

フォートナイト アベンジャーズ サノス ガイド – サノスのアビリティ/パワー、マーベル スキンはありますか?

Fortnite と Avengers が Infinity War のクロスオーバー期間限定イベントに参加します!このアベンジャーズ + フォートナイト イベントと、入手できるインフィニティ ガントレットについて知っておくべきことをすべて学びましょう!

フォートナイト インフィニティ ガントレット (サノス) LTM 情報

Fortnite をプレイしている場合は、このイベントがどのように機能するかについてのアイデアが得られます。これは LIMITED TIME モードです。つまり、1 週間続く可能性があります (もっと長くなる可能性もあります)。これまで、スナイパー、50v50、ブリッツ モードなど、さまざまな種類のイベントを開催してきました。これらのイベントにより、Epic はゲームをプレイするさまざまな方法を試したり、同じ古いバトル ロイヤル ゲームに少し飽きてきた場合にゲームを一新したりできます。

Entertainment Weekly の独占投稿によると、このイベントは Fortnite の標準的なゲームに 1 つの大きなひねりを加えたものになります! 6つのインフィニティストーンすべてを備えたインフィニティガントレットを見つけることができます!マップ上に表示され、それを見つけて装備した人はサノスに変身し、ガントレットの力を手に入れます!

Avengers:Infinity War の共同ディレクターは Fortnite のファンだったことが判明したため、Epic Games のディレクターに連絡を取り、どのように協力できるかについてブレインストーミングを行いました:

フォートナイト + アベンジャーズ イベント開始日

この期間限定マッシュアップは 2018 年 5 月 7 日に発表され、明日 2018 年 5 月 8 日に開始されます!

フォートナイトにマーベル アベンジャー スキンはありますか?

残念ながら、Fortnite にアベンジャー スキンをすぐに導入する予定はないようです。 Epic の従業員が Reddit で非常に人気のある質問に答えました:



これは Epic から直接提供されたものですが、何か興味深いものを見逃していた場合は追加します。

  • ストーム + マップ
    • 最大試合時間は約 15 分です。
    • ストーム サークルがすでに島に接近している状態で試合が開始されます。
    • ストームは通常よりも多くのダメージを与え、最初のサークルで 5% の体力を、残りのゲームでは 10% のダメージを与えます。
  • 戦利品
    • レア、エピック、レジェンダリーの武器のみが生成されます。
    • 宝箱が出現する確率が 50-70% から 80-90% に増加しました。
    • 弾薬箱の出現率が 65-80% から 85-95% に増加しました。
    • フロア戦利品はほぼ 100% の確率で出現します。
    • ランチパッドのスポーン確率が大幅に向上しました。
    • 収穫資源が倍増
    • 戦利品に含まれるリソースが 30 から 60 に増加しました。
    • Chug Jug, Port-A-Fort, Boogie Bomb, Slurp Juice, Bush, and Remote Explosives drop rate increased.
    • Regular Grenade, Shield &Bandage drop rate lowered.

Thanos Information

  • Early in the match, a meteor will land in the storm safe zone, and delivers the Infinity Gauntlet. You will hear the meteor coming, so look to the sky to get an idea of where it landed and head in that direction.
  • When you transform into Thanos you get 200 Shields and 800 HP and are immediately shot into the air high above the map.
  • Thanos' Laser ability does 12 damage per tick to players.
  • Thanos does not take fall damage.
  • When Thanos eliminates a player his shields regenerate. His health never regenerates.
  • Thanos cannot build, use weapons or launch pads.
  • If someone is transformed into Thanos, he is shown on the compass at the top of the screen (as is the Infinity Gauntlet when not in use). He's also shown on the map and mini-map.
  • Thanos' Shields and Health are displayed at the top of the screen for all players in the game when there's an active Thanos.
  • If Thanos is killed, the Infinity Gauntlet will be dropped and players can pick it up again. It will disappear if it is not picked up for a period of time, and a new gauntlet will land via a meteor.
  • Thanos can perform emotes, so making him dance is pretty fun to watch. He can be Boogie Bombed, so that can be a good way to attack him.
  • Thanos does takes the same damage as players do from the storm.

Update:Hotfix 5/8/2018

Looks like Epic has decided to nerf Thanos a bit, they posted the following hotfix information on Reddit:

Thanos' Abilities/Powers

Thanos gets four different powers available to him when you grab the Infinity Gauntlet:

  • Ability 1 - A mighty punch that knocks enemies back and destroys structures.
  • Ability 2 - Thanos flies towards the ground, hitting an area for knockback and damage.
  • Ability 3 - Harness the energy of the Power stone to fire a blast that deals damage over time.
  • Ability 4 - A super-jump that can vault Thanos over all but the largest obstructions.

Your abilities do not appear to have a cooldown, so they can used repeatedly.

Fortnite Infinity Gauntlet Thanos Tips and Tricks

Let's take a brief look at how to do well in this Fortnite + Avengers based limited time mode! We haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, but these are some tips to think about before queuing up for the event.

General Tips

  • If you really want to get the Infinity Gauntlet, it can be a good strategy to just immediately pull out your glider once you jump out of the bus. You can float around and wait for the meteor to drop and then head in that direction!
  • The key is survival! Grab some guns and look for a place to hide out. The gauntlet comes down to the map via a meteor, so it's going to be a bit luck based. Don't look for too many fights early if you want to become Thanos.
  • Launch Pads are extremely important if you can find one. If the Gauntlet is on the map, then you will need to get to it as fast as possible so launching is a good way to do that. You can also use hop rocks for this purpose, so stick around the Dusty Divot if you can!
  • If you see the gauntlet, you'll want to really dive for it. Throw walls up as you run for it if you are taking shots because the equip time is really quick.

Fighting Thanos Tips

  • Thanos is very vulnerable when he is charging up his jumping launch ability. This is your chance to really unleash some shots onto him. The assault rifle is going to be one of your best bets for this, and due to the rarity changes in the mode you should have pretty good options available.
  • The LMG and Minigun are also good for this purpose as well because they rip through his hp due to the fact that he's such a big target.
  • Thanos can take critical damage, so be sure to be aiming for those headshots.
  • Keep Thanos at a distance if possible. The majority of his abilities require him to be close to his target. Even his energy beams don't have that great of range.
  • Because Thanos can't build and can only launch himself, being on top of a mountain is a great way to keep him away from you. If you climbed up via ramps, make sure to shoot them out behind you. Just be very careful if he's trying to land on you because you could get knocked off the mountain.
  • Impulse Grenades are really good against Thanos. You can bounce yourself away when he's trying to land on you, plus you can push him back if he gets into melee range.
  • If you have a Thanos that is trying to laser beam you to death, you can pretty easily build spam walls to block the damage.
  • You'll want to get closer when Thanos is low hp so you can finish him and immediately grab the gauntlet. The equip time is super fast, so you can risk just diving for it once it drops.

Playing as Thanos Tips

  • When you've turned into Thanos you want to be careful how you use your launch into the air ability, it makes you a sitting duck and you'll take a lot of damage if you have players on you that has any type of aim.
  • When you want to launch you should try to do it behind or below cover. Any type of enclosed building or structure is great because Thanos will rip through walls above him.
  • Punching players seems to be the most efficient way to get kills. The beam leaves you very vulnerable to gun fire.
  • When you launch into the air, you can use your beam ability to hover in the air and fire at enemies.
  • If you want to crash downwards from a launch press the punch ability and aim for where you want to land. You come down in kind of an arc, so this isn't an exact science.
  • Eliminating players will regenerate your shields, so if you are in trouble try to get a quick kill to survive!