フォートナイト フォートバイト ロケーション リスト – チート シート マップ、すべてのロケーション
フォートナイト フォートバイト ロケーション リスト ガイド すべてのチャレンジと、シーズン 9 のすべての Fortbytes を見つけるチート シート マップを備えています!これはゲームに新たに追加されたもので、Fortbytes を集めると Utopia ミステリー スキン がアンロックされます 、一部の新しいバトル パス スキンのスタイルをアンロックします。
Fortbytes は、シーズン 9 の期間中に収集する小さな電子機器です。これらは、他のすべてのチャレンジに含まれていた隠しバナーに取って代わったようで、シーズンのミステリー スキンのロックを解除するために収集する必要があります。毎日 1 つのロックが解除され、それを取得するにはチャレンジを完了する必要があります。これには、マップ上で見つける、敵にダメージを与える、XP を獲得する、バトル パスをレベルアップする、チャレンジを完了するなど、さまざまなことが含まれます!
ユートピア ミステリー スキン
通常、各シーズンのミステリー スキンは、バトル パスのチャレンジを完了することで獲得できます。ただし、シーズン 9 では、Fortbytes を取得する必要があります。今シーズン、ユートピアのミステリー スキンをアンロックするには、90 種類の Fortbytes を見つけて獲得する必要があります。全部集めるとシンギュラリティスキンがもらえるぞ!好みに合わせてカスタマイズできるスタイルがたくさんあり、初めての女性用ミステリー スキンです。
フォートナイト フォートバイト チート シート マップ
収集する Fortbytes の大部分は、ゲーム内のさまざまな場所にあります。それらのほとんどは、特定の場所に行く必要があるだけですが、特定のスキン、グライダー、ツルハシ、エモート、スプレー、または絵文字を使用する必要があるものもあります!リストされた収集品のそれぞれについての追加情報は、投稿のさらに下に記載されています。
ゲーム内のすべての Fortbytes がアンロックされており、下のマップで見つけることができるすべての Fortbytes を見つけることができます!
02:ローディング画面 #6 に隠された場所で発見
Neo Tilted の南側には、大きなホログラフィック クロック タワーがあります。屋上エリアに向かうだけで見つかります!収集するためにロード画面のロックを解除する必要はありません。
スノビーショアの西に向かい、これを探します.前回のチャレンジで覚えているかもしれない最西端の位置標識の近くです!スカル トルーパーの絵文字を使用すると、ロックが解除されます!
04:プラズマ トレイル コントレイルを装備して、ルート レイクの上のリングをスカイダイビングで通過するとアクセスできます
プラズマ トレイル コントレイルのロックを解除するには、ティア 89 までのバトル パスを取得する必要があります。ゲームに入る前に必ず装備してください。ルート レイク上空を飛行すると、プラズマ トレイル コントレイルが装備されている限り、いくつかのリングが表示されるはずです。そのうちの 1 つに Fortbyte が見えるまで、リングを滑って進みましょう!
05:ダンス クラブ内でリラックス シャッフル エモートを使用するとアクセスできます
ハッピー ハムレットの北東には、ダンス クラブを収容する大きな建物がある名前のない工場エリアがあります。ディスコに入ると、ダンスフロアの真ん中にあなたが探しているものがあります! Laid Back Shuffle エモートを使用すると、ロックが解除されます。
06:Yay! でアクセス可能砂漠のアイスクリーム ショップでエモート
砂漠バイオームのレース トラックの西側にあるアイスクリーム ショップに向かいます。入り口には、あなたがつかもうとしているフォートバイトがあります.イェーイ!すぐ隣にエモートがあれば、フォートバイト #06 を集めることができます!
The Block の南東に向かい、傘の形をした穴に向かいます。坑道エリアのすぐ上には、着陸できる木造の構造物があります。近くにある寄り添う絵文字を使ってロックを解除してください!
08:ジャンク ジャンクション内で発見
ジャンク ジャンクションにある本館の 1 階には、テレビに面した木の板の上にマットレスが置かれています。このエリアのマットレスの上にあります。
旋回するオウムを探していますが、プレッシャー プラント ジャングル エリアの東側を常に旋回しているようです。そこに向かい、木の上を滑空して空を探します。見つけたら、その場所に向かいましょう。場所を見つけることができるはずです!
12:溶融トンネル内でナナナナ スプレーを使用するとアクセス可能
プレッシャー プラントから溶岩をたどって、丘の下にある小さな建造物に向かいます。そのセメント構造の中に入り、かなり奥まで進む必要があります。ドアのあるエリアの近くに、フォートバイトがあります。ナナナナ スプレーを置くと、ロックが解除されます。
13:ローディング画面 #2 に隠された場所で発見
これは、Paradise Palms の南にある砂漠のバイオームにある Port-a-Potty の下にあります。そのおまるを割って開けると、中に #13 があります。
14:Found within an RV park
Head to the unnamed area just north east of Mega Mall. Look in-between the trees you will find it!
16:Found in a desert house with too many chairs
Head to the very south of Paradise Palms, and you'll find a little town that is referred to as Westworld. In the house to the south west, you'll see a bunch of chairs in it. Break through these and make your way to the bedroom to find it.
17:Found inside a wooden fish building
This one is located in the tail of the fish at the thermal pools near Lazy Lagoon and Pressure Plant. You can edit your way down to the location that's in the water, or you can just destroy the poor fish to obtain #17!
18:Found somewhere between Mega Mall and Dusty Divot
Head on over to the west of Mega Mall. There's a small shack near one of the Slipstream hubs. Go inside the shack, and you'll find #18!
19:Accessible with the Vega outfit inside a spaceship building
Head east of Polar Peak, there's an unnamed area that has a wooden sled and a metal space ship on top of it. You'll find #19 inside the ship in the cabin area!
20:Found at the center of any of the first three Storm Circles
これはとても簡単で、幸運なことに Team Rumble で実行できます!バトルバスに乗っているときに最初の円が出現するのを待ち、それがトリガーされたらジャンプします. Head to the very center of the circle, and you'll see a purple lightning icon just in the center of it.
21:Found inside a metal llama building
The big metal llama can be found north of Junk Junction. Fly on over there and land near the neck. There's a door behind the llama's neck, walk in through it and you'll find #21 waiting for you on the floor.
22:Accessible by using Rox Spray in an underpass
Get over to Neo Tilted and you should find the Fortbyte near the big truck under the bridge. Use the Rox spray right next to it, and it will unlock allowing you to collect #22!
23:Found between an RV campsite, a gas station, and a monstrous footprint
This one can be found between the big footprint over near Loot Lake, the RV Park that is north of Neo Tilted, and the Gas Station that is nearby! Fly to the mountain in-between these areas and you'll find it right under the south eastern tree.
24:Found within Fatal Fields
Head to the big house at Fatal Fields and on the second floor in the second door on the right that is furthest from the stairs you'll find #24!
26:Accessible with the Bunker Jonesy outfit near a snowy bunker
Make sure you have the Bunker Jonesy outfit unlocked! Once you do, equip it and head into the game.雪のバイオームと、この地域の最南端の島に向かっています。島に向かって滑空してください。島の真ん中にバンカーが見えたら、正しい場所にいることがわかります。 To the west of the bunker is a small shack, head into it. The one will be inside the shed over the bed!
27:Found somewhere within map location A4
The A4 Fortbyte spawns randomly around the A4 map location. You will just have to look around the area and hope to find it! I posted some of the locations I found it at right here.
28:Accessible by solving the pattern match puzzle outside a desert junkyard
Over to the south east of Paradise Palms is a place referred to by players as mini-Junk Junction. Head over to this area on the eastern side. Behind the shack at mini-Junk Junction is a memory puzzle. If you've ever played the game Simon before, you'll understand how this is played. Pull the lever and colored squares will start to light up in a certain pattern. You'll need to either shoot the squares or hit them with your pickaxe in the same order they blink in! You need to get 4 points to unlock it.
29:Found underneath the tree in Crackshot's Cabin
There's a cabin on a mountain north of Frosty Flights! That's where you'll find Crackshot's Cabin, this is a callback to the Season 7 trailer. Inside the cabin you'll find a Christmas tree with some possible chest spawns and alongside of that will be the Fortbyte!
30:Found somewhere between Haunted Hills and Pleasant Park
To the west of Pleasant Park and just south of the mountain with the haunted castle on it is where you'll want to go.
31:Found at a meteor crater overlook
Head on over to Dusty Divot to find this one. This one isn't on the top of the depot, it's in the interior area. If you enter from the front garage area, you can run up the stairs directly to it! You'll find it right in the middle of that second floor scaffolding.
32:Accessible by wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the northern most point
North east of Junk Junction is the spot we're looking to go to. You've likely been here before if you played in previous seasons, it was part of a Battle Pass challenge. To the west of the sign is a small pile of rocks, in the middle of those will be #32. As long as you have Kyo equipped, you should be able to collect it from this spot!
33:Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #10
手がかりは、10 週間のチャレンジを完了することで獲得できるロード画面の説明にあります。 Here it is:"You're a long way from Lonely Lodge..." You do NOT need to complete the challenges to obtain the Fortbyte. We're heading over to Lonely Lodge to locate this one! You'll find #33 in the western most cabin that is across from the parking lot.
34:Found between a fork and knife
You can find the fork and knife just north of Fatal Fields. Go into either the fork or the knife and you'll find a barricaded cave area. Breakthrough that and in the middle of it you should find it!
36:Accessible by Sentinel on a frozen island
Make sure to wear your Sentinel skin when you attempt to collect this one! This is on the island at the far south-west portion of the map, you will see the faint outline of it when you get close.
37:Found inside a disaster bunker basement in Pleasant Park
We're heading to Pleasant Park and to the northern house that was known in the past for having very little loot. You'll need to breakdown into the floor under the stairs that will lead you into the basement of the house. Keep going down the stairs and you'll eventually find the disaster bunker, inside of that is #37!
38:Accessible with the Vendetta outfit at the northern most Sky Platform
You will need to max out your battle pass and get to tier 100 to get this one. Once you do, you'll want to equip the Vendetta outfit and head into the game! You'll need to head to the northern most Sky Platform that is between Loot Lake and Lazy Lagoon. #38 can be found in the top room, right behind the shed door.
40:Accessible with the Demi outfit on a sundial in the desert
You'll need to get your battle pass to tier 87 to unlock the Demi skin. Equip that and then you can head into the game. There's a sundial made of broken down cars over near Paradise Palms. The mountain is to the west of the little oasis that is found in the desert biome.
41:Accessible by using Tomatohead Emoticon inside the Durrr Burger restaurant
Head to Neo Tilted, and then to the huge Durrr Burger restaurant. Make your way inside through the entrance, and then head down to the ordering area. Jump over the counter and back towards the fryer and counter-tops on the right side, and you should find yourself #41! Use the Tomatohead Emoticon to unlock it.
43:Accessible by wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling inside a Banana Stand
We're going back to Neo Tilted again, and heading to the Banana Stand (there's always money in it). This can be found right inside, and will unlock as long as you are wearing the Nana Cape Back Bling!
47:Found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed battlebus
You can find this one just to the west of Lazy Lagoon! It's in the jungle area, it's not too hard to find.
48:Accessible by using the Vox Pickaxe to smash the gnome beside a mountain top throne
We're off to the snow biome, and to the north east of the Happy Hamlet is a mountain. Fly on over to there, and you'll be close to where you need to be. Look for the toilet right between the two big trees, next to it you will find a gnome. Smash that gnome and collect #48!
49:Found in Trog's ice cave
Trog's cave is kind of in the middle of nowhere in the snow biome. It's south west of Polar Peak, and the entrance to the cave is either through a hole from above that's pointed to in the image below, or can be found just southwest of that location. It can be found inside of Trog's wooden hut!
50:Accessible at night time inside mountain top castle ruins
You can find this one on the north west point of the castle that's located on the mountain directly east of Haunted HIlls, under some broken flooring and right near a casket. It's right in the corner of this room, just remember that you have to wait until it is night time in the game to collect it!
51:Accessible by using the Cluck Strut to cross the road in front of Peely's Banana Stand
Head over to Neo Tilted, and the crosswalk will be on the southwest part of town. Use the emote (need to be tier 31), and walk across the street to unlock #51!
52:Accessible with Bot Spray inside a Robot Factory
Be sure you've got your Season 9 Battle Pass to tier 85! You need to have the Bot Spray to unlock this one. It looks like Pressure Plant is going to be churning out some robots, because the "Robot Factory" is located there. In the right side bottom corner of the plant, you'll find #52. Use the Bot spray and it should unlock for you!
53:Accessible by helping to raise the disco ball at an abandoned mountain top villain lair
スノビー ショアーズの東には、大きな構造物が組み込まれた山があります。これは、映画/スーパーヒーローをテーマにしたシーズン中、悪役の隠れ家でした。 Head on over to there.場所は構造物の最下階付近です。 You'll find two platforms, a disco ball, and #53 right in the middle.別のプレーヤーが 2 番目のプラットフォームに移動してその上で踊る必要がありますが、もう一方のプラットフォームで踊ってボールを持ち上げます。 Once it has gotten to the top, you will be able to collect #53!
55:Found within Haunted Hills
You can find this one in the north eastern building in Haunted Hills! It's in the corner near a chest spawn.
58:Accessible by using the Sad Trombone Emote at the north end of Snobby Shores
Head to the northern most house at Snobby Shores. Go out front in the driveway area, and you'll see the Fortbyte in front of a hastily made barrier. Use the Sad Trombone Emote and you'll unlock the Fortbyte!
59:Accessible with Durrr! Emoji inside Pizza Pit restaurant
Over in the new Mega Mall you'll find a huge Uncle Pete's Pizza Pit. Head through the entrance and hang a left. You'll see a door with a no admittance sign right next to it. Go into the room, then hang a right, another right, and you'll see #59 on the floor there!
60:Accessible with Sign Spinner Emote in front of the happy Oink restaurant
いざ、ハッピーハムレットへ! The restaurant can be found in the northern area, there will be a pig sign out in front of it. Make sure you have the Sign Spinner Emote unlocked, you'll need to have your Battle Pass to tier 63! Head on into the kitchen area of the restaurant and use it, this will unlock #60!
61:Accessible by using Sunbird Spray on a frozen waterfall
Head to the unnamed Viking Village that is on the mountain south east of Snobby Shores. Go to the waterfall that is under the huge viking boat.
62:Accessible with the Stratus outfit within an abandoned mansion
You'll need to get your battle pass to tier 71 to unlock the Stratus skin. Equip that and then you can head into the game. The Abandoned Mansion is on the east side of the map and is north of the race track that is in the desert biome.
63:Found somewhere between Lucky Landing and Fatal Fields
We're heading north of Lucky Landing towards and to the gas station that is in the area. #63 is located right in the middle of the gas station pumps.
64:Accessible by Rox on top of Stunt Mountain
On the mountain north west of Neo Tilted you can find #64. You have to be wearing the Rox outfit to unlock it.
65:Found in a basement budget movie set
Head over just west of Shifty Shafts to the southern house of the two to the west. Go inside and then head down to the basement and you will find #65!
67:Accessible by flying the Retaliator Glider through the rings under the southern most Sky Platform
Over near the fork and knife that is north of Fatal Fields is the southern most Sky Platform. Glide on over to that and you should start to see some triangle "rings." 4 つのリングをくぐる必要があります。そのうちの 1 つを逃した場合は、Sky Platform のエア ドラフトを使用して再び空中に飛び出してください!
68:Found within a snowy town book shop
We'll need to head over to the snow biome, and then to the quaint town of Happy Hamlet. We'll find the location of #68 in the north western most building on the SECOND floor .
69:Found inside a stone pig building
To find #69, you'll need to head south east of Lucky Landing. Over near the hills near the town is a giant stone pig! Land on top of the head of the pig, and edit or destroy your way inside.
70:Accessible by skydiving through the rings above Lazy Lagoon with the Vibrant Contrails equipped
Make sure you have the Vibrant contrail equipped, and then fly on over to Lazy Lagoon. You'll only see rings if you've got that contrail, so float through three of them and then #70 will show up in the fourth ring!
72:Found within Salty Springs
There's a bright red truck in the middle of Salty Springs that has apparently been put on its side in some kind of crash. There's some construction stuff surrounding it, and in the cab of the truck you will find #72.
74:Found in a filing cabinet inside an assassin's basement on the desert coast
Your time with John Wick is not over just yet! You will need to go infiltrate his house, that is directly east of Paradise Palms. Head in through the front door and hang a left. Go down the hall, and enter the door on the left to go down into the basement!
75:Found within an airport hanger
Head on over to Frosty Flights to grab this one! Go into the western most airport hanger, and in the very back of it under the metal structure will be #75!
76:Found behind a historical diorama in an insurance building
We're heading to Neo Tilted to collect this one. We're looking for the No Sweat Insurance building, it's directly west of the huge Durrr Burger restaurant. If you go through the front entrance, you'll find #76 on the right, behind the volcano diorama!
77:Found within a track side taco shop
Head to the racetrack in the desert biome. It's to the east of the ice cream shop you visited in the past. Behind the garage area of the taco stand is #77. Break it down, and jump over the counter to easily access it!
78:Found within a Ranger tower overlooking a drained lake
Very close to Loot Lake to the north east is a small wooden tower. It's just north of the small shack and dock that's on the lake.
79:Found within an arcade
We're looking for an arcade, and one can of those can be found in the new Mega Mall POI that replaced Retail Row! Head to the actual mall portion of the area, and on the second floor you should find the arcade. It's pretty obvious, look for all the arcade machines!
80:Accessible by using the Bunker Basher Pickaxe to smash the rock at the highest point of the Volcano Rim
Head on over to the Pressure Plant volcano, but don't go inside the of it! You want to land on the highest point of the Volcano rim. That's on the north side, it's overlooking Sunny Steps.
81:Accessible in the daytime near a mountain top cactus wedge
You'll find #81 located directly under the dinosaur bones. Make sure it is DAYTIME, or it won't show up. Look for the sun to be in the sky.
82:Accessible by solving the pressure plate puzzle NW of The Block
You will need to head north west of The Block in the tree area to unlock this one. You will also need three other players to unlock it. Take a Squad over here if you've got one, or hope you'll find some players that don't shoot you immediately to get it done! Three people will have to continue to stand on the plates, while one grabs the Fortbyte.
If you're absolutely desperate for this one, you can grab three Ballers and place them on the pads to unlock it!
83:Found in a rock garden near the coast
North of Lonely Lodge is kind of a small hill area, and you'll find a small garden in this spot. Up towards the top of this garden and between some rocks is the Fortbyte!
88:Found somewhere within map location J3
Glide on over to J3 on your map, the location is south east of Sunny Steps. This Fortbyte appears to be random, and will spawn in multiple spots in this area!
89:Accessible by flying the Scarlet Strike Glider through the rings east of Snobby Shores
Head on over to the south side of Snobby Shores. The rings should be located between Snobby and the Viking Village. If you have the glider equipped, you'll see rings in this area. Fly through three of them, and the fourth one will have #89 inside of it!
91:Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #4
Head to the ATM in Paradise Palms and you should find yourself #91!それを取得するには、ATM を分解する必要があるかもしれません。
92:Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall
You'll find #92 just south of Pressure Plant. Make sure to have the spray equipped to your favorites for ease of use, it's unlocked at tier 2 in the free battle pass.
94:Accessible by using the Scarlet Scythe Pickaxe to smash a blue canoe under a frozen lake
Demi スキンのロックを解除し、70 Fortbytes を収集するには、ティア 87 まで到達する必要があります。 Once you have both of those, you'll automatically get the Scarlet Scythe. Shifty Shafts の西側には、かつて Greasy Grove があった場所があります。 There's a big building in the middle of the lake, head there to locate #94!屋根を突き破ると、壁に青いカヌーがあります。 If you've got the Scarlet Scythe equipped, smash through it and collect #94.
95:Found at a Solar Array in the Jungle
We're heading just east of the thermal pools that are located north of the map. They are hard to miss, they are the multi-colored little lakes of water that have a bunch of Volcano Vents around them.
97:Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #8
手がかりは、8 週間のチャレンジを完了することで獲得できるロード画面の説明にあります。 「ピーリーとジョンジーはバオ・ブラザーズで初めて会ったが、すぐに彼らが永遠の友達になることを知った.」 You do NOT need to complete the challenges to obtain #97. The Bao Brothers restaurant is over at Lucky Landing! It's located on the second floor near the weight bench.
98:Found within a Viking longhouse
Head on over to the snow mountain with the Viking Village on top of it. This is just south east of Snobby Shores. Head into the northern most large house that is just above the frozen lake.
100:Found on the highest floor of the tallest building in Neo Tilted
Neo Tilted has another to find, and this one is in the northern most building in the town. Just land on the balcony of the highest floor and you'll find #100 right inside!
Additional Fortbytes
While the majority of Fortbytes are found in the game, there's a bunch that can be collected by gaining experience throughout the season, completing challenges and leveling up the tiers in your Battle Pass!
- 01:Awarded for gaining 175,000 XP
- 09:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 5
- 10:Awarded for gaining 60,000 XP
- 15:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 9
- 25:Awarded at Battle Pass Tier 40
- 35:Awarded for gaining 225,000 XP
- 39:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 2
- 42:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 3
- 44:Awarded at Battle Pass Tier 20
- 45:Awarded for completing all Season 9 Weekly Challenges
- 46:Awarded at Battle Pass Tier 100
- 54:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 4
- 56:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 10
- 57:Awarded by finishing top 10 in squads, duos, or solo 25 times
- 66:Awarded by finishing top 10 in squads, duos, or solo 30 times
- 71:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 1
- 73:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 6
- 84:Awarded at Battle Pass Tier 60
- 85:Awarded for gaining 30,000 XP
- 86:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 8
- 87:Awarded by finishing top 10 in squads, duos, or solo 15 times
- 90:Awarded by finishing top 10 in squads, duos, or solo 50 times
- 93:Awarded for completing 6 challenges from Week 7
- 96:Awarded at Battle Pass Tier 80
- 99:Awarded for gaining 125,000 XP
Fortbyte Fully Unlocked Wall
If you're curious what these Fortbytes are hiding, then we've got the full image below. It looks like Bunker Jonesy had lost his mind in his purgatory that was shown in the trailer to Season 9. He appears to painting something in the bunker that him and Peely were inhabiting. You can see at the top right that the cube is shown, so he must be trying to figure out what caused all the craziness that has been happening on the island!