be thought of as stereotypical for a character like him:junk food.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Pizza Joja Cola Bread
    Maple Bar Eggs (except Void variant) Fried Egg
    Cactus Fruit Artisan Goods (except Void, Duck and regular Mayonnaise variants, and Oil) Truffle
    Magic Rock Candy Cooked Food (except Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Tea Leaves
    Tigerseye Maple Syrup Squid Ink
    Prismatic Shard Fruits Sweet Gem Berry
    Pearl Minerals (other than Tigerseye, except Quartz) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Golden Pumpkin Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Roe
    Rabbit’s Foot Life Elixir Clam
    Flowers (except Poppies) Coral
    Duck Feather

    6. Shane

    Birthday:20 of Spring

    Shane is depressed and dependent on alcohol. As a result, he has a bad-boy personality. That can be gradually changed as you build a good relationship with him.

    Furthermore, Shane is often at JojaMart because of work but can be found at Marnie’s ranch or the saloon during his off days.

    Given that he’s an alcoholic, it is no surprise that one of the best Stardew Valley gifts for Shane is beer. Check out the table below for his other preferences:

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Beer Eggs (except Void and Fried variants) Bread
    Hot Pepper Artisan Goods (except Oil, Void Mayonnaise and Pickles) Fried Egg
    Pepper Poppers Cooked Food (except Bread and Strange Bun) Truffle
    Pizza Fruits (other than Hot Pepper) Tea Leaves
    Prismatic Shard Vegetables Squid Ink
    Magic Rock Candy Maple Syrup Sweet Gem Berry
    Pearl Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Golden Pumpkin Minerals (except Quartz) Roe
    Rabbit’s Foot Life Elixir Clam
    Flowers (except Poppies) Coral
    Duck Feather

    7. Penny

    Birthday:2 of Fall

    Penny is a fan-favorite among bachelorettes in Stardew Valley. She is a conservative woman who has a soft spot for kids, which is seen as a good trait for a spouse.

    She lives in a trailer near the river and you will often find her in the museum because she loves to read and teach.

    What are the best Stardew Valley gifts for Penny, you ask? She is pretty easy to please with presents, even loving one of the villagers’ hated gifts:poppies. See the table below for other presents suitable for her:

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Poppy Milk Bread
    Poppyseed Muffin Dandelion and other Flowers Fried Egg
    Melon Cooked Food (except Alcoholic Drinks, Algae Soup, Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Truffle
    Roots Platter Sandfish Leek and other Vegetables Tea Leaves
    Red Plate Fruits Squid Ink
    Tom Kha Soup Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Sweet Gem Berry
    Emerald Minerals (except Quartz) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Diamond Life Elixir Roe
    Prismatic Shard Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Clam
    Pearl Maple Syrup Coral
    Magic Rock Candy Duck Feather
    Golden Pumpkin Wheat

    8. Leah

    Birthday:23 of Winter

    Leah is a talented sculptor who is looking for a meaningful relationship. In fact, she is often described as mature and affectionate on top of her good looks; that is why she is also one of the most popular romance picks for gamers.

    Leah is often in her cottage sculpting, in Pierre’s General Store to shop for materials, or the Stardrop Saloon.

    If you think she likes minerals and gems for sculpting, you are right. Also, here are some of the best Stardew Valley gifts for an NPC like her:

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Prismatic Shard Minerals (except Foraged variants) Fried Egg
    Pearl Milk Tea Leaves
    Salad Daffodil and other Flowers (except Poppies) Squid Ink
    Stir Fry Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Sweet Gem Berry
    Truffle Cooked Food (except Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Vegetable Medley Eggs (except Void variant) Roe
    Poppyseed Muffin Fruits Clam
    Goat Cheese Vegetables Coral
    Wine Maple Syrup Duck Feather
    Rabbit’s Foot Life Elixir Hops
    Magic Rock Candy Wheat
    Golden Pumpkin Wool

    9. Abigail

    Birthday:13 of Fall

    Abigail has unusual tastes in things; for instance, her purple-dyed hair and fondness for the graveyard and frogs. Her favorite Stardew Valley gifts reflect that.

    If you’re looking for Abigail to give her a present, she’s usually in Pierre’s General Store where she lives, or in the graveyard, museum, or near JojaMart.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Pufferfish Quartz and other Minerals Bread
    Spicy Eel Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Fried Egg
    Blackberry Cobbler Cooked Food (except Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Truffle
    Rabbit’s Foot Flowers (except Poppies) Tea Leaves
    Chocolate Cake Maple Syrup Squid Ink
    Regular and Golden Pumpkin Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Sweet Gem Berry
    Amethyst Life Elixir Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Prismatic Shard Roe
    Magic Rock Candy Clam
    Pearl Coral
    Duck Feather

    10. Emily

    Birthday:27 of Spring

    Emily is one lively and hardworking tailor at the Stardust Saloon, so she’ll appreciate the most Stardew Valley gifts that can be used as material for clothing.

    If Emily is not at the saloon, she’s just at her home in Willow Lane or the crafts room of the Community Center.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Cloth Quartz and other Minerals Bread
    Wool Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Fried Egg
    Aquamarine Cooked Food (except Seafood, Ice Cream, Rice Pudding, Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Truffle
    Emerald Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Tea Leaves
    Jade Vegetables Squid Ink
    Ruby Fruits Sweet Gem Berry
    Topaz Flowers (except Poppies) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Amethyst Maple Syrup Roe
    Survival Burger Life Elixir Clam
    Golden Pumpkin Coral
    Magic Rock Candy Duck Feather
    Pearl Hops
    Prismatic Shard Wheat
    Rabbit’s Foot

    11. Haley

    Birthday:14 of Spring

    Haley is an unusual choice for many Stardew Valley players because of her egocentric personality. She sometimes insults you if you are still just an acquaintance of her. Haley’s character develops positively, though, as you become friends or enter a relationship with her.

    Haley lives south of town and often drops by the fountain area near the Community Center. That is where you will find her if you want to give her presents.

    In terms of Stardew Valley gifts to give the bachelorette, you will notice that she loves chic and girly items the most. Prismatic shards are an exception, though.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Pink Cake Gems (except Prismatic Shard) Bread
    Sunflower Minerals Fried Egg
    Fruit Salad Daffodil and other flowers (except Poppies) Truffle
    Coconut Cooked Food (except Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Tea Leaves
    Magic Rock Candy Fruits Squid Ink
    Pearl Artisan Goods (except Void Mayonnaise and Oil) Sweet Gem Berry
    Rabbit’s Foot Maple Syrup Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Golden Pumpkin Life Elixir Roe
    Duck Feather

    12. Maru

    Birthday:10 of Summer

    Maru is a nurse who is an inventor at heart, so she loves fiddling with tools and machinery. She even developed a robot of her own. Despite being a genius drowned in her projects or experiments, Maru is surprisingly friendly.

    You’ll often find her in her house next to Robin’s Carpenter Shop or the Community Center if you want to hand her a present.

    When it comes to Stardew Valley gifts for the bachelorette, the best ones include electronics-related items and resources.

    Loves (+80 Points) Likes (+45 Points) Neutral (+20 Points)
    Battery Pack Copper and Iron Bars Bread
    Gold and Iridium Bars Quartz and other Minerals Fried Egg
    Diamond Gems (other than Prismatic Shard) Truffle
    Miner’s Treat Pine Tar Tea Leaves
    Prismatic Shard Oak Resin Squid Ink
    Pepper Poppers Artisan Goods (except Oil, Void Mayonnaise and Pickles) Sweet Gem Berry
    Rhubarb Pie Cooked Food (except Fried Egg, Bread, and Strange Bun) Nautilus and Rainbow Shells
    Regular and Cheese Cauliflowers Flowers (except Poppy, Daffodil) Roe
    Strawberry Fruits Clam
    Golden Pumpkin Vegetables Coral
    Magic Rock Candy Life Elixir Duck Feather
    Pearl Hops
    Rabbit’s Foot Wheat

    Final Word on Stardew Valley Gifts

    Stardew Valley gifts are just like presents that you give to your loved ones in real life. There is a challenge of finding out your prospective friend’s or partner’s likes and dislikes, and a sense of fulfillment if the recipient appreciates what you gave. Those are what make Stardew Valley more enjoyable than typical farming simulators.

    If you are new to the game, also check out our beginner’s guide for Stardew Valley on mobile. You’ll get the best tips to get you started in this one-of-a-kind farming RPG.