

Pokémon GO の空を支配する飛行タイプのポケモン 13 選

飛行タイプのポケモンは、Pokémon GOで育てるのに最適な種の一部です.彼らは通常、他のタイプのポケモンと組み合わせて、希少性に関係なく戦闘でより用途が広いようにします.

格闘タイプ、虫タイプ、草タイプに負けている場合 最近のポケモンは、飛行タイプのポケモンでチームを作りたいと思うかもしれません。彼らは彼らに対して非常に効果的であり、彼らの攻撃に対して持ちこたえることができます.ポケモンを進化させるためにより多くのほしのすなを獲得したい場合は、Pokémon GO バトル リーグに参加させて勝つこともできます。


また読む:ポケモン ゴー ハック:これらのヒントとコツですべてを捕まえる


  • ひこうタイプのポケモンとは
  • 最高のひこうタイプのポケモン <オール>
  • ランドロス(テリアン)
  • ホーオー
  • レックウザ
  • ドラゴナイト
  • イベルタル
  • サラマンス
  • ルギア
  • ザプトス
  • モルトル
  • ギャラドス
  • トゲキッス
  • アルティクーノ
  • リザードン
  • ひこうタイプのポケモンとは

    モバイル向け AR ゲームのトップには、88 種類の飛行タイプのポケモンがいます。このタイプは、間違いなくポケモンGOだけでなく、メインシリーズのゲームでも最も人気のあるものの1つです.それは、彼らが非常に強力だからです。彼らはほとんどのポケモンタイプよりも高い統計を持ち、間違いなく最高のムーブセットを持っています.ポケモンGOの伝説のポケモンの多くは飛行タイプでもあるため、それらに頼って最も多くのダメージを与えることができます.トゲキッスなどの通常の飛行タイプのポケモンでさえ、ゲーム内の優れた仲間です。


    オフェンス 防御
    フライング 非常に効果的 あまり効果的ではない 耐性 弱点
    虫、格闘、草 エレクトリック、ロック、スチール 地面、虫、格闘、草 エレクトリック、アイス、ロック


    ポケモンゴーで持っておくべき最高のフライングタイプのポケモンの13を以下に示します.各ポケモンの最大戦闘力 (CP) と基本ステータスの平均に基づいて、最も強力なものから最も強力でないものまでランク付けしました。飛ぶポケモンはもともとデュアルタイプなので、ここには火、水、でんき、フェアリータイプのポケモンがたくさんいます。

    1. Landorus (テリアン)

    <表>最大CP 4,434 基本統計 攻撃:289;防御:179;スタミナ:205 追加のポケモンの種類 地面 ベスト ムーブセット 攻撃と防御:超感覚と大地の力 進化 なし 基本捕獲率 2% 基本逃げ率 1%

    最高のフライングタイプのポケモンのリストのトップは、ジェネレーションVで導入されたランドロスのテリアンフォルムです.2021年4月にリリースされたばかりの、ゲームで最も新しいポケモンの1つです.4,434の最大CPを誇り、 Landorus-Therian は、レベル 50 に達した場合、Pokémon GO で最も強力なポケット クリーチャーの 1 つです。地面タイプと飛行タイプの両方であるため、ほとんどの飛行ポケモンとは異なり、電気タイプの攻撃に耐性があります.

    Landorus-Therianは伝説のポケモンなので、捕獲するのは難しいと予想できます.とはいえ、完全に捕まえることは不可能ではありません。レイドバトル中に Landorus-Therian を捕まえたい場合は、プレミアボールをもっと獲得できるように、必ず友達を連れてきてください。 Landorus-Therianは水と氷のポケモンに弱いので、それらを持参する必要があります.倒したら、必ずゴールデン ラズ ベリー、マックス リバイブ、マックス ポーションを使って捕獲のチャンスを増やしましょう。

    考えられる場所: レイドバトルでセリアンフォルムランドロスを倒すと捕まえることができます。特別なイベント中にも入手できます。


    <表>最大CP 4,367 基本統計 攻撃:239;防御:244;スタミナ:214 追加のポケモンの種類ベスト ムーブセット 攻撃と防御:焼却と勇敢な鳥 進化 なし 基本捕獲率 2% 基本逃げ率 4%


    ホウオウはもう1つの伝説のポケモンであるため、野生で捕まえることはできません.レイドバトルでもなかなか捕まえられないので、しっかりと準備をしておきましょう。ゴーレムやオムスターなど、強いわざタイプのポケモンを揃えて戦いましょう。強力ないわタイプのポケモンがいない場合は、でんきタイプも頼りになります。ホウオウでプレミアボールを投げる前に使用できるように、ゴールデンラズベリーも必ず買いだめしてください.また、スローの時間を計ることを忘れないでください。そうすれば、プレミア ボールを無駄にすることはありません。

    考えられる場所: レイドバトルで倒すとホウオウを捕まえることができます。特別なイベント中にも捕まえることができます。


    <表>最大 CP 4,336 基本統計 攻撃:284;防御:170;スタミナ:213 追加のポケモンの種類 ドラゴン ベスト ムーブセット 攻撃と防御:ドラゴン テールとアウトレイジ 進化 なし 基本捕獲率 2% 基本逃げ率 1%

    最高の飛行タイプのポケモンのリストの 3 番目は、2018 年 2 月からゲームに登場している第 3 世代のレックウザです。ポケモンの長年のファンは、レックウザが最も強力で最も破壊的なポケット モンスターの 1 つであることを知っています。 、そしてそれはPokémon GOでも変わりません。その攻撃ステータスはゲーム内で最も高く、倒すのも非常に困難です。

    星5のレイドバトルでレックウザを倒すのは難しいかもしれませんが、不可能ではありません。レックウザと戦うときは、ソロではできないことを覚えておくことが重要です。少なくとも 5 人のプレイヤーを連れて行きます。レイドをできるだけスムーズに進めたい場合は、他に 9 人のトレーナーがいると便利です。あなたと戦うのに最適なポケモンは、アイス、ドラゴン、フェアリー、およびロックタイプの動きを知っているものです.メガアボマスノウはレックウザと相性抜群です。または、たくさんのジンクスを捕まえた場合は、それらのチームを持つことも非常に役立ちます.

    考えられる場所: レイドバトルで倒すとレックウザを捕まえることができます。特別なイベント中にも入手できます。


    <表>最大 CP 4,287 基本統計 攻撃:263;防御:198;スタミナ:209 追加のポケモンの種類 ドラゴン ベスト ムーブセット 攻撃:ドラゴン テールとドラコ メテオ;防御:ドラゴン テールとアウトレイジ 進化 ドラゴンエアから進化 基本捕獲率 5% 基本逃げ率 5%

    最高のフライングタイプのポケモンのリストの次は、ジェネレーションIで導入され、Pokémon Goで最初にリリースされたドラゴナイトです.ドラゴナイトは心優しく愛らしいことで知られていますが、戦闘中は非常に冷酷です。 Its approach to combat focuses more on the offense, with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor as part of its best moveset.

    Dragonite isn’t really a Legendary Pokémon, but considering how rare and elusive it is, it might as well be. Besides trying your luck with finding it in the Wild or capturing it during Raid Battles, you can also evolve it from its basic version, Dratini, which is a bit easier to find. To get a Dragonite, you first need to evolve a Dratini into a Dragonair by feeding it 25 Candies. You can then evolve a Dragonair into a Dragonite, which costs 100 Candies.

    Possible Locations: You can find a Dragonite in the Wild, particularly near famous landmarks and golf courses. You can also catch one after defeating it in a Raid Battle.

    5. Yveltal

    Max CP 4,275
    Base Stats Attack:250; Defense:185; Stamina:246
    Additional Pokémon Types Dark
    Best Moveset Offense:Gust and Hurricane; Defense:Gust and Hyper Beam
    Evolutions None
    Base Capture Rate 2%
    Base Flee Rate 1%

    Yveltal, from Generation VI, is one of the most iconic Pokémon in the franchise. Fans have been waiting to catch this Pokémon since Pokémon Go launched, and it finally made its debut in May of 2021. With a max CP of 3,781, it’s definitely one of the best Flying-type Pokémon out there. Yveltal specializes in offense, and with a Stamina of 246, you can rely on it to stay healthy and deal great damage for long.

    Yveltal isn’t part of an evolution line, but you can try catching one in a five-star raid. However, it won’t be easy. To increase your chances of defeating and, ultimately, obtaining an Yveltal, bring a strong Electric-type Pokémon, like a Zapdos, to battle. Ice-, Rock-, and Fairy-type Pokémon are also good options. If you have Shadow versions of these Pokémon, bring those as well since they deal greater damage. When trying to defeat an Yveltal in a Raid Battle, teaming up with friends is the way to go.

    Possible Locations: You can catch an Yveltal after defeating it in a Raid Battle. You can also catch one during special events.

    6. Salamence

    Max CP 4,239
    Base Stats Attack:277; Defense:168; Stamina:216
    Additional Pokémon Types Dragon
    Best Moveset Offense:Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor; Defense:Dragon Tail and Outrage
    Evolutions Evolves from Shelgon
    Base Capture Rate 5%
    Base Flee Rate 5%

    Dragon flying-type Pokémon are once again proving themselves formidable, with Salamence making it to our list. Pokémon Go pros even think Salamence has the potential to match or surpass Dragonite or Rayquaza when its Draco Meteor, a charged attack, is taken into account. However, you have to be on the lookout for Ice-type attacks since these deal the most damage to a Salamence.

    To get a Salamence, you’ll need to obtain a Bagon first, which in itself is an extremely rare spawn in Pokémon Go. Once you’ve caught one, you can evolve it into a Shelgon by feeding it 25 Candies. Then, you can evolve a Shelgon into a Salamence with 100 Candies.

    Possible Locations: Both Salamence and Shelgon do not appear in the Wild, so the only way you can get a Salamence is by evolving a Bagon, its basic version. You can usually find a Bagon in windy areas, famous locations, or during community events.

    7. Lugia

    Max CP  4,186
    Base Stats Attack:193; Defense:310; Stamina:235
    Additional Pokémon Types Psychic
    Best Moveset Offense and Defense:Extrasensory and Aeroblast
    Evolutions None
    Base Capture Rate 2%
    Base Flee Rate 4%

    Lugia is a legendary flying-type Pokémon that is part of Generation II and has been available in the game since July of 2017. Lugia’s Attack stat of 193 isn’t as high as most of the Pokémon in this list, but it’s still powerful. But with an impressive Defense stat of 310, it’s almost impossible to find a Pokémon that can surpass its defensive capabilities. Plus, it can deal significant damage using Aeroblast, which has a base power of 180.

    Despite being legendary, Lugia failed to outshine other Pokémon that were already mentioned in this list because of its imbalanced base stats. Its defense rating is very high in contrast to its attack rating. That makes it hard for players to use the legendary Pokémon in raids, which are attack strategy-oriented. Despite that, Lugia is great for Player Versus Environment (PvE) or solo play because it is one of the Pokémon with the most impressive Stamina rating.

    Lugia doesn’t evolve from or into another Pokémon. And since it’s a Legendary Pokémon, it’s also hard to capture during Legendary Raids. Thus, you’ll have to prepare and bring several other trainers with you. Make sure to also bring Dark-, Electric-, Ghost-, Rock-, or Ice-type Pokémon with high CP to battle. Don’t forget to stock up on Golden Razz Berries as well.

    Possible Locations: You can only catch a Lugia after defeating it in a Raid Battle. You can also obtain it during special events.

    8. Zapdos

    Max CP 3,987
    Base Stats Attack:253; Defense:185; Stamina:207
    Additional Pokémon Types Electric
    Best Moveset Offense:Thunder Shock and Drill Peck; Defense:Charge Beam and Zap Cannon
    Evolutions None
    Base Capture Rate 3%
    Base Flee Rate 10%

    Zapdos is a strong contender whether here or in our rankings for electric-type Pokémon. The legendary Pokémon has a great set of attacks, including the flying-type move Drill Peck that is ideal to pair with Thunderbolt or Thunder Shock for big and quick damage. Those moves and a high CP make Zapdos worthy of being your leading electric flying-type Pokémon in the Master League.

    What’s great about Zapdos is that it’s only weak against two types of Pokémon:Ice and Rock. But even if it comes head-to-head with these Pokémon types, it can still stand a chance since it isn’t extremely vulnerable to these attacks. Plus, it can withstand Ground-type attacks, unlike other Electric-type Pokémon.

    Being a Legendary Pokémon, Zapdos is not only extremely powerful, but it’s incredibly elusive as well. But just like other Legendaries in the game, the best way you can defeat and capture a Zapdos in a Raid Battle is by deploying the most powerful Pokémon and using Golden Razz Berries, Max Revives, and Max Potions. The best Pokémon you can use against a Zapdos is either a Golem or a Rhydon. You can even use Gengar or Flareon, but just make sure to dodge Zapdos’s attacks since they aren’t resistant to Electric-type attacks.

    Possible Locations: You can catch a Zapdos after defeating it in a Raid Battle, through trading, or during special events.

    9. Moltres

    Max CP 3,917
    Base Stats Attack:251; Defense:181; Stamina:207
    Additional Pokémon Types Fire
    Best Moveset Offense and Defense:Fire Spin and Sky Attack
    Evolutions None
    Base Capture Rate 3%
    Base Flee Rate 10%

    Moltres claims a spot in this flying-type Pokémon tier because it has some of the top charge-style moves in the game:Sky Attack and Overheat. The legendary Pokémon also has a quick yet powerful attack called Fire Spin. When it comes to flying moves that are most effective against fighting-type Pokemon, Moltres’ Wing Attack is among the top options.

    Moltres is hard to capture, though. However, with strong Pokémon, some Golden Razz Berries, and properly timed throws, you can increase your chances of catching one. When trying to defeat a Moltres in a five-star Raid Battle, use a Rock-type Pokémon since it’s doubly weak against attacks of this type. You can also go in with a Water-type and an Electric-type Pokémon.

    Possible Locations: You can only catch a Moltres after defeating it in a Raid Battle. You can also obtain one during special events.

    10. Gyarados

    Max CP 3,834
    Base Stats Attack:237; Defense:186; Stamina:216
    Additional Pokémon Types Water
    Best Moveset Offense:Waterfall and Hydro Pump; Defense:Waterfall and Outrage
    Evolutions Evolves from Magikarp then into Mega Gyarados
    Base Capture Rate 10%
    Base Flee Rate 7%

    With a max CP of 3,391, Generation I’s Gyarados is surely among the best Flying-type Pokémon you can catch in Pokémon Go. It has gone a long way from just being a Magikarp that flops and does not deal damage. This evolved Pokémon that is a mix of a flying and water type does well in both roles. It’s a great choice for an offensive team member since its Attack and Stamina stats are pretty high. Once it mega evolves, those stats will go even higher. Gyarados is only weak against two Pokémon types:Electric and Rock.

    Gyarados is extremely rare, and when you do come across one, they’re very difficult to catch. Thus, evolving a Magikarp remains to be the easiest and most common way to obtain a Gyarados. However, you will need an insane amount of Candies — 400 to be exact. Make sure to pick the best Magikarp to evolve into Gyarados so that you can make the most out of the evolution. The Appraise feature will help you out with that.

    Possible Locations: You can catch Gyarados in the Wild, particularly near bodies of water, like lakes, canals, rivers, and beaches. You can also obtain one after defeating it in a Raid Battle or by evolving a Magikarp.

    11. Togekiss

    Max CP 3,767
    Base Stats Attack:225; Defense:217; Stamina:198
    Additional Pokémon Types Fairy
    Best Moveset Offense and Defense:Charm and Dazzling Gleam
    Evolutions Evolves from Togetic
    Base Capture Rate 1%
    Base Flee Rate 5%

    Togekiss, the third and final evolution of the adorable Togepi from Generation 1, is a unique flying-type Pokémon because of its Hidden Power, an attack of a random type. It may seem soft and adorable, but it can deal a considerable amount of damage. It has reliable moves like Air Slash and Aerial Ace, which inflict damage quickly to the opponent. Togekiss is an expert player’s go-to flying-type Pokémon in the Master League. That is because the said league is dominated by dragon-type Pokémon it can defeat.

    Available since November of 2018, Togekiss is among the tougher Pokémon to obtain in the game. The most common way to get Togekiss is by first obtaining a Togepi, which is its basic, unevolved form. Once you have a Togepi, you can then evolve it to Togetic, which costs 25 Candies. After that, you’ll need to give Togetic 100 Candies plus a Sinnoh Stone so that it turns into Togekiss.

    Possible Locations: You can’t catch a Togekiss in the Wild; you can only get one by evolving either a Togepi or a Togetic. Currently, you can get a Togepi through trading or, sometimes, from the Eggs. As for Togetic, you can catch one in the wild, by evolving Togepi, or through trading. You can also catch a Togetic in a Raid Battle.

    12. Articuno

    Max CP 3,450
    Base Stats Attack:192; Defense:236; Stamina:207
    Additional Pokémon Types Ice
    Best Moveset Offense:Frost Breath and Ice Beam; Defense:Ice Shard and Ice Beam
    Evolutions None
    Base Capture Rate 3%
    Base Flee Rate 10%

    Articuno is another first-gen Legendary that’s also one of the best Flying-type Pokémon you can catch in the game. It’s at its most destructive when it uses charged attacks, like Blizzard and Ice Beam. That said, its Attack stat isn’t as high as the other Pokémon in this list. However, its defensive capabilities are quite impressive, so it’s most useful in GO Battle Leagues. Expert Pokémon Go players prefer using the legendary bird in the Ultra League for the types it is weak against are more prevalent in the Great and Master Leagues.

    To defeat an Articuno in a five-star raid, you’ll need powerful Pokémon, a team of other trainers, and a bit of luck. Although Rock-type attacks are its ultimate weakness, you shouldn’t use Rock-type Pokémon to defeat an Articuno. That’s because Pokémon of this type, however high their CPs are, can’t withstand Ice-type attacks. Instead, go in with Fire-type Pokémon, like Flareon or Arcanine.

    Possible Locations: You can catch an Articuno if you defeat it in a Raid Battle. You can also obtain one during special events.

    13. Charizard

    Max CP 3,266
    Base Stats Attack:223; Defense:173; Stamina:186
    Additional Pokémon Types Fire
    Best Moveset Offense and Defense:Fire Spin and Blast Burn
    Evolutions Evolves from Charmeleon then into Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y
    Base Capture Rate 5%
    Base Flee Rate 5%

    Last but definitely not the least is Charizard, the iconic Flying-type Pokémon from Generation I. A third evolution of the fan-favorite Charmander, this Pokémon is balanced when it comes to its fire and flying moves. It’s doubly resistant to Bug- and Grass-type Pokémon, and receives only 62.5% of damage from Fairy-, Ground-, Fighting-, Fire-, and Steel-type Pokémon. However, try to steer clear of Electric-, Water-, and, most importantly, Rock-type attacks. With a max CP of 2,889, it’s already pretty powerful as a Regular Pokémon. But if you have enough Mega Energy, you can evolve it into a Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y.

    The simplest way to get a Charizard is by evolving it from a Charmander, which is quite easy to find. Once you’ve obtained a Charmander, you’ll need to give it 25 Candies to turn it into a Charmeleon. After that, you can evolve Charmeleon into Charizard, which costs 100 Candies.

    Possible Locations: You can find a Charizard in the Wild, particularly around residential areas, cities, and beaches.

    Catch The Best Flying-Type Pokémon in Pokémon Go

    There’s no denying that Flying-type Pokémon are one of the most powerful and most reliable companions in Pokémon Go. Since most of them are dual types, they’re very versatile, and you can make a team that’s strong enough out of just Flying-type Pokémon.

    That said, they aren’t the easiest pocket creatures to catch; you’ll have to do a lot of walking and searching before you can come across one of them. Plus, not all of them are found in the Wild. Some can only be caught after you’ve defeated them in five-star Raid Battles, which can be tricky to win. But don’t be discouraged! With enough experience and some luck, it’s totally possible to get hold of Flying-type Pokémon. And once you do, you’ll find that going through all that fuss just to get one is completely worth it.