

Minecraft での釣り竿の作り方

早い段階で食べ物を手に入れるためのかなり簡単な方法を探しているなら、釣り竿を手に入れたいと思うでしょう!これらは、持続可能な食料源を得るのに非常に役立ちます。また、運が良ければ、水から興味深いアイテムを捕まえることもできます。このステップバイステップ ガイドでは、Minecraft Survival 1.14、1.15、および 1.16 で釣り竿を作成する方法を見ていきます。

釣り竿は、PE、PS4、PC、iOS、Nintendo Switch、Xbox など、ゲームのすべてのバージョンで作成できます。



Minecraft で釣り竿を手に入れるには、3 本の棒と 2 本のひもというレシピに従うだけです。スティックは手に入れるのは難しくありませんが、ストリングは少し難しい場合があります。

  • ログの収集


  • 木の板を作る

    インベントリを開き、木の丸太をクラフトエリアに置きます。丸太ごとに 4 つの厚板が作成されます。まだ作業台がない場合は、合計で 7 つ必要です。

  • 作業台を作る

    厚板を 4 つ取り、インベントリのクラフト スペースを埋めます。これでクラフトテーブルができあがります!

  • 棒を作る

    今、私たちは2つのスティックに行きます.木の板を 2 つ、クラフト テーブルまたはインベントリのクラフト エリアに配置します。板を積み重ねて 4 本の棒を手に入れましょう。

  • 文字列を取得


  • 鉱山でクモの巣を探す

    If you are near a deserted Mine, then it's possible to find a whole bunch in there. Mines will usually have quite a bit of cobwebs in them, and these can be harvested by hitting them with a sword! If you have a badlands/savanna biome nearby, then you can pretty much always find at least one mine in the area! You will want to be careful though, cave spiders have spawners in caves, so be on the lookout for those!

  • Slay Spiders for String

    The most traditional way you're going to find string is by smacking some spiders around and having them drop it as loot. Wait for night time and look around for them. Their bright red eyes are usually pretty noticeable. Make sure you have a sword with you, and wack them a few times with it and hope for some string!

  • Create the Fishing Rod

    We should now have all the necessary ingredient, so let's put them together in our Crafting Table. Place the three sticks at a diagonal in the 3x3 grid. Then place two pieces of string on the very right in the two empty boxes to make the fishing rod!

  • To catch some fish, just equip your brand new fishing rod and cast out the line into any body of water. Wait for the bobber to go underwater and then reel it in with the same button you cast out with!

    Can you fish in lava in Minecraft?

    Nope, unlike Terraria, you can't fish in lava in Minecraft. If you cast your into lava, your lure will just sink to the bottom. It won't burn the lure, and your fishing rod won't combust!

    Is fishing better in the rain in Minecraft?

    Yes, believe it or not, it is better to fish in the rain in Minecraft! The wait time on catching a fish is reduced by 20% on average. So, that's a pretty nice time saver if you're really looking to catch a lot of fish.

    How do you bait a fishing pole?

    Unfortunately, there is no bait in Minecraft at the moment. The only way to really improve your fishing ability is by adding the Luck of the Sea enchantment to your rod. This will give you a better chance of catching items in the Treasure table. These are things like bows, enchanted books, fishing rods, name tags, nautilus shells, and saddles!